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The UK could spend two years or more negotiating the terms of its divorce from the 28-memb

er economic and political bloc. In that time, the country will have to work through many difficult questions about what the separation means for scientists and for global science policy. The breakup engenders concerns that the UK could suffer a brain drain, either because their funding suffers or because the loss of the EU guarantee of free movement across member states causes scientists to lose their status in the UK, or to not feel welcome.



By most reasonable measures, reports of America’s declining power relative to the rest o

f the world have consistently proved premature. The American economy increasingly seems to be on an upswing. The United States remains among the world’s safest and most attractive investments. The shale gas revolution is transforming the country into an energy giant of the future. The dollar, once slated for oblivion, seems destined to remain the world’s reserve currency for some time to come. American military power, even amidst current budget cuts, remains unmatched both in quantity and quality.

Meanwhile, the anticipated “rise of the rest,” which other declinists celebrated a few years ago, has failed to materialize as expected. For all America’s problems at home – the fiscal crisis, political gridlock, intense partisanship, and weak presidential leadership – other great powers, from China to India to Russia to the EU, quite clearly have debilitating problems of their own, which in some cases promise to grow more severe in the years to come. Overall, the much-heralded return of a multipolar world of roughly equal great powers, as existed before World War II, has been delayed for at least a few more decades. In the absence of some unexpected dramatic change, for the foreseeable future, the international system will continue to be that of one superpower and several great powers, or as the late Samuel P. Huntington once called it, “uni-multipolarity.”




各族人民可解骨肉分离之痛,在台诸前辈及大陆去台人员亦可各得其所, 且有利于亚太地区局势稳定和世界和平。 当今国际风云变幻莫测,台湾上下众议纷纭。岁月不居,来日苦短, 长梦多,时不我与。试为贵党计,如能依时顺势,负起历史责任,毅然和谈,达成国家统一,则两党长 期共存,互相监督,共图振兴中华之大业。



【原文】中国加入世界贸易组织的谈判已经进行了15 年。中国的立场始终如一。加入世界贸易组织后,中





以老庄为代表的道家学说,以及其他许多也在中国思想史上有地位的学说和学派。这就是有名的诸子百家。 从孔夫子到孙中山,中华民族的传统文化有它的许多珍品,许多人民性和民主性的好东西。比如,强调仁爱、强调群体、强调天下为公,特别是“天下兴亡,匹夫有责”的爱国情操和吃苦耐劳、勤俭持家、尊师重教的传统美德。所有这些,对家庭、对国家和社会都起到了巨大的维系和调节作用。








欢迎的传统表演活动,叫踩高跷。| 现在,随着生活水平的不断提高,人们采用了新的方式庆祝新年。但不管庆祝方式怎么变,春节的精华不会变,那就是为了祈求新年吉祥如意。| 家家户户都会打扫的干干净净,门上都会贴上对联,人人都会穿上新衣裳,拿出最精美的食物,团聚在一起,互道吉利,表示祝贺。| 最重要的是,春节是一个合家欢聚的日子,出门在外的人总要想方设法在除夕夜到来之前赶回家,吃上一年中最重要的一段饭——“团圆饭”。|




了更高的要求。| 随着政府职能的转变,原来由政府包揽的许多社会服务工作,有相当一部分将逐步转移到社会团体和民间组织。| 一方面,政府的宏观管理责任将会变得更加重大。另一方面,社会团体和民间组织有必要参与更多的社区服务工作。| 这样就提出一个课题:政府和社会团体如何密切合作,如何分工协作,更好地推进社区服务事业。|







标题:Gatsby, literature’s party animal, turns 90I was in high school when I first fell for

标题:Gatsby, literature’s party animal, turns 90

I was in high school when I first fell for Gatsby, who turns 90 today — an “old sport” by any measure. He was 50 even then, but he appeared to me as Robert Redford in a pink Ralph Lauren suit and those “shirts of sheer linen and thick silk and fine flannel” that set Daisy sobbing in Chapter 5. How could a freckle-faced, Catholic-raised virgin resist that kind of bad boy: rich and handsome, with the best party house in town, even if he never did mingle?

Gatsby seems the kind of guy who would always have been popular. But the truth is more complicated. “The Great Gatsby” was published on April 10, 1925. Max Perkins, F. Scott Fitzgerald&39;s editor, thought it a masterpiece. The then-29-year-old Fitzgerald wrote of the novel before it was published, “It represents about a year&39;s work and I think it&39;s about ten years better than anything I&39;ve done.”

And it did receive some praise in its early days, for sure. The New York Times called it “a curious book, a mystical, glamorous story of today.” But others weren&39;t enamored. The New York World ran a review under the headline “F. Scott Fitzgerald&39;s Latest a Dud” (ouch!), and Perkins wrote at the time that so many people attacked him over the book that he felt “bruised.”

Sales were lackluster too. The first printing of Fitzgerald&39;s debut novel, “This Side of Paradise,” had sold out in days, and Charles Scribner&39;s Sons went back to press 11 more times in two years to sell almost 50,000 copies. Fitzgerald&39;s follow-up, “The Beautiful and the Damned,” also sold well enough to put 50,000 copies into print. But the 20,000-copy first run of “The Great Gatsby” was followed by a mere 3,000 second print run, and no third. “Gatsby” was never out of print in the years before Fitzgerald died — at age 44, 15 years after its publication — only because Scribner&39;s still had unsold copies from those first two printings.

In fall 1940, Fitzgerald, writing to his wife, Zelda, of a new novel he was working on, lamented, “I don&39;t suppose anyone will be much interested in what I have to say this time and it may be the last novel I&39;ll ever write.” The last Scribner&39;s royalty check before he died that December was for $13.13.

Fitzgerald&39;s friend, the literary and social critic Edmund Wilson — who said of Fitzgerald&39;s death that he “felt robbed of some part of my own personality” — helped with the posthumous publication of Fitzgerald&39;s unfinished “The Last Tycoon.” He and Perkins, together with other Fitzgerald friends and fans, worked to keep critical attention on Fitzgerald&39;s work. Without them, “Gatsby” might have disappeared altogether from the American literary canon.

It was World War II, though, that gave “The Great Gatsby” a real boost in readership. As the war came to a close, 150,000 pocket-sized “Armed Service Edition” paperbacks were sent to soldiers, men who were perhaps left dreaming of swapping their uniforms for all those monogrammed shirts, and almost certainly of Daisy.

How the almost-forgotten novel ended up being chosen for this distribution isn&39;t clear. Maureen Corrigan, in her book about “Gatsby,” “So We Read On,” speculates that Nicholas Wreden, a member of the book industry&39;s Council on Books in Wartime who also happened to be the manager of Scribner&39;s bookstore, may have had a hand in it, a hand perhaps guided by Perkins. The cover of the soldiers&39; edition, in selling Gatsby as “the greatest of the ‘racketeers&39; in American fiction,” may have led some to open it expecting Dashiell Hammett. That idea was perpetuated by the movie tie-in edition released by Bantam a few years later; on its cover, Howard Da Silva, as the character George Wilson, points a gun at a bare-chested and very buff Alan Ladd as Gatsby — a paperback that was reprinted five times by 1954.

The Bantam success influenced Scribner&39;s reissue of the novel, first in collected-work volumes, then in a 1957 student paperback. Sales of the latter — designed for baby boomers needing something beyond textbook excerpts to test their literary mettle — rose from 12,000 in its first year to 36,000 in 1958, 100,000 each year by 1960, and three times that before Robert Redford donned that pink Lauren suit.

Were students reading “Gatsby” because of its literary heft or because it was teachable? Likely both, but in any event the result was an explosion of scholarly analysis paralleling the growth in sales and the dawning recognition of an American classic. This week, 90 years after its publication, “The Great Gatsby” is a phenomenon, having spent 476 weeks — more than nine years in total — on one national bestseller list, and “timed out” of most of the others. Internationally it has sold more than 25 million copies. It&39;s impossible to say how many scholarly articles it has given rise to, but a Google search of “Gatsby” returns 34 million hits.

Happy 90th, Old Sport. And many more.

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