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You are required to write about 200 words on the following topic: "Harmonious Dormitory Li

fe in My Mind".

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。 在天地之间活相同的时间,走的路却可能完全不同。有人走得很远,看见很多美妙的景象;有的人却只是幽囚于斗室,至死也不明白世界有多么辽阔远大。 【T2】人类最大的谬误,就是以为社会和政治问题简单得很,所以根本不需要科学方法的严格训练,而只要根据实际经验就可以判断,就可以解决。但是事实却恰好相反。 你不能单靠成功来摆脱嫉妒,因为历史上总是有人比你更成功。【T3】享受你手头的幸福,做你应该做的工作,勿把你所幻想的——也许是完全错误地——比你更幸运的人来和自己比较,这样你才能摆脱嫉妒。 这样充分运用人的聪明智慧来寻求真理,来控制自然,来改变物质以供人使用,来使人的身体免除不必要的辛劳和痛苦,来把人的精神从愚昧和迷信里解放出来,这样的文明是真正的精神文明。




The word "streamline" in Paragraph 2 probably means______.A.strengthenB.simplifyC.ascertai

The word "streamline" in Paragraph 2 probably means______.







It didnt happen overnight. The problem of polluted air has been festering for centuries.

Suddenly the problem of air pollution is becoming critical and is erupting right before our eyes. Not only do our eyes burn as they focus through murky air, but when the air clears, we see trees and vegetation dying. We must realize that this destruction can no longer be pinned to some mysterious cause. The one major culprit is air pollution. Todays air pollution is an unfortunate by-product of the growth of civilization. Civilized man desires goods that require heavy industrialization and mass production. Machines and factories sometimes pollute and taint the air with substances that are dangerous to man and the environment. These substances include radioactive dust, salt spray, herbicide and pesticide aerosols, liquid droplets of acidic matter, gases, and sometimes soil particles. These materials can act alone to irritate objects and forms of life. More dangerously, they join together to act upon the environment. Only lately have we begun recognizing some of their dangerous consequences. Scientists have not yet been able to obtain a complete report on the effects of air pollution on trees. They do know, however, that sulfur dioxide, fluorides, and ozone destroy trees and that individual trees respond differently to the numerous particulate and gaseous pollutants. Sometimes trees growing in a single area under attack by pollutants will show symptoms of injury or will die while their neighbors remain healthy. Scientists believe this difference in response depends on the kind of tree and its genetic makeup. Other factors, such as trees stage of growth and nearness to the pollution source, the amount of pollutant, and the length of the pollution attack also play a part. In short, whether or not a tree dies as a result of air pollution depends on a combination of host and environment factors. For the most part, air pollutants injury trees. To conifers, which have year-round needles, air pollution causes early balding. In this event, trees cannot maintain normal food production levels. Undernourished and weakened, they are open to attack by a host of insects, disease, and other environmental stresses. Death often follows. Air pollution may also cause hardwoods to lose their leaves. Because their leaves are borne only for a portion of the year and are replaced the following year, air pollution injury to hardwoods may not be so severe.

The author attributes todays air pollution to .

A.the growth of civilization

B.man"s carelessness

C.environmental imbalance

D.some mysterious cause



Almost since the beginning of mankind, governments have been recording the numbers of thei

r populace. The first known census report took place in 3800 B. C. in Babylonia for the purpose of deciding who should pay taxes. As time went by, governments found other, more creative uses for knowing their numbers. Egyptian King Ramses II used the census not only to determine who should pay taxes, but also to figure out how to divide land for farming and to decide who could provide manpower for various government projects. Their new ideas came about in the mid-1200s B. C. William, the Conqueror brought the concept of census taking to England in 1085. All landowners were required to name their holdings for the purpose of taxation. By the fifteenth century, Tudor kings found a new twist to the Egyptians use of the census. They too used the population count as a means of getting ready manpower for important government projects — namely, replenishing troops in the ongoing battles in western Europe. A rebellious tide swept over England, however, in the mid-1700s. A bill to authorize a regular census was defeated in Parliament on the grounds that it would give valuable information to Englands enemies. But the tide of rebellion soon turned, and in 1800 England established its first regular census. Meanwhile the United States had already had an ongoing census for ten years. It was authorized in the Constitution for the purpose of deciding how many members of constitutional article also established that the census would be taken in 1790 and every ten years thereafter. And so it has. Since its beginning, the American census has gone through many changes. Today the census provides more than a count of the people who live here. It takes polls on transportation, economic planning, and agriculture. The census also provides data for most government agency statistics, such as the unemployment rate. Counting costs have risen since 1790. The government spent about a penny per person to count post-Revolutionary Americans. Today the census costs $ 250 million — more than a dollar per person. Thats a long way since 3800 B. C.

The first known census report took place in Babylonia in______.


B.1200 B.C.

C.3800 B.C.




Every time a person eats something he makes a nutritional decision. He accepts or rejects

the food available to him at home for meals or snacks. Or he selects food for himself at many places in the community, such as supermarkets, drive-ins, restaurants, and food counters in drugstores. These selections make a difference in how an individual looks, how he feels, and how well he can work and play. When a good assortment of food in appropriate amounts is selected and eaten, the consequences are more likely to be a desirable level of health and enough energy to allow one to be as active as he needs and wants to be. When choices are less than desirable, the consequences are likely to be poor health or limited energy or both. Studies of diets of individuals in the United States show that food selection is a highly individual matter, even among young children. Furthermore, far too many individuals of all ages are making poor choices today and are either now living with the consequences or will be in the future. Nutritionists and workers in allied professions have been concerned about helping people learn to select and enjoy a wide variety of food combination that can add up to a good diet. Most people believe that they are well fed — that the choices they make are good ones. After all, they are not really sick, neither are they hungry. However, their nutrition is usually poor in one respect or another. Milk and milk products, such as cheeses, ice cream or milk, butter milk, and yogurt, are often slighted. Then people may skip many fruits and vegetables, particularly those that are good sources of vitamins A and C. These include dark green, leafy vegetables; deep yellow vegetables; and citrus fruits and vegetables, such as cabbage, tomatoes, and green peppers. Every American has the right to choose to be uninformed about nutrition as well as to be informed. If a person believes that she is well fed, attitudes, habits, and information cannot be forced upon her. There are life situations, however, that tend to cause an individual to want to know how to make the best choices. For example, a young couple is starting a family and must prepare food for young children.

Food preference in America is______.




D.according to ages



Scientists now tend to agree that the noise level for potential hearing loss begins at abo

ut 70 decibels. Some of them are very concerned because normal daily life often exposes people to noise levels of about 70 decibels even inside their homes. Cities have always been noisy, but noise is now spreading to areas that were quiet just a few years ago. Clearly, something must be done or noise will seriously and permanently maim the population. Fortunately, the knowledge and methods to control noise already exist. As a matter of fact, this is one instance where the knowledge of control methods exceeds the knowledge about the effects on human life and on the environment. There are two common means for control. The first is reducing noise at its source, and the second is changing the sound path by distance or by shielding. The second approach is being used more often today as people become more aware of the danger of noise. New building codes require better sound insulation in homes and apartments. More and more towns are passing zoning ordinances that try to segregate noisy factories or airports from residential areas. Sound-absorbent materials and construction designed to block sound paths are slowly coming into use in offices and homes. New highways are being built to redirect traffic noise up and away from nearby areas. Aircraft are increasingly being required to use reduced-power flights around airports. There are many examples of available noise control methods that are not being used. More flexible building codes would permits the use of quieter kinds of plumbing pipes. Sound-absorbent materials can reduce the noise of motors and engines. Power generators can be quieted with baffles, exhaust silencers, and sound absorbers. Truck tires can be made with quieter treads. In many cases, the most of building quieter machines is the same or only slightly higher than that of the current noisy ones. Even though the new jumbo jets, for example, are quieter than the older ones, yet they are more powerful and carry twice as many passengers. All of these methods are only partial measures as noisy levels continue to rise. Most specialists in the field agree that much of the solution must come from eliminating some of the noise at its source, therefore saving through prevention the large costs of hearing loss.

The noise level for possible hearing loss begins at about______.

A.30 decibels

B.70 decibels

C.100 decibels

D.none of the above



It is not long since conditions in the mines were worse than they are now. There are still

【C1】______a few every old women who in their youth have worked【C2】______, with harness round their waists, and a chain【C3】______passed between their legs, crawling on all【C4】______and dragging tugs of coal. They used to go on【C5】______this even when they were pregnant. And【C6】______now, if coal could not be produced without pregnant women dragging it【C7】______and fro, I fancy we should let them do it【C8】______than deprive ourselves of coal. But most of the time, of course, we should【C9】______to forget that they were doing it. It is【C10】______with all types of manual work; it keeps us alive, and we are oblivious of its existence. More than anything【C11】______, perhaps, the miner can stand as the type of manual worker, not only because his work is so exaggeratedly awful, but also because it is so vitally necessary and【C12】______so【C13】______, that we are capable【C14】______forgetting it as we forget the blood in our veins. In【C15】______way it is even humiliating to watch coal miners working. It raises in you a momentary doubt【C16】______your own status as an " intellectual" and a superior person generally. For it is brought【C17】______to you, at least while you are watching, that it is only【C18】______miners sweat their guts out【C19】______superior persons can【C20】______superior.








It______me that the man was not telling the truth.A.affectsB.pokesC.hitsD.stirs

It______me that the man was not telling the truth.







The manager______facts and figures to make it seem that company was prosperous.A.beguiledB

The manager______facts and figures to make it seem that company was prosperous.







They managed to______the sound on TV every time the alleges victims name was spoken.A.dead

They managed to______the sound on TV every time the alleges victims name was spoken.





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