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Its the holiday season and that means kids by the millions are asking Santa for the oppo

rtunity to blow away enemy soldiers and aliens on the Xbox or PlayStation. Would parents be worried about【M1】______ buying such gifts? Violent video games are now an established part of our culture; recent releases of games such as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Skyrim have setting sales records for media【M2】______ releases(topping even blockbuster movies)and garnishing lavish reviews for their artistic merits. Ten years ago, scholars and politicians raised the possibility such games might contribute to【M3】______ school shootings or other youth violence. Our modern fears over Violent video games appear to be in line with prior moral panics over media as diversely as jazz music,【M4】______ comic books and Harry Potter. Granted, too much passive activity, including video games, can contribute to obesity. Unlike【M5】______ anything else, gaming should be enjoyed in moderation, balanced with outdoor activity, allowed enough time for family and【M6】______ schoolwork. A very small number of kids exhibit signs of pathological gaming. And regarding concerns about aggression, it【M7】______ appears to be that, fairly early on, children learn to distinguish between fantasy and reality, and their brains dont treat these phenomena the same. Santa Claus is a primary example. Despite【M8】______ that not only their parents but all of society conspiring to lie to【M9】______ children about the reality of this fellow, children can reason out the improbability of its existence by the mid-elementary years. With【M10】______ those kinds of reasoning powers, kids can handle a video game that doesnt even claim to be real.


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Management jargon can alienate staff and leave bosses looking untrustworthy and weak, ac

cording to a survey published on Monday. Managers who spoke of "singing from the same hymn sheet" could find themselves sing solo, the survey said. Workers said such phrases【M1】______ as "blue sky thinking", "the helicopter view" and "heads up" could lead to alienation and low moral in the office.【M2】______ The survey, carried out by YouGov to mark the 15th anniversary of Investors in People, a government-backed training initial, found 37【M3】______ percent of the 2,900 questioned believed jargon led to mistrust and encouraged a feeling of inadequacy. Bosses seemed oblivious to the dangers, with more than half, believing it to be harmful. That could【M4】______ explain why workers perceived it to be on rise, with nearly 40 percent【M5】______ believing it was increasingly creeping into office banter. Almost two-thirds of employees would prefer to no jargon at work. Cliches【M6】______ such as "getting our ducks in a row" might just be lining up trouble, though. Nicola Clark, director at Investors in People, said: " Whilst jargon can be useful shorthand at times, managers need to be more alert to when and how they use them."【M7】______ Nearly 40 percent of workers surveyed believed jargon betrayed a lack of confidence, but one in five thought those who used it were【M8】______ untrustworthy or trying to cover something up. "Cutting jargon out of everyday communication is clearly a challenge. Therefore, as our【M9】______ research shows, if used inappropriate, jargon can be an obstacle to【M10】______ understanding, which ultimately can impact on an individuals performance and an organizations productivity."




There is no link, whatsoever, between the producers and users of manpower with the resul

t that institutions of learning, essentially at the secondary, technical, and high levels, are not【M1】______ exactly aware of the end result and use of its manpower output.【M2】______ There has to be a complete synchronization and rapport between the two sets: the producers and the users, happens in most of the【M3】______ countries, including the developing ones. There is no focus on the quality of education in terms of the depth and dimensions of teaching and in terms of syllabi, but technical education does have【M4】______ some quality control. There are rarely any revisions and up gradation of courses either in the light of the changes occurring in the given discipline, nor in terms of the country s manpower【M5】______ requirements. Higher education is basically financed by the Government and that too without any reference to quality and output. It lacks of【M6】______ philanthropic support either from the Non Government Organizations or from the corporate world. In this era of reforms, the time is not far when higher education, funding entirely by the【M7】______ Government, will be tossed into suddenly free and competitive market with sharply increased government funding. It will then be【M8】______ termed as Indias higher education open market, the initial impact on which will be largely negative. It is anticipated that many【M9】______ institutions at that time will get disintegrated, strangled by the loss of resources, ovenvhelming demand for resources that they would【M10】______ fail to provide, and the receivables they would not be able to recover.




The reliance on credit reports in hiring is becoming widespread. A survey by the Society

for Human Resource Management found that 60% of employers do credit checks for at least some positions. The use of credit checks is growing at time when the【M1】______ economy is making it hard for people to keep their records cleanly.【M2】______ Delinquency rates on loans have been arising, according to a report【M3】______ issued last week by the American Bankers Association, driven by a weak job market and rising food and gasoline price.【M4】______ The biggest flaw with the use of credit checks in employment screening is in that it makes it difficult for many good people who【M5】______ need work to find. Employers who do credit checks operate under【M6】______ the assumption that having had trouble paying bills is a character flaw, but there is scant hard evidence to back this down.【M7】______ Many credit problems are due to factors outside of a persons control. Sarah Ford, an attorney with the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, told a House committee last year which【M8】______ credit reports failed to provide insufficient context. "A credit【M9】______ report would not explain that a factory worker lost his job when his employer went out of business," she said. Or that "a mans credit was destroyed so he was the victim of identity theft or a【M10】______ predatory lending scam." Or that "a woman lost her job and her health coverage before developing breast cancer and incurring astronomical medical bills."




Congested cities are fast becoming test tubes for scientists studying the impact of traf

fic fumes on the brain. As roadways choke on traffic, researchers suspect that the tailpipe exhausted【M1】______ from cars and trucks—especially tiny carbon particles already implicated heart disease, cancer and respiratory ailments—may【M2】______ also injure brain cells the key to learning and memory. New【M3】______ public-health studies and laboratory experiments suggest that, at every stage of life, traffic fumes exact a measuring toll on mental【M4】______ capacity, intelligence and emotional stability. Children in areas affected by high levels of emissions, on average, scored more poor on intelligence tests and were more【M5】______ prone to depression, anxiety and attention problems than children growing in cleaner air, separate research teams in New York,【M6】______ Boston, Beijing, and Krakow, Poland, found. And older men and women long exposing to higher levels of traffic-related particles【M7】______ and ozone had memory and reasoning problems effectively added【M8】______ five years to her mental age, other university researchers in Boston【M9】______ reported this year. The emissions may also height the risk of【M10】______ Alzheimers disease and speed the effects of Parkinsons disease. "The evidence is growing that air pollution can affect the brain," says medical epidemiologist Heather Volk at USCs Keck School of Medicine. "We may be starting to realize the effects are broader than we realized."




After graduating from university, some students struggle to go to super cities, such as Be

ijing and Shanghai, while some choose to go back to their hometowns, maybe a provincial capital or a small town. Which do you think is better? Give reasons for your answer. Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Where Would You Go after Graduation?



Some students in the university are men of privilege, for example, the student-athletes co

uld pass the examinations with lower grades; members of the choir could survive the test with poor classroom attendance. Do you agree or disagree the privilege enjoyed by the special group of students? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic; Is the Privilege Class on Campus Acceptable?



Nowadays, many young people are crazy about the TV talent shows. In order to realize their

dreams of becoming famous stars, some of them even give up their study to attend these shows. This phenomenon has caused many parents and teachers concern. What is your opinion? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Should Students Attend the TV Talent Shows?



A phenomenon emerges that an increasing number of on-job people, especially those in their

20 s or early 30 s, return to university out of various reasons. Some people return to school in the hope of temporarily avoiding pressures from current work and life, while others intend to grasp the golden opportunity for self-advancement and improvement before it is too late. How do you think of the phenomenon? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Back to School for Self-Improvement or Shelter?



What does the police investigation reveal about the case?A.The latest case might be drug-r

What does the police investigation reveal about the case?

A.The latest case might be drug-related.

B.The killing might have happened during a robbery.

C.Police officers are more dangerous than civilians.

D.The local police force is not powerful enough.



How many people were killed in the Southern Oaxaca state?A.5.B.8.C.13.D.19.

How many people were killed in the Southern Oaxaca state?





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