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Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A.Researchers are trying to fi

Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Researchers are trying to find out the secrets to the sleepless elite.

B.Few people qualify to be a member of the sleepless elite group.

C.Drugs are available give people a few extra hours in a day.

D.It is useful to study how to cut sleep without damaging our health.

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It is stated in the passage that the sleepless elite______.A.find themselves easy to becom

It is stated in the passage that the sleepless elite______.

A.find themselves easy to become angry

B.have their way to keep a good shape

C.can do two jobs well in the meantime

D.depend heavily on coffee to refresh themselves



According to this passage, the sleepless elite, ______.A.regard any sleep as a waste of ti

According to this passage, the sleepless elite, ______.

A.regard any sleep as a waste of time

B.are often tired and bad-tempered

C.perform. less well than they usually do

D.sleep less yet remain energetic



If you start each day desperately wishing for an extra hour in bed, the following is likel

y to leave you feeling even more bad-tempered. Scientists have identified a "sleepless elite" — small group of people for whom a lie-in is a waste of time. Rather than being tired, bad-tempered under-achievers, they are an energetic, outgoing and optimistic group who can happily and healthily get by on just four or five shut-eye a night. If that were not irritating enough, they tend to be slim, able to hold down two jobs at the same time, and breeze through their extra-long days without needing caffeine pick-me-ups(咖啡因提神物)or cat naps. Working out how the gene cuts sleep without any obvious impact on health could help in the design of drugs us all a few extra hours in our day. The bad news is that while many of us get by on a few hours sleep a night, just one to three people in 100 qualify to be part of the sleepless elite. The research team is now appealing for members of the lucky group to come forward to allow their DNA to be studied. University of California researcher Ying-Hui Fu said: " My long term goal is to someday learn enough so we can manipulate the sleep pathways without damaging our health. Everybody can use more waking hours, even if you just watch movies. " Many of those who have already volunteered share fascinating characteristics. They are thinner than average, relentlessly upbeat(兴奋)and seem to have a high tolerance for physical pain and psychological set-backs. Researcher Dr. Christopher Jones told the Wall Street Journal: " Typically, at the end of a long-structured phone interview, they will admit they have been texting and surfing the Internet and doing cross-word puzzles at the same time, all on less than six hours of sleep. "

Which of the following could be the title of this passage?

A.The Sleepless Elite.

B.The Impact of Sleep on Health.

C.A New Research on Sleep.

D.Manipulation of Sleep Pathways.



Some Australian mental health groups believe that______.A.most people suffer from mental i

Some Australian mental health groups believe that______.

A.most people suffer from mental illness

B.14 percent of Australians suffer from a sort of illness

C.boys are much more likely to have mental health problems

D.depression is quite common among young people



What is Stephen Robertsons opinion on education kit?A.It is what teachers should consider.

What is Stephen Robertsons opinion on education kit?

A.It is what teachers should consider.

B.It is a matter for ridicule.

C.It should be supported every day.

D.It should be taken seriously by reporters.



It is stated in the passage that the education kit______.A.has triggered an argument in pa

It is stated in the passage that the education kit______.

A.has triggered an argument in parliament

B.has obtained a shared agreement

C.is strongly criticized by the Health Minister

D.has led to serious youth suicide



The "Good Mental Health Rocks" kit is intended to______.A.help teachers to keep their clas

The "Good Mental Health Rocks" kit is intended to______.

A.help teachers to keep their classes in order

B.help teachers to be alert to students" mental health

C.enable teachers to be mentally healthy themselves

D.improve students" social and emotional conditions



Which of the following is NOT offered as an education strategy?A.Focus on students" indivi

Which of the following is NOT offered as an education strategy?

A.Focus on students" individual strengths.

B.Arrange time for peer-tutoring every day.

C.Say sorry to students when needed.

D.Correct students" mistakes whenever possible.



Teachers using red pen to mark students work could be harming their psyche as the color is

too aggressive, according to education strategies drafted by an Australian state government. The "Good Mental Health Rocks" kit, which was distributed this month to about 30 schools in Queensland state, offers strategies such as " Dont mark in red pen(which can be seen as aggressive)—Use a different color. " Other tips include structuring time for peer tutoring every day, apologizing to students when necessary and asking students to conduct a " personal skills audit" where they focus on their individual strengths rather than their weaknesses. The kit, designed to help Queensland teachers address mental health in the classroom, suggests that social and emotional wellbeing has been linked to young peoples schooling, among other things. The education aid has sparked a row in parliament, with deputy opposition leader Mark McArdle calling it "kooky, loony, loopy lefty policies. " But Health Minister Stephen Robertson, whose department devised the kit, said youth suicide was a serious issue. " If mental health professionals determine that as one of a number of strategies teachers should consider, then Ill support them every day of the week," he told reporters recently. "This is not a matter for ridicule, this is serious. " According to some Australian mental health groups, the greatest number of people with mental illness are aged between 18 and 24 years, with 14 percent of Australian children and adolescents suffering from some sort of illness. Boys are slightly more likely to experience mental health problems than girls and depression is one of the most common conditions in young people and increases during adolescence, the website of mental health group Mindframe. said.

Teachers are advised not to mark students work in red pen because______.

A.red color is too eye-catching

B.it may hurt students" feelings

C.it is against the state law

D.colors are too aggressive



Gold prices soared to the highest level on January 25 , 2012 in the US. And the______metal

surged to $ 1,720. 35 an ounce on the London Bullion Market—the highest level since December 9, 2011.





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