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The arsenal of antibiotics strong enough to squelch nasty bacteria is rapidly dwindling

worldwide, which makes worried infectious-disease doctors more intent than ever that the drugs be deployed only when strictly needed.

These specialists know that every antibiotic carries its own risks, and that the more frequently and broadly a drug is used, the more likely it is that harmful microbes will develop tricks to sidestep it. But a team of researchers in the Netherlands, where a more selective use of antibiotics has led to much lower levels of resistant bacteria than are circulating in the United States, thinks the medical finger-waggers have not gone far enough.

"As doctors, we&39;ve paid a lot of attention to questions of which antibiotics we should use to treat what sorts of infections, but have focused much less on how long that treatment should last," said Dr. Jan Prins of the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam.

In a small but provocative study published in the June 10 issue of the British medical journal BMJ, Dr. Prins and colleagues from nine hospitals suggested that even some cases of pneumonia — a potentially life-threatening disease — could be treated with a three-day course of antibiotics, rather than the conventional 7- to 10-day treatment.

The Dutch study analyzed the cure rates of 186 adults who had been hospitalized with mild to moderately severe pneumonia. All received three days of intravenous amoxicillin to start. After that, the 119 who were showing substantial improvement were randomly divided into two groups; about half continued with another five-day course of oral amoxicillin, and the others got look-alike sugar pills. Neither the patients nor the doctors knew who was getting which treatment until the end of their participation in the study.

By the end of treatment, roughly 89 percent of the patients in each group were cured of their lung infections without further intervention. In a commentary accompanying the study, Dr. John Paul, a microbiologist at Sussex County Hospital in Brighton, England, writes that, at least for a subset of patients with uncomplicated, community-acquired pneumonia, the finding "suggests that current guidelines recommending 7-10 days should be revised."

As lead investigator of the Dutch study, Dr. Prins was not ready to go quite that far. He cited the study&39;s small size and the seriousness of the illness as a reason to wait until the finding is independently replicated before advising a wholesale change in practice.

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【英译汉二选一】【试题1】John Kenneth Galbraith, the iconoclastic economist, teacher and diplo


John Kenneth Galbraith, the iconoclastic economist, teacher and diplomat, died Saturday at a hospital in Cambridge, Massachusetts。He was 97.

Mr. Galbraith was one of the most widely read authors in the history of economics; among his 33 books was "The Affluent Society" (1958), one of those rare works that forces a nation to re-examine its values. He wrote fluidly, even on complex topics, and many of his compelling phrases — among them "the affluent society," "conventional wisdom" and "countervailing power" — became part of the language.

An imposing presence, lanky and angular at 6 feet 8 inches tall, Mr. Galbraith was consulted frequently by national leaders, and he gave advice freely, though it may have been ignored as often as it was taken. Mr. Galbraith clearly preferred taking issue with the conventional wisdom he distrusted.

Mr. Galbraith, a revered lecturer for generations of Harvard students, nonetheless always commanded attention.

From the 1930"s to the 1990"s Mr. Galbraith helped define the terms of the national political debate, influencing both the direction of the Democratic Party and the thinking of its leaders.

He tutored Adlai E. Stevenson, the Democratic nominee for president in 1952 and 1956, on Keynesian economics. He advised President John F. Kennedy (often over lobster stew at the Locke-Ober restaurant in their beloved Boston) and served as his ambassador to India.

Though he eventually broke with President Lyndon B. Johnson over the war in Vietnam, he helped conceive of Mr. Johnson"s Great Society program and wrote a major presidential address that outlined its purposes. In 1968, pursuing his opposition to the war, he helped Senator Eugene J. McCarthy seek the Democratic nomination for president.

In the course of his long career, he undertook a number of government assignments, including the organization of price controls in World War II and speechwriting for Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt, Kennedy and Johnson.

He drew on his experiences in government to write three satirical novels. He took on the Harvard economics department with "A Tenured Professor," ridiculing, among others, a certain outspoken character who bore no small resemblance to himself.

At his death, Mr. Galbraith was the emeritus professor of economics at Harvard, where he had taught for most of his career. A popular lecturer, he treated economics as an aspect of society and culture rather than as an arcane discipline of numbers.



The search for eternal youth is no less fervent now than it was 2,000 years ago. People ar

e trying practically anything.







Prof. Clark disregarded the warning from his colleagues and continued his research work.A.

Prof. Clark disregarded the warning from his colleagues and continued his research work.







She had______opportunity to exercise leadership, which she has dreamed of since she was yo








Richard has an______manner, although he comes from a middle-class family background and ha

s received his education at Cambridge.







When the actor appeared on the stage again, shouts and cheers broke______from the crowd an

d continued for about five minutes.








中西部地区地域辽阔、资源丰富、潜力巨大,是中国重要的 战略发展空间、回旋余地和新的经济增长点。实施西部大开发战略10多年取得了显著成绩。我们将以更大的力度推进中西部特别是西部开发开放,搞好规划布局, 完善政策措施,加快大通道建设,大力发展优势特色产业,推进绿色、循环、低碳发展,把资源优势转化为经济优势,支持东部地区部分产业有序向中西部地区转 移,统筹东中西、协调南北方,积极稳妥推进城镇化,发挥城镇化对扩内需、促发展、惠民生的潜力作用。可以相信,随着新一轮西部开发开放向纵深推进,中国经 济将会增添强大活力,也可以逐步解决不平衡不协调不可持续问题。



2012 年是中国经济自 2008 年金融危机以来最困难的一年,中国经济增速 14 年来首次跌破 8%。尽管


全年全国规模以上工业增加值同比增长 10.0%,增速同比回落 3.9 个百分点。2012 年全国规模以上工业企业实现利润 55578 亿元,同比增长 5.3%。其中,国有及国有控股企业实现利润 14163 亿元,同比下降5.1%,而集体企业和私营企业利润则大幅上升,分别上升 7.5%和 20%。这表明我国非公制经济正成为推动国民经济发展的重要力量。




There was, last week, a glimmer of hope in the world food crisis. Expecting a bumper har

vest, Ukraine relaxed restrictions on exports. Overnight, global wheat prices fell by 10 percent.

By contrast, traders in Bangkok quote rice prices around $1,000 a ton, up from $460 two months ago.

Such is the volatility of today’s markets. We do not know how high food prices might go, nor how far they could fall. But one thing is certain: We have gone from an era of plenty to one of scarcity. Experts agree that food prices are not likely to return to the levels the world had grown accustomed to any time soon.

Imagine the situation of those living on less than $1 a day - the “bottom billion,” the poorest of the world’s poor. Most live in Africa, and many might typically spend two-thirds of their income on food.

In Liberia last week, I heard how people have stopped purchasing imported rice by the bag. Instead, they increasingly buy it by the cup, because that’s all they can afford.

Traveling though West Africa, I found good reason for optimism. In Burkina Faso, I saw a government working to import drought resistant seeds and better manage scarce water supplies, helped by nations like Brazil. In Ivory Coast, we saw a women’s cooperative running a chicken farm set up with UN funds. The project generated income - and food - for villagers in ways that can easily be replicated.

Elsewhere, I saw yet another women’s group slowly expanding their local agricultural production, with UN help. Soon they will replace World Food Program rice with their own home-grown produce, sufficient to cover the needs of their school feeding program.

These are home-grown, grass-roots solutions for grass-roots problems - precisely the kind of solutions that Africa needs.



ONE DAY in February 1926 an unknown American writer walked out of a New York snowstorm a

nd into history. An important piece of that history is now in danger of being lost forever, caught in the controversy over the US trade embargo against Cuba.

The unknown writer was Ernest Hemingway, and the New York office he walked into was that of Maxwell Perkins, the most famous American literary editor of his day.

It is difficult to conceive -- 80 years and an incandescent literary career later -- the idea of publishing the 26-year-old Hemingway was a big risk. Hemingway had not yet published a novel. Indeed, his only published fiction consisted of a few short stories and poems, mostly in obscure Paris literary journals.

Yet Mr. Perkins, as Hemingway was to call him for years afterwards, even after they had become close friends, took the risk. On the spot, he offered Hemingway a deal included a generous $1,500 advance on an unfinished, unnamed novel that Perkins had not even seen.

Hemingway and Perkins began a correspondence that lasted for 21 years, until Perkins&39;s death in 1947. A number of those letters are now housed in Cuba, at Finca Vigia, where Hemingway lived longer than anywhere else.

But the house is in danger of collapse.

A group of Americans is trying to save the house and its contents. Yet the US government won&39;t let them.

The Treasury Department recently turned down the Hemingway Preservation Foundation&39;s application for a license to permit its architects, engineers, and consultants to travel to Cuba to research a feasibility study to help the Cubans save Finca Vigia. This denial, which is contrary to the letter and spirit of the law, is being appealed.

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