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Change—or the ability to adapt oneself to a changing environment—is essential to evolution

. The farmer whose land is required for housing or industry must adapt himself: he can move to another place and master the problems peculiar to it; he can change his occupation, perhaps after a period of training; or he can starve to death. A nation which cannot adapt its trade or defense requirements to meet world conditions faces economic or military disaster. Nothing is fixed and permanently stable. There must be movement forward, which is progress of a sort, or movement backwards, which is decay and deterioration. In this context, tradition can be a force for good or for evil. As long as it offers a guide, it helps the ignorant and the uninformed to take a step forward and, thereby, to adapt themselves to changed circumstances. Tradition, or custom, can guide the hunter as effectively as it can influence the nervous hostess. But if we make an idol (偶像) of tradition, it ceases to become a guide and becomes an obstacle lying across the path of change and progress. If we insist on trying to plot the future by the past, we clearly handicap ourselves and invite failure. The better course is to accept the help which tradition can give, but realizing that it necessarily has its roots in the past, to be well aware of its limitations in a changing world.

According to this passage, which of the following statements is true?

A.To avoid decay and deterioration, we must keep the world permanently stable.

B.The world is always changing, so we must adjust ourselves to new conditions.

C.The important point of evolution is that the world undergoes movement forward and movement backward alternately.

D.Tradition often become an obstacle lying across the path of change and progress.

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"Block patrol (巡逻,巡逻队)," "community watch" "civilian patrol. " They may have dif

ferent names in different cities across the country but they all are civilian volunteer groups that help police department in major metropolitan (大城市的) areas. In the volunteer groups, men and women are trained by local police to watch for potential trouble in their neighborhood. Spotting a suspicious looking vehicle or person can help police to fight crime in the neighborhood. Aside from keeping an eye on the neighborhood, volunteers often perform. other duties. Civilian volunteers may work at parades or other types of gatherings, freeing the police to do their main job—catching criminals. Volunteers in some cities also conduct surveys to make people aware of ways that they can protect themselves from being crime victims. Some volunteers help people to engrave identification numbers on their personal property. Such a number would make the retrieval (追回) of a stolen item easier. Other volunteers watch children who may need help going to and from school. If you are interested in becoming a part of the volunteer group in your area, contact your local police department.

The author is primarily concerned with______.

A.the different duties of police officers

B.crime in major metropolitan areas

C.civilian volunteer groups that help the police

D.how volunteer groups started



The family is a social institution. The importance of the family in an individuals life us

ually depends on the size of the society. In small, primitive (原始的,早期的) societies, the family is the dominant social institution in an individuals life. In larger, more complex societies, other social institutions are created to meet the needs of an individual. There are two basic family structures. The first structure is the extended family. The extended family includes all of an individuals blood relatives, including spouse, children, parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents, cousins, and aunts and uncles. The nuclear family is limited to the basic family nucleus: father, mother, and children. The extended family structure tends to exist in agricultural societies. In such societies family ties serve as a strong source of cultural and societal interaction. The nuclear family structure tends to exist in industrialized societies. In industrial societies, other social institutions (such as religion, education, and government) act as the primary sources of cultural and societal interaction.

Based on the information in the passage, it can be inferred that the extended family is most likely to be found in agricultural societies because______.

A.agricultural societies are larger than industrial societies

B.agricultural societies have fewer social institutions

C.agricultural societies are stronger than industrial societies

D.extended families are less complex than nuclear families



The potential of closed-circuit television and other electronic teaching tools is so great

that it is inspiring to imagine "the school of tomorrow". Televised lesson will be given in a central building having perhaps four or five master studios. The lesson will be carried out into classrooms all over a city, or even an entire country. After a televised lesson has been given, the classroom teacher will take over for the all-important "follow-up" period. The students will ask any troublesome questions, and difficult points will be cleared up through discussion. The teacher in the classroom will have additional electronic tools. On the teachers desk, the traditional bright red apple will have been replaced by a multiple-control panel (控制板) and magnetic tape players. The tape machines will run prerecorded lessons which pupils will follow by headphones. The lesson will be specifically connected closely to the students levels of ability. For instance, while the class as a whole studies history, each student will receive an individual history lesson directed to his particular level of ability. Should questions arise, the students will be able to talk directly to the teacher on individual "intercoms" (对讲装置) without disturbing the rest of the class. In this way, the teacher will be able to conduct as many as three classes at the same time.

The closed-circuit television will probably carry lessons to______.

A.only a single classroom in the school

B.all the schools with classrooms

C.all the classrooms in the world

D.all the classrooms in a city or a country



The record of the past half century has established, I think, the two general principles a

bout human disease. First, it is necessary to know a great deal about underlying mechanisms before one can really act effectively; one had to know that the pneumococcus (肺炎球菌) causes lobar pneumonia (球形肺炎) before one could begin thinking about antibiotics. Second, for every disease there is a single key mechanism that dominates all the others. If one can find it, and think ones way around it, one can control the disorder. This generalization is harder to prove and arguable—it is more like a strong hunch (直觉) than a scientific assertion— but I believe that the record thus far tends to support it. The most complicated, multicell, multi-tissue, and multiorgan diseases I know are tertiary syphilis, chronic tuberculosis, and pernicious anemia. In each, there are at least five major organs and tissues involved, and each appears to be affected by a variety of environmental influences. Before they came under scientific appraisal, each was what we now call a "multifactorial disease. " And yet, When all the necessary facts were in it was clear that by simply switching off one thing—the spirochete, the tubercle bacillus, or a single vitamin deficiency—the whole array of disordered and seemingly unrelated pathological mechanisms could be switched off, at once.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Scientific appraisal shows that multifactorial diseases are often due in part to environmental conditions.

B.In the past half century, scientists have been able to find only a few principles that apply to all diseases.

C.Each disease has single underlying mechanism that must be understood before the disease can be cured.

D.Many diseases that were once life-threatening can now be cured by antibiotics.



Banks are not ordinarily prepared to pay out all accounts; they rely on depositors not to

demand payment all at the same time. If depositors should come to fear that a bank is not sound, that it cannot pay off all its depositors, then that fear might cause all the depositors to appear on the same day. If they did. the bank could not pay all accounts. However, if they did not all appear at once, then there would always be funds to pay those who wanted their money when they wanted it. Mrs. Elsie Vaught has told us of a terrifying bank run that she experienced. One day in December of 1928, several banks failed to open in a city where Mrs. Vaught lived. The other banks anticipated a run the next day, and so the officers of the bank in which Mrs. Vaught worked as a teller had enough funds on hand to pay off as many depositors as might apply. The officers simply instructed the tellers to pay on demand. Next morning a crowd gathered in the bank and on the sidewalk outside. The length of the line convinced many that the bank could not possibly pay off everyone. People began to push and then to fight for places near tellers windows. Clothing was torn and limbs broken, but the jam continued for hours. The power of the panic atmosphere is evident in the fact that two tellers, though they knew that the bank was sound and could pay out all depositors, nevertheless withdrew the funds in their own accounts. Mrs. Vaught says that she had difficulty restraining herself from doing the same.

A bank run occurs when______.

A.a bank is closed for one or more days

B.too many depositors attempt to draw out their money at one time

C.there is not enough money to pay all of its depositors at one time

D.employees of a bank take their own funds out of the bank



Populations tend to grow at an exponential (指数的) rate. This means that they progressive

ly double. As an example of this type of growth rate, take one penny and double it every day for one month. After the first week you would have only 64 cents, but after the fourth week you would have over million dollars. This helps explain why the population has come on "all of a sudden". It took from the beginning of human life to the year 1830 for the population of the earth to reach one billion. That represents a time span of at least two million years. Then it took from 1830 to 1930 for world population to reach 2 billion. The next billion was added by 1960, only thirty years, and in 1979 world population reached 4 billion, which is another billion people in only fifteen years. World population is increasing at a rate of 9 000 per hour, 220 000 per day, 80 million per year. This is not only due to high birth rates, but to lower death rates as well. The number of births has not declined at the same rate as the number of deaths. Some countries, such as Colombia, Thailand, Morocco, Costa Rica, and the Philippines, are doubling their populations about every twenty-one years, with a growth rate of 3. 3 percent a year or more. The United States is doubling its population about every eighty-seven years, with a rate of 0. 8 percent per year. Every time a population doubles, the country involved needs twice as much of everything, including hospitals, schools, resources, food and medicines to care for its people, it is easy to see that this is very difficult to achieve for the more rapidly growing countries.

This passage chiefly discusses______.

A.the growth of world population in recent years

B.one type of the exponential rate

C.the population problem of the more rapidly growing countries

D.the possible ways of dealing with the rapid population growth



The US court system, as part of the federal system of government, is characterized by dual

hierarchies; there are both state and federal courts. Each state has its own system of courts,composed of civil and criminal trial courts, sometimes intermediate courts of appeal, and a state supreme court. The federal court system consists of a series of trial courts (called district courts) serving relatively small geographic regions (there is at least one for every state), a tier (系列, 等级) of circuit (巡回) courts of appeal that hear appeals from many district courts in a particular geographic region, and the Supreme Court of the United States. The two court systems are to some extent overlapping, in that certain kinds of disputes (such as a claim that a state law is in violation of the Constitution) may be initiated in either system. They are also to some extent hierarchical, for the federal system stands above the state system in that litigants (诉讼当事人) (persons engaged in lawsuits) who lose their cases in the state supreme court may appeal their cases to the Supreme Court of the United States. Thus, the typical court case begins in a trial court—a court of general jurisdiction (司法) in the state or federal system. Most cases go no further than the trial court: for example, the criminal defendant is convicted (by a trial or a guilty plea) and sentenced by the court and the case ends; the personal injury suit results in a judgment by a trial court [or an out-of-court settlement by the parties while the court suit is pending (悬而未决的)] and the parties leave the court system. But sometimes the losing party at the trial court care enough about the course that the matter does not end there. In these cases, the "loser" at the trial court may appeal to the next higher court.

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A.Civil and criminal courts.

B.Typical court cases.

C.The court system in US.

D.The appeal court process.



It is often realized that women held a high place in southern European societies in the 10

th and 11th centuries. As a wife, the woman was protected by the setting up of a dowry (嫁妆) or decimum. Admittedly, the purpose of this was to protect her against the risk of desertion (离弃、 抛弃), but in reality its function in the social and family life of the time was much more important. The decimum was the wifes right to receive a tenth of all her husbands property. The wife had the right to withhold consent in all transactions the husband would make. And more than just a right; the documents show that she enjoyed a real power of decision, equal to that of her husband. In no case do the documents indicate any degree of difference in the legal status of husband and wife. The wife shared in the management of her husbands personal property but the opposite was not always true. Women seemed perfectly prepared to defend their own inheritance against husbands who tried to exceed their rights, and on occasion they showed a fine fighting spirit. A case in point is that of Maria Vivas, a Catalan woman of Barcelona. Having agreed with her husband Miro to sell a field she had inherited, for the needs of the household, she insisted on compensation. None being offered, she succeeded in dragging her husband to the scribe (文书,抄写员) to have a contract duly (适时地,正式地) drawn up assigning her a piece of land from Miros personal inheritance. The unfortunate husband was obliged to agree, as the contract says, "for the sake of peace. " Either through dowry or through being hot-tempered, the Catalan wife knew how to win herself, within the context of the family, a powerful economic position.

A decimum was______.

A.the wife"s right to receive one-tenth of her husband"s property

B.a written contract

C.a gift of money to the new husband

D.the wife"s inheritance from her father



Human beings act in a different way from that of animals just because they can speak while

animals cannot. Even the cleverest animals cannot do things which to us seem very simple and which small children, as soon as they learn to talk, would be able to do. A German scientist, who made experiments for many years with big apes, found that his apes could use sticks as tools to pull down bananas which they could not reach. But they only used the stick to get a banana when both the stick and the banana were in view at the same time. If the banana was in front of them and the stick was behind them, they could not use the stick. They could not bear the banana in mind long enough to look around and pick up the stick and then use it. The reason for this is clear. We have words for banana and stick which help us to think about these things when they are not in sight. Even a small child knowing the words "banana" and "stick" has an idea of their relationship and is able to think of "stick" together with "banana" and to remember this long enough to pick the stick from behind and use it on the banana. Unable to speak, animals cannot keep their knowledge of things for long. That is why they often interrupt one line of action to something else and later forget it completely. Human beings, on the other hand, use language and are able to go after one thing continuously and do it with a definite aim.

Human beings and animals act very differently because______.

A.human beings know how to use a stick while animals don"t know

B.human beings can think while animals can"t

C.human beings have a good memory while animals haven"t

D.human beings can speak while animals can"t



For all young Australians who are neither certified as insane nor serving prison sentences

of a year or more, a solemn public duty follows hot on the heels of the excitement of their twenty-first birthday. They must register as voters. Having done so, they cannot, as can some American or English adults if they so wish, then forget all about it—voting is compulsory in Australia. Failure to vote without a "true, valid, and sufficient reason" can result in a fine for an Australian citizen. Australians must vote frequently, too, for in proportion to its size, Australia is a much-governed country. For its ten million persons it has seven parliaments—one for each of six states and one commonwealth, or federal, parliament with representatives from all states. Every adult, unless he lives in one of the two territories that do not have state status, must do his share in electing both state and federal representatives. Whats more, with only one exception, these parliaments have two houses each and comprise among them 701 members. This may seem a great many politicians to govern Australias relatively small population of ten million especially when one considers that 630 members of Britains House of Commons govern forty million people. But just as government in the United States and England developed gradually as the result of events in those two countries, so the Australian system has developed in response to the needs of the nation.

What follows an Australians twenty-first birthday?

A.Termination of any prison sentence.

B.Public solemnity.

C.Voting in a national election.

D.Registration to vote.

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