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When people grow older,___________.A.they are better at expressing their feelingsB.they ex

When people grow older,___________.

A.they are better at expressing their feelings

B.they express positive feelings only to their spouses

C.they often try to stay away from friends

D.they hide their feeling better

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Which of the following is true according to the passage?___________A.All women are better

Which of the following is true according to the passage?___________

A.All women are better at recognizing feelings than men.

B.All men are better at recognizing feelings than women.

C.The average men do not like women.

D.Some men are better at expressing themselves than women.



The traditional view holds that__________.A.people become more silent when they grow oldB.

The traditional view holds that__________.

A.people become more silent when they grow old

B.people even seldom express positive feelings to others

C.men are better at expressing their feelings than women

D.women are better at expressing their feelings than men



Which of the following utters a face—threatening feeling?________A.You are not doing well

Which of the following utters a face—threatening feeling?________

A.You are not doing well this time,but you will be OK.

B.Jane always phones her boyfriend at work.

C.You seldom have time even talking to me

D.You look pretty today.Where did you get the smelter?



In our society the unwritten rules of communication discourage the direct expression of mo

st emotions.Count the number of genuine emotional expressions you hear over a two—or—three—day period and you’11 discover that emotional expressions are rare People are generally comfortable making statements of fact and often delight in expressing their opinions,but they rarely disclose how they feel. Not surprisingly,the emotions that people do share directly are usually positive For example,one study of married couples revealed that the partners shared flattering feelings of face—saving ones.They also willingly disclosed both positive and negative feelings about absent third parties.On the other hand,the husbands and wives rarely expressed face—threatening feelings of hostility. Surprisingly,socia’rule:discourge too much of feelings.A hug andrprlslnglY social rules even discourage too much expression of positive fedings A hug and kiss for Mother is all fight,though a young man should shake hands with Dad Affection toward friends becomes less and less frequent as we grow older.so that even a simple statement such as“I like you”is seldom heard between adults. A review of research on emotional expression supports the cultural stereotype of the nonemotional male and the more emotional female As a group,women are more likely than men to express their emotions.They are better at distinguishing between related feelings such as liking and loving,and they are more likely to have more affectionate relationships than men.Of course,these gender differences are statistical average,and there are many men and women who do not fall these types.

Why do people rarely express their feelings?__________

A.Because they would not feel comfortable doing so.

B.Because they like facts better.

C.Because they think personal feeling would distort facts.

D.Because they seldom have positive feelings.



From the authors point of view,the Wi—Fi technology will___________.A.be replaced soonB.be

From the authors point of view,the Wi—Fi technology will___________.

A.be replaced soon

B.be controlled by giant corporations like Apple

C.extend to every home and office

D.become a necessity as a modem



The word“stereotyped”in paragraph 2 means__________.A.characterized by one modelB.made dul

The word“stereotyped”in paragraph 2 means__________.

A.characterized by one model

B.made dull

C.given a personality

D.a kind of sound effect



Which of the following is in agreement with the authors point of view?A.Men and women are

Which of the following is in agreement with the authors point of view?

A.Men and women are completely different as far as emotions are concemed

B.Women are talkative,while men are not.

C.Women are born to be able to identify and express their feelings.while men are not.

D.The gender image described in the best seller is too over-generalized



According to the research,women are by nature more attuned to their own and others’feeling

s,it means that_________.

A.women agree to their own and others’feelings easily

B.women change their own and others’feelings easily

C.women keep their own and others’feelings easily

D.women forget their own and others’feelings easily



What does the last sentence of the first paragraph imply?__________A.The woman must leave

What does the last sentence of the first paragraph imply?__________

A.The woman must leave for a while because the man is angry.

B.When the man is upset,the woman is upset,too.Thus she is advised to go shopping to please herself

C.Man needn’t to be consoled by being talked to,so just leave them alone

D.The man is upset because the woman spends too much money in shopping.



A recent US best seller declared that men and women are so difierent that we must be from

different planets!Men,it was said,can’t talk about their feelings.Thus,the author suggested that when a man is upset,a woman should just go shopping. Well,speaking for the one man I know best,I can say that I feel insulted,underestimated andstereotyped by such misleading generalizations.Not only do I believe the authors premise to befalse but I believe it contributes to the problem by perpetuating a dysfunctional myth.In my experience,men,like women,can talk about their feelings if they are given the words to do so. This myth that men are insensitive is also reinforced through the socialization process.Boys are not supposed to cry,and if they do,they are denigrated with labels,such as sissy,pansy,or much worse,all of which are designed to shame them into acting“manly”.In the man’s wodd one 0f the things boys learn is that the expression of any so-called feminine feelings will quickly bring ridicule,rejection and other forms of social disapproval. Boys are taught to play with injuries and are admired when they endure pain. Men have long been taught to blindly obey in areas as law enforcement,the military and even in some corporations.A man who is trained to kill animals for trophies,to fight bulls for entertainment and t0 kill other humans in battle is a man who has been conditioned to alienate himself from his feelings. And now it seems that women are becoming more like men,rather than vice versa Research shows that women,in general,are by nature more empathetic sensitive and attuned to their own and others’feelings. But I have known some men who are more emotioally sensitive than some women.The preliminary scores on EQ tests also show that there is only a small difference in the composite EQ score From personal experience,Ive found it easy to teach men to identify and express their feelings.And finally,I am living proof that not all men are from Mars 1

In this passage the author might think that________.

A.men are from Mars and women Venus

B. men are taught from early age to behave in a masculine manner to meet social approval

C.more and more men are becoming sissy

D.in EQ tests the two genders score tremendously differentlv

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