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A recent study examined mens attitudes to women, life goals and gender roles and the findi

ngs indicate that the popular image of men as insensitive, macho slobs has almost disappeared. The report found that modern British men have accepted the feminist revolution and have become more feminine in the process. "Men have turned into metrosexuals." Paradoxically, the term "metrosexual", which is now being embraced by marketers, was coined in the mid-90s to mock everything marketers stand for. Mark Simpson used the word to satirize what he saw as consumerisms toll on traditional masculinity. Men didnt go to shopping malls, buy glossy magazines or load up on grooming products, Mr. Simpson argued, so consumer culture promoted the idea of a sensitive guy — who went to malls, bought magazines and spent freely to improve his personal appearance. Within a few years, British advertisers and newspapers picked up the term. In 2001, Britains Channel Four brought out a show about sensitive guys called "metrosexuality". And in recent years the European media found a metrosexual icon in David Beckham, the English soccer star, who paints his fingernails, braids his hair and poses for gay magazines, all while maintaining a manly profile on the pitch. The challenge of the marketers is still to convince men that it is perfectly normal to groom. What separates the modern-day metrosexual is a care-free attitude toward the inevitable suspicion that a man who dresses well, has good manners, or has opinions on womens fashion is gay. Some metrosexuals may simply be indulging in pursuits they had avoided for fear of being suspected as gay.

According to the text, men______.

A.have rejected the feminist view of themselves

B.accept the need to groom

C.now have new attitudes of themselves and women

D.have adopted many characteristics formerly thought of as women"s

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George Valensis patent lasted until 1971 because______.A.nobody would offer any reward for

George Valensis patent lasted until 1971 because______.

A.nobody would offer any reward for his patent prior to that time

B.his patent could not be put to use for an unusually long time

C.there were not enough TV stations to provide colour programmes

D.the colour TV receiver was not available until that time



By saying that nature "has its own way of purifying water"(Line 5, Para. 3)the author is r

eferring to______.







The housing market has been for two years propping up consumers&39; spirits while the rest

of the economy lies exhausted on the floor, still trying to straggle to its feet. According to the National Association of Realtors, the national median existing-home price ended the year at $ 164, 000, up 7.1 percent from 2001. That&39;s the strongest annual increase since 1980.

Although residential real estate activity makes up less than 8% of total U. S. GDP, a housing market like this one can make the difference between positive and negative growth. Most significantly, consumer spending is 66% of GDP, and the purchase of a new home tends to have an "umbrella effect" on the homeowner&39;s spending as he has to stock it with a washer/dryer, a new big-screen TV, and maybe a swing set for the yard.

The main factor in housing&39;s continued strength is a classic economic example of zero-sum boom: the persistent weakness everywhere else. As the 2003 recovery continues to be more forecast than reality. Falling stock prices raised investor appeal for U. S. Treasury Bonds, which in turn, allowed most interest rates to drift even lower. But there are not many signs that there&39;s a bubble ready to burst.

December&39;s new record in housing starts, for example, was nicely matched by the new record in new home sales. If you build it, they will buy and even if an economic pickup starts to reduce housing&39;s relative attractiveness, there&39;s no reason why modest economic growth and improved consumer mood can&39;t help sustaining housing&39;s strength. "The momentum gained from low mortgage interest rates will carry strong home sales into 2003, with an improving economy offsetting modestly higher mortgage interest rates as the year progresses," said David Lereah, chief economist at the National Association of Realtors.

Just as housing has taken up much of the economic slack for the past two years, both as a comforting investment for fretting consumers and a driver of consumer spending itself, a big bump elsewhere in the economy in 2003 could be housing&39;s downfall. If stocks roar back this spring, capital inflows could steal from the bond market, pushing up long-term interest rates. Or Alan Greenspan and the Fed could do the same to short-term rates, as a way to hit the brakes on a recovery that is heating up too fast. In other words, if every-thing possible goes wrong for housing, homeowners should have plenty to compensate them in terms of job security and income hikes.

The author draws a contrast between the housing market and the rest of the economy to show________

A.the role of real estate activity

B.the statistics on home prices

C.the boom of housing market

D.the degree of consumer spirits



Restrained from the slave-trade—the favorite traffic of the chiefs—A(opposed in) their mar

auding propensity, and threatened by the desertion of their slaves and women, who begin to understand that by flight into the towns of the Republic they can free themselves from the domestic institutions of slavery and polygamy, B( it is not probable that) heathen princes and chiefs would be favorable to the government C(which they imagine is operating) detrimentally in these respects toD( its interest).



We peer out beyond our world to glimpse objects that lie A(at the very edge of) the univer

se, B(stars teetering tantalizingly) on the beginning of time. We peer inward to our own genome, swiftly unraveling the puzzle of C(what tiny bit of) chemical code D(manifests themselves as)appearance, ten-dency, advantage and liability in the marvelous human creature.



The building of the first transcontinental system brought about______.



After 1945 both A(America scholarship) and a resurgence of Marxist thought increasingly pe

netrated European sociology, B( which expanded )considerably. To a growing extent in both the United States and Western Europe, C( the three dominating figures) of Marx, Durkheim, and Weber were recognized as the preeminent classical thinkers of the sociological tradition. D(Their work continued) to influence contemporary sociologists.



The trend to A(empty a library) is being B(driven), academicians and librarians say, by th

e C(dwindling) need for undergraduate libraries, D(many of them) were built when leading research libraries were reserved for graduate students and faculty.



Requirements: The use of mobile telephone has become more and more popular. However, some

people think that despite its convenience.it often causes disturbances in public and interferes people's private lives. Write an essay of about 200 words on this issue to state your own opinion.

In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion with a summary. Marks will be awarded for organization as well as for syntactic variety and appropriate word choice.



democracy imagination different flexibility overcomeonline offer traditional modern regula

democracy imagination different flexibility overcome

online offer traditional modern regular

make possess place perform big

Learning shouldn't be limited to a campus or a classroom anyone. If you have two children and a job, you're just not going to 1 it to a college classroom three nights a week. And then there's the issue of cost. If you don't have the money to go to a 2 college,does that mean that you shouldn't receive an education? Of course not. You should have a shot at the good life,just like anybody else.

The Internet has brought 3 to education. A bachelor's degree or a maser's degree is now available to anybody,anywhere,regardless of a person's position in life. Thanks to the Internet,education is accessible without regard to 4 . You can work toward a bachelor's degree while serving your county on a submarine. And it's accessible without regard to time:You can take courses after your shift ends, even if that's at 2a.m.

What's the 5 obstacle to online earning? It isn't technology. Companies are spending billion of dollars globally to build an online-learning infrastructure that includes undersea cables. And competition among providers is driving price down. The real bottleneck is cultural. What needs to be 6 is resistance to the idea of online learning.

The accreditation of Jones International University in March 1999 was a shot heard around the world Nobody 7 that a totally online university could become accredited. That even has put real pressure on traditional institutions to move into the Thrid Wave. Innovative instructors at institutions worldwide are discovering the potential of the 8 environment to deliver instruction of the highest quality to people who would otherwise have limited 9 to higher education. This is an exciting and challenging time in education.

Simply defined,online education refers to courses 10 via the Internet. The minimum requirement for students to participate in an online course is access to a computer,the Internet,and 11 to succeed in a nontraditional classroom. Online learning systems have 12 the way people can take classes. U-nlike traditional courses in which the students and instructor meet face-to-face once or several times a week,most of the learning activities and communication in an online course are asynchronous, meaning that class members participate in and complete their assignment at 13 times throughout the day and week. This arrangement can make it possible for you to do your class work when it's most convenient for you. However.with this increased freedom and 14 comes responsibility. Without the structure of 15 class meeting, it will be up to you to pace yourself and keep up with assignments.


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