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Which of the following best describes the author's attitude towards computer?A.enthusiasti

Which of the following best describes the author's attitude towards computer?





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The author sees the computer as ________.A.a substitute for human intelligenceB.a means to

The author sees the computer as ________.

A.a substitute for human intelligence

B.a means to help people reach concrete answers

C.something that can inspire people to ask fundamental questions

D.something that is of merely subsidiary function



By saying that "Facts are terrible things if left spreading and unattended", the author ai

ms to ________.

A.point out that the abundance of facts may be harmful to human intellect

B.illustrate the necessity of always attending to facts

C.show the importance of using human judgment in the computerized age

D.tell that facts are always irrelevant and needed to be connected



In a computerized age, which one of the following should be given priority to?A.Data.B.Wis

In a computerized age, which one of the following should be given priority to?







Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

The essential problem of man in a computerized age remains the same as it has always been. That problem is not solely how to be more productive, more comfortable, but how to be more sensitive, more sensible, more alive. The computer makes possible a gigantic leap in human proficiency; it demolishes the fences around the practical and even the theoretical intelligence. But the question persists and indeed grows whether the computer will make it easier or harder for human beings to know how they really are, to identify their real problems, to respond more fully to beauty, to place adequate value on life, and to make their world safer than it is now.

Electronic brains can reduce the profusion (繁多) of dead ends involved in research. But they can't connect a man to the things he has to be connected to.. the reality of pain in others; the possibilities of creative growth in himself; the memory of the race and the rights of the next generation.

The reason why these matters are important in a computerized age is that there may be a tendency to mistake data for wisdom, just as there has always been a tendency to confuse logic with values, and intelligence with insight. Unobstructed access to facts can produce unlimited good only if it is matched by the desire and ability to find out what they mean and where they would lead.

Facts are terrible things if left spreading and unattended. They are too easily regarded as evaluated certainties rather than as the rawest of raw materials trying to be processed into the texture of logic. It requires a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of a fact. The computer can provide a correct number, but it may be an irrelevant number until judgment is pronounced.

To the extent, then, that man fails to make the distinction between the intermediate operations of electronic intelligence and the ultimate responsibilities of human decision and conscience, the computer could prove an irrelevance. It could obscure man's awareness of the need to come to terms with himself. It may foster the illusion that he is asking fundamental questions when actually he is asking only functional ones. It may be regarded as a substitute for intelligence instead of an extension of it. It may promote undue confidence in concrete answers.

If we begin with certainties, we shall end in doubts, but if we begin with doubts, and we are patient with them, we shall end in certainties.

Form. the first two paragraphs we may infer that the author thinks one of the computer's limitations is that ________.

A.it can not improve human proficiency

B.it is not creative and productive enough

C.it fails to break the boundary of the practical and theoretical intelligence

D.it fails to make people more alert to real problems in human society



A.Findings of two studiesB.Understanding of women and their sense of smellC.Smell and

A.Findings of two studies

B.Understanding of women and their sense of smell

C.Smell and gene

D.Smell experiments



A.It is said that they am more careful with smells.B.It is reported that they are more

A.It is said that they am more careful with smells.

B.It is reported that they are more sentimental.

C.It seems to be connected with hormones produced by women.

D.It is linked with the substances in the T-shirts.



A.Men and women were equally good at identifying smellsB.Girls were better at identify

A.Men and women were equally good at identifying smells

B.Girls were better at identifying smells than women

C.Old women were better at identifying smells than women

D.Women could be better in recognizing smells by smelling them repeatedly



听力原文:Two new American studies are adding to our understanding of women and their sense

听力原文: Two new American studies are adding to our understanding of women and their sense of smell. The first study showed that women appear to like the smell of men whose genes are similar to the women's fathers. Scientists at the University of Chicago hi Illinois described their experiment in Nature Genetics magazine.

The scientists asked a group of forty-nine women to smell several boxes. Each box had a different smell. The women were asked which box they would choose if they had to smell it all the time. They were not told what each box contained. The ten boxes contained pieces of clothing called T-shirts. Some of the T-shirts contained a common smell of a substance found around the house. Each of the other six T-shirts had been worn by a man for two days. The scientists found that the women did not choose smells of men with genes totally similar to their own. However, women generally liked the smell of men whose M-H-C genes were similar to the genes that were passed to the women from their fathers. There was no such relationship between a woman and genes from her mother.

A second study found that women can improve their ability to recognize smells by smelling them repeatedly. Scientists at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, organized this study. The scientists found that men and women were equally good at identifying a number of smells at the start of testing. However, the women became better at recognizing smells the more they were tested. This was not true for men, boys, girls or older women. Scientists suggest that this ability may be linked to substances called hormones produced by women.


A.The smell of men with genes totally similar to their own

B.The smell of men whose genes are similar to the women's fathers

C.The smell of men whose genes are similar to the women's mothers

D.a common smell



A.There may exist some intelligent life.B.There isn't any intelligent life.C.There may

A.There may exist some intelligent life.

B.There isn't any intelligent life.

C.There may exist some living things.

D.There may even be no living things.



听力原文:Astronomers have spent hundreds of years searching for signs of life on other pla

听力原文: Astronomers have spent hundreds of years searching for signs of life on other planets, using telescopes. When they saw the geography of Mars, they thought they could see canals and that this might be evidence of intelligent life on the planet. More recently, however, spacecraft have been sent to analyze the soil for signs of life. The results were negative and astronomers are now convinced that no life exists on the surface of any other planet in our solar system. To send a spacecraft far beyond our solar system is not realistic because of the huge distances involved.

The only way we are likely to know of its existence is from radio messages unless life comes and visits us. Listening for intelligent life is not a new idea, but the techniques now being used to offer much better chance of success than before. Looking for evidence of life in other solar systems now means using special radio receivers called radio telescopes to listen out for messages. The assumption is that intelligent forms of life would have discovered radio waves and would, like us, be using them to communicate.

Through its research work, astronomers have developed two means of systematically searching for intelligent life. The first method is to select the closet 800 stars like our sun and to direct a radio telescope to scan each one of them for electromagnetic waves. The second way is to survey the entire sky, listening for continuous signals. All this, as well as the chance of discovering that maybe we are not alone in the universe!


A.Intelligent life.

B.Canals of some kind.

C.Signs of life.

D.Natural resources.

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