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France today is no superpower, but French influence in some spheres significant. Nothing

has cemented French influence in the world like the decision made by the victorious World War II powers in 1945 to include France as one of the five permanent, veto-wielding members of the Security Council. Until the end of the Cold War, France rarely found itself in disagreement with Britain or the U.S. on major issues. But the U.N. veto today takes on larger significance as France struggles to decide whether it wants to lead the European Union in defiance of American power or in partnership with it.

As America&39;s great media outlets have begun preparing for coverage of the D-Day celebrations, the question of a "grand gesture" by the French toward the American war in Iraq has been raised. Administration officials hint that, perhaps, just perhaps, the French President will use the occasion of France&39;s rescue as an opportunity to square the accounts — to issue a blanket endorsement of America&39;s plan for Iraq&39;s future and throw its support behind the transfer of power looming at the end of the month. France certainly wants the United States to be successful in Iraq at this point. But France seems unlikely to see D-Day as an opportunity to make good on a 60-year-old debt. Beyond nice speeches and some truly fine cuisine, don&39;t expect France to liberate America from Iraq.

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The effect of governmental expenditures on the total economy varies with both the level

of utilization of labor and capital in the economy at the time of the expenditure, and the segment of the economy which receives the expenditure. If the economy as a whole or the segment of the economy which is the focus of the expenditure is operating at capacity or close to capacity, then the expenditure&39;s major effects will tend to be inflationary, and will not generate much employment of capital and labor. If the economy or sector is operating at much less than full employment, the expenditure will produce a genuine (non-inflationary) rise in the GNP.

A true measure of the effect of governmental increase in the amount of money made available, then, is not the simple dollar value of the initial injection but the cumulative effect of this injection through spending and re-spending. In the optimum case the initial expansion of income flow could be great enough to produce tax revenues in excess of the original "deficit spending" or the "tax cut", so that deficits are not only smaller than the increased GNP but are recouped. In Keynesian economics the fundamental point of government policy clearly is not budget-balancing but spending in the event of unused productive capacity and unemployment. Spending increases productivity. This productivity resulting from federal spending has overwhelmed the older economic myths of the balanced budget where government is conceived of as just another business firm.









Many americans formed their idea of afmily life in the nineteen-fifties. But that kind Ame

rican family has become increasingly less common in the last thirty years.// Beginning in the nineteen-fifties, a wave of social change swept through American life. Almost every American family was affected. Historians say the American family has change more rapidly in the last thirty years than in any other time period. // Social historians say the most far-reaching change in the family has resulted in changes in woment’s work. Amajority of married woment in the United States no longer stay home all day to cook, Clean and raise children. They now have paid jobs outside their homes. // Changes in the family also resulted form changes in marriage traditions. During nineteen-sixties, many young men and women began to live together without being legally married. Some had children. They were a family , but not in the traditional sense. // At the same time, more people ended their marriage if it was unhappy. The rate of divorce in the United States increased by more than three times in about twenty years.



Passage 3 London is one of the world’s great centers for classical and popular culture. it

has enjoyed a reputation for superb theater since the time of Shakespeare in the 16th century. The variety ranges from the majestic Royal National Theatre to the lavish Royal Opera House. The sheer number of symphony orchestras is impressive and includes the London Symphony Orchestra, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and the English Chamber Orchestra. // Some of the most well-known concert halls in the world, such as the Royal Festival Hall, provide favorable venues for the cornucopia of performances in London. London itself is a living museum, with more than 2,000 years of history and culture. But it also boasts one of the greatest concentrations of significant museums (more than 100) of any city in the world. The jewel in this cultural crown is the British Museum, with 4 kilometers of galleries and more than 4 million exhibits.//



The Brexit might possibly cause potential damage to the UK’s reputation as a destination f

or top-flight researchers. Also at stake is European funding for the UK’s research universities, which totals more than a billion pounds per year. The UK’s departure from the EU may also diminish the country’s role in influencing the union’s research plans. “In almost every area of science now, you can’t be a lone wolf and do it on your own.” says Philip Jones, research director of the university of East Anglia. “You have to work with others. And the EU provides the potential.”



American mythology loves nothing more than the reluctant hero: the man -- it is usually

a man -- whose natural talents have destined him for more than obliging obscurity. George Washington, we are told, was a leader who would have preferred to have been a farmer. Thomas Jefferson, a writer. Martin Luther King, Jr., a preacher. These men were roused from lives of perfunctory achievement, our legends have it, not because they chose their own exceptionalism, but because we, the people, chose it for them. We -- seeing greatness in them that they were too humble to observe themselves -- conferred on them uncommon paths. Historical circumstance became its own call of duty, and the logic of democracy proved itself through the answer.

Neil Armstrong was a hero of this stripe: constitutionally humble, circumstantially noble. Nearly every obituary written for him has made a point of emphasizing his sense of privacy, his sense of humility, his sense of the ironic ordinary. And yet every aspect of Armstrong’ s life made clear: On that day in 1969, he acted on our behalf, out of a sense of mission that was communal rather than personal. The reluctant hero is also the self-sacrificing hero.



On behalf of all the membership of the United Nations, I hereby reaffirm the role of thi

s international organization. When ti was created more than 60 years ago, the United Nations reflected humanity’s greatest hopes for a just and peaceful global community. It still embodies that dream. We remain the only world institution with the legitinacy and scope that derive from global membership, and a mandate that encompasses development, secutiry and human rights as well as the envoronment.

I restate that we are an organization without independent military capability, and we dispose of relatively modest resources in the economic realm. Yet our influence and impact on the world is far greater than many believe to be the case, and often more than we ourselves realize. This influence derives not from any exercise of power, but from the force of the values we represent. Among these values are the maintenance of the world order and the establishment of world harmony.








早在周朝时期,筷子便被人们用来夹取荤、蔬菜,而米饭在那时则用手来取食。| 全国各地的筷子大小基本一样,而所用的材料的种类则各有不同,所选材料有竹子、木材、漆器、玉石、象牙、塑料、吕、银、金等。特长的竹筷通常用于厨房中。| 中国人使用筷子的方法很有艺术性,各人有各人的方法,就好像签名一样,不尽一致。中国人一般都能随心所欲的用筷子夹起一粒米饭,一粒豌豆,一只滑溜溜的蘑菇或海参。| 使用筷子时,要把一双筷子夹在大拇指和食指之间。要点是让其中的一根筷子保持不动,活动另一根筷子,以便能像钳子一样夹取食物。|



香港中文大学,简称“中大”,成立于1963 年。中大是一所研究型综合大学,以“结合传统与现代,融汇中国

与西方”为创校使命。| 40 多年来,中大一直致力于弘扬中华传统文化,坚持双语教育,并推行独特的书院制度,在香港教育界卓然而立。中大校园占地134 公顷,是世界上最美丽的校园之一。| 中大的师生来自世界各地。有教职员工5200 多人、近万名本科生、约2000 多名研究生,其中约2500 多人来自45 个不同的国家和地区。| 中大实行灵活的学分制,不仅有助于培养有专有博的人才,而且还赋予学生更大的学习自主权。中大的多元教育有助于充分发挥每一个学生的潜能。|

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