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Later reports suggested that her attacker, an eastern German, was a fan of her German tennis rival, Steffi Graf, and had wanted to stop Seles from playing. 译文:后来的报道称, 袭击她的是一个东德人,是她的对手——德国网球选手格拉夫——的球迷, 袭击塞莱斯是为了阻止她打球。()

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更多“Later reports suggested that h…”相关的问题


It is suggested that modem societies differ from traditional societies in thatA.mother bri

It is suggested that modem societies differ from traditional societies in that

A.mother brings up children with the help of her husband in traditional societies

B.a child more often grows up with his / her brothers or sisters in traditional societies

C.the parents-child relationship is more exclusive in modem societies

D.children in modem societies are more likely to develop mental illness in later years



It is suggested that modem societies differ from traditional societies in thatA. mother br

It is suggested that modem societies differ from traditional societies in that

A. mother brings up children with the help of her husband in traditional societies

B. a child more often grows up with his / her brothers or sisters in traditional societies

C. the parents-child relationship is more exclusive in modem societies

D. children in modem societies are more likely to develop mental illness in later years



It is suggested that modem societies differ from traditional societies in thatA.the parent

It is suggested that modem societies differ from traditional societies in that

A.the parents-child relationship is more exclusive in modem societies.

B.a child more often grows up with his/her brothers or sisters in traditional societies.

C.mother brings up children with the help of her husband in traditional societies.

D.children in modem societies are more likely to develop mental illness in later years.



It is suggested that modern societies differ from traditional societies in that

A.the parents-child relationship is more exclusive in modern societies.

B.a child more often grows up with his/her brothers or sisters in traditional societies.

C.mother brings up children with the help of her husband in traditional societies.

D.children in modern societies are more likely to develop mental illness in later years.



听力原文:Japanese Foreign Minister Makiko Tanaka is reported to have voiced concerns over

听力原文: Japanese Foreign Minister Makiko Tanaka is reported to have voiced concerns over Washington’s plan for a missile defense system.

Japanese news reports Friday said Ms. Tanaka told Italian Foreign Minister Lamberto Dini in Beijing last Friday that she was concerned about U.S. plans to deploy missile defenses.

The reports said she also suggested that Japan and Europe must cooperate in urging Washington to show caution about the plan.

If the remarks are confirmed, it would put Ms. Tanaka at odds with Tokyo’s official position that it "under-stands" Washington’s plan to develop the National Missile Defense project.

Washington says the system is needed to protect the United States and its allies from attack by so-called rogue nations.

To whom did Ms. Tonaka tell about her idea?

A.Chinese Foreign Minister.

B.U.S. State Secretary.

C.Italy Foreign Minister.

D.Japanese Foreign Minister.



听力原文: Japanese Foreign Minister Makiko Tanaka is reported to have voiced concerns over
Washington's plan for a missile defense system.

Japanese news reports Friday said Ms. Tanaka told Italian Foreign Minister Lamberto Dini in Beijing last Friday that she was concerned about U.S. plans to deploy missile defenses.

The reports said she also suggested that Japan and Europe must cooperate in urging Washington to show caution about the plan.

If the remarks are confirmed, it would put Ms. Tanaka at odds with Tokyo's official position that it "understands" Washington's plan to develop the National Missile Defense project.

Washington says the system is needed to protect the United States and its allies from attack by so-called rogue nations.

To whom did Ms. Tonaka tell about her idea?

A.Chinese Foreign Minister.

B.U.S. State Secretary.

C.Italy Foreign Minister.

D.Japanese Foreign Minister.



听力原文:Japanese Foreign Minister Makiko Tanaka is reported to have voiced concerns over

听力原文: Japanese Foreign Minister Makiko Tanaka is reported to have voiced concerns over Washington’s plan for a missile defense system,

Japanese news reports Friday said Ms. Tanaka told Italian Foreign Minister Lamberto Dana in Beijing last Friday that she was concerned about U. S. plans to deploy missile defenses.

The reports said she also suggested that Japan and Europe must cooperate in urging Washington to show caution about the plan.

If the remarks are confirmed, it would put Ms. Tanaka at odds with Tokyo's official position that it "understands" Washington’s plan to develop the National Missile Defense project,

Washington lays the system is needed to protect the United States and its allies from attack by so-called rogue nations.

To whom did Ms, Tanaka tell about her idea?

A.Chinese Foreign Minister,

B.U. S. State Secretary.

C.Italy Foreign Minister.

D.Japanese Foreign Minister,



SECTION CNEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Lis


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.

听力原文: The US State Department says Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will visit the Middle East and Africa in an overseas trip beginning July 16th. She will meet Israeli and Palestinian leaders and attend a trade conference in the Ghanaian capital, Accra. Rice's trip to the Middle East will be her fifth to the region this year, but her first since the militant Islam-ic group Hamas muted forces of the mainstream Fatah movement last month and seized control of the Gaza strip. The victory of Hamas, which the United States lists as a terrorist organization, dealt a blow to efforts by the Bush administration to shore up the position of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah, who unlike Hamas recognizes Israel and supports a two-state settlement of the Middle East conflict. An official here said Rice will meet Mr. Abbas in Ramallah, and israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in Jerusalem, at the start of the five-day overseas trip that begins July 16th. There have been press reports that Rice may also at-tend a meeting in Egypt of the Middle East Quartet, a grouping that includes the United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations and which has been trying to promote a settlement based on its 2003 "road map" for peace.

Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

A.It's Rice' s fourth trip to the Middle East and Africa this year.

B.The Bush administration Wok a neutral stand after Hamas controlled Gaza strip.

C.Rice will meet both Palestinian President and Israeli Prime Minister.

D.Rice may attend a meeting in Jerusalem of the Middle East Quartet.



Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each p

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

听力原文: The romance and marriage of Elizabeth Barrett to Robert Browning inspired some of the greatest love poems written in the English language. Elizabeth, without a doubt the greatest woman poet of the Victorian period, was born in Durham County, England, in 1806. Her first important publication was The Seraphim and Other Poems which appeared in 1838.

By 1843, she was so widely recognized that her name was suggested to replace the late Poet Laureate as the official national poet of England. In part because the ruler was a woman, there was great support for a movement to break with the tradition of a male Poet Laureate. Nevertheless, she lost the competition to William Wordsworth.

A short time later, she married Robert Browning, himself a gifted poet, and they fled to Florence, Italy. A play, The Barrens of Wimpole Street, recounts their confrontation with Elizabeth's father and their eventual elopement against his wishes.

While living in Florence, their only son was born. A year later, in 1850, Elizabeth published her collected works, along with a volume of new poems entitled Sonnets from the Portuguese, so named because her husband often called her his "Portuguese". Aurora Leigh, her longest work, appeared in 1856, only five years before her death in Italy in 1861.


A.Elizabeth Barrett.

B.Robert Browning.

C.Durham Country

D.William Wordsworth.



Look at the four squares, A, B, C, and D, which indicate where the following sentence coul
d be added to the passage.Where would the sentence best fit?

Her later paintings applied the same intensity to the deep forests of British Columbia as did her earlier works.

ACarr began to receive national recognition in 1927.At her first major exhibition outside of British Columbia, her paintings were shown in Toronto along with those of the Group of Seven.Carr met some of the Group when she traveled east for the show, and she liked what she saw of their work, especially the paintings of Lawren Harris.B She eventually became a close friend of Harris and other prominent Canadian artists who treated her as a kindred spirit. CThe Toronto exhibition was a turning point for Carr, establishing her reputation as a leading figure in Canadian art.Encouraged by Harris, Carr revisited her earlier themes, creating the monumental paintings of totem poles that are her best-known works.D She combined modernism with aboriginal form. and color to create a powerful and unique visual landscape that captured the transcendental qualities of the wilderness.

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