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He is a man obsessed by himself. Not the slightest interest would he have unless it is a m

atter or people concerning him. To him, his existence is not just an evidence of human excellence, but the proof of the only living spirit in this world. As a self proclaimed mastermind of drama, philosophy and music, he talks as if he was a very incarnation of Shakespeare, Plato and Beethoven at the same time. You can't miss it when he talks, for he would express himself tirelessly by any chance he could get. A night spent with him is a night for monologue. He is equally brilliant and boring, for his arguments, no matter tactfully sharp or excessively dull, would subsequently relate to one theme: himself, his thoughts and actions.

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A(For) all the fretting about outsourcing and B(trade deficits) in the United States, MTV

offers a C(highly-end) case study in how to export what seems, at first glance, to be D(a uniquely American brand.)



The work confirms hints A(that) had already been emerging in the scientific literature in

recent years that p53 and related proteins might play an important role in life, but the new paper is B(far more detailed)—and, scifientists say, more compelling—C(that) anything D(published previously).



Earthquakes 【S1】At two minutes to noon in September 1 of 1923, the great clock in Tgkyo st


【S1】At two minutes to noon in September 1 of 1923, the great clock in Tgkyo stopped.【S2】 Tokyo Bay shook as if huge rug had been pulled from under it. 【S3】Towered above the bay, the 4,000 meter Mount Full stood above a deep trench in the sea. 【S4】It was from this trench where the earthquake came, at a magnitude of 8.3 on the Richter scale.

Huge waves swept over the city. 【S5】Boats were driven inland, and buildings and people were dragged out sea. 【S6】The tremors dislodged part of a hillside, which gave way, brushing trains, stations and bodies the water below. 【S7】Three massive shocks wrecked the of Tokyo and Yokohama and, during the next six hours, there were more than 100 aftershocks.

The casualties were enormous, but there were also some lucky survivors. 【S8】The most remarkably was a woman who was having a bath in her room at the Tokyo Grand Hotel. 【S9】 As for the hotel collapsed, she and her bath gracefully descended to the street.【S10】leave both her and the bath water intact.




Honesty no longer seems to be the best policy with telling of lies becoming a common part

of our daily lives. A new research by a psychologist at the University of Massachusetts has revealed that most people lie in everyday conversation when they are trying to appear likable and competent.

66 "People tell a considerable number of lies in everyday conversation. It was a very surprising result. We didn't expect lying to be such a part of daily conversation",said Robert S Feldman.

The study also found that lies told by men and women differ in content,though not in quantity. 67 "Women were more likely to lie to make the person they were talking to feel good,while men lied most often to make themselves look better, "Feldman noted.

As part of the study, a group of 121 pairs of undergraduate students were recruited to participate. 68 Participants were unaware that the session was being videotaped. At the end of the session, the students were then asked to watch the video of themselves and identify any inaccuracies in what they had said during the conversation. They were encouraged to identify all lies,no matter how big or small.

Feldman said the students who participated in the study were surprised at their own results. "When they were watching themselves on videotape,people found themselves lying much more than they thought they had,"Feldman said. The lies the students told varied considerably. 69 Others were more extreme, such as falsely claiming to be the star of a rock band.

"It's so easy to lie,"Feldman said. "We teach our children to be honest,but we also tell them it's polite to pretend they like a birthday gift they've been given. 70

A. The results showed that men do not lie more than women or vice versa, but they lie in different ways.

B. Kids get a very mixed message regarding the practical aspects of lying,and it has an impact on how they behave as adults.

C. Some were relatively minor, such as agreeing with the person that they liked someone when they did not.

D. They were told that the purpose of the study was to examine how people interact when they meet someone new.

E. Anyway, the knowledge that we are all capable of lying makes it really hard to trust people when they tell you things.

F. The study,published in the Journal of Basic and Applied Social Psychology, found that 60 percent of people lied at least once during a 10-minute conversation and told an average of two to three lies.




The internet is good at shame. 1) There are countless websites where people can post nasty

complaints about ex-lovers and rude customers or, worse, push fragile teens over the edge, as in the recent case of a Missouri girl driven to suicide by online bullying. Now a new site aimed at college students is raising questions about the legality of online rumor mills. 2) Juicy Campus, com is a rapidly growing gossip site that solicits content with the promise of anonymity. But what began as fun and games—and now has sub-companies on seven college campuses, including Duke University, where it began—-has turned ugly and,in many cases, to be flatly smearing others. The posts have devolved from innocuous tales of secret crushes to racist tirades and lurid finger-pointing about drug use and sex, often with the alleged culprit identified by first and last name. In one post, a nameless Loyola Marymount University student asks why so many African-Americans and Latinos are enu rolled at the school: "I thought the high tuition was supposed to keep the undesirables OUT?" 3) It's gotten to the point, says Dan Belzer, a Duke senior who has written about the site for his school's newspaper, where "anyone with a grudge can maliciously attack defenseless students. "

4) And get away with it, too. Juicy Campus—whose Duke-graduate founder, Matt Ivestor, declined to comment for this story—isn't sponsored by the schools it covers, so administrators can't regulate it, Neither does the law. Such sites are protected by a federal law that immunizes Web hosts from liability for the musings of their users—as long as the hosts themselves don't modify content. (And firmly establishing the identity of an individual poster would be next to impossible. ) The rationale is to protect big companies like AOL from the actions of each and every user. But as a consequence, it means victims of a damaged rep have little legal recourse. "Courts tend to have antiquated understandings of privacy," says Daniel Solove, an expert in cyberlaw and the author of "The Future of Reputation. " "Until that changes we're going to see this keep happening. "5) At present, there's only one sure way to rein in a site like Juicy Campus: persuade everyone to stop u-sing it. But you don't need a college degree to figure out that won't happen.








For this part,you should write a composition on the topic On Information Security (信息安

全问题). You should write at least 200 words.



Love is of three varieties: unselfish, mutual and ordinary or selfish. Unselfish love is o

f the highest kind. Here, the one who loves seeks only the welfare of the beloved and does not care whether he suffers pains and hardships thereby. The second kind of love is mutual love in which the one who loves desires not only the happiness of his beloved, but has an eye to his own happiness also. Selfish love is the lowest. It makes a man care only for his own happiness without having any regard for the feeling of the beloved.



"Popular art" has a number of meanings, impossible to define with any precision,

which range from folklore to junk. The poles are clear enough, but the middle tends to blur. The Hollywood Western of the 1930&39;s for example, has elements of folklore, but is closer to junk than to high art or folk art. There can be great trash, just as there is bad high art. The musicals of George Gershwin are great popular art, never aspiring to high art. Schubert and Brahms, however, used elements of popular music -- folk themes -- in works clearly intended as high art. The case of Verdi is a different one: he took a popular genre -- bourgeois melodrama set to music (an accurate definition of nineteenth-century opera) and, without altering its fundamental nature, transmuted it into high art. This remains one of the greatest achievements in music, and one that cannot be fully appreciated without recognizing the essential trashiness of the genre.

As an example of such a transmutation, consider what Verdi made of the typical political elements of nineteenth-century opera. Generally in the plots of these operas, a hero or heroine -- usually portrayed only as an individual, unfettered by class -- is caught between the immoral corruption of the aristocracy and the doctrinaire rigidity o r secret greed of the leaders of the proletariat. Verdi transforms this naive and unlikely formulation with music of extraordinary energy and rhythmic vitality, music more subtle than it seems at first hearing. There are scenes and arias that still sound like calls to arms and were clearly understood as such when they were first performed. Such pieces lend an immediacy to the otherwise veiled political message of these operas and call up feelings beyond those of the opera itself

Or consider Verdi&39;s treatment of character. Before Verdi, there were rarely any characters at all in musical drama, only a series of situations which allowed the singers to express a series of emotional states. Any attempt to find coherent psychological portrayal in these operas is misplaced ingenuity. The only coherence was the singer&39;s vocal technique: when the cast changed, new arias were almost always substituted, generally adapted from other operas. Verdi’s characters, on the other hand, have genuine consistency and integrity. Even if, in many cases, the consistency is that of pasteboard melodrama, the integrity of the character is achieved through the music: once he had become established. Verdi did not rewrite his music for different singers or countenance alterations or substitutions of somebody else&39;s arias in one of his operas, as every Eighteenth century composer had done. When he revised an opera, it was only for dramatic economy and effectiveness.

By referring to Schubert and Brahms, the author suggests that

A.the works produced in the 18th century can be all considered as trash

B.the achievements of the two artists overshadow that of Verdi

C.popular music could be applied to compositions intended as high art.

D.the term of popular music is susceptible to many definitions.



It is A(estimated) that a scientific principle has B(a life expectancy) of approximately C

(a decade) before D(it drastically) revised or replaced by newer information.

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