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Some of my colleagues spent a lot of time in (learn) ______Japanese.

Some of my colleagues spent a lot of time in (learn) ______Japanese.

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更多“Some of my colleagues spent a …”相关的问题


Henny, who works in a company, invites Mandy, his

colleague, to take a picnic with him

Henry: Hey. what are you doing this weekend?

Mandy: I___________yet What about you?

Henry:___________to go for a picnic? I The weather forecast says t will be sunny this Sunday

Mandy. That's a good idea________anything?

Henry: Yes, of course, and________make some hamburgers.

Mandy OK Then r bring some drmnks, geentea. black tea. juce or cola?

Henry: How about________? By the way.I wll bring my new kichenware for our picnic

Mandy New kitchenware? A cooker?

Henry. Yean! 1 just bought a solar cooker last month.It's a new device that uses solar enegy and it is geting popular due to its high efficiency and its environmental friendliness. Peoplel can cook easily with this new device. I'll bring some fruit and some other food. We will lhave a wonderful picnicl.

Mandy:Wow! How amazing! I cann't wait

Henry OK I am______to our picnic.Then see you on this Sunday!

Mandy:See you!



Dear Sir,I am writing 【C1】______a strong complaint about the 【C2】______treatment my guests

Dear Sir,

I am writing 【C1】______ a strong complaint about the 【C2】______ treatment my guests, my colleague and I received when we visited your restaurant last Friday evening. On hooking a table for four by telephone on Tuesday we were 【C3】______ that there would be room for us despite the fact that you had only been 【C4】______ for a few weeks and were already booked.

We appreciate that there must be great 【C5】______ for restaurant meals at this time of the year in such a popular and 【C6】______ area but we were not expecting such an ill-mannered reception on the part of your head waiter.

Our Chinese friends are currently touring the "Shakespeare country" and were looking forward to a traditional English dinner in such a charming setting. But our hopes 【C7】______ an enjoyable evening out were instantly spoilt when your head waiter informed us that he had received no booking in our name and, so, no table was 【C8】______ for our party. My colleague and I protested at this and asked to speak to the manager, who, we were told, was unavailable. Your staff then offered us a table which we all had to share with another couple and no effort was made to 【C9】______ the unpleasantness we had experienced. We also had to wait some 【C10】______ time before the menu was brought to us.

I trust you will give this complaint your prompt attention as the whole embarrassing incident was a great. disappointment to our guests and sets a bad example of our English hospitality.

Yours sincerely,

Paul J. Weller





D.to make



Nowadays, a cellphone service is available to everyone, everywhere. Probably thousands of
people have already been using it, but I just discovered it, so I'm going to claim it and also name it: Fake Foning.

The technology has been working well for me at the office, but there are infinite applications. Virtually in any public space.

Say you work at a big university with lots of talky faculty members buzzing about. Now, say you need to use the restroom. The trip down the hall will take approximately one hour, because a person can't walk into those talky people without getting pulled aside for a question, a bit of gossip, a new read on a certain line of Paradise Lost.

So, a cellphone. Any cellphone. Just pick it up. Don't dial. Just hold that phone to your face and start talking. Walk confidently down the hall engaged in fake conversation, making sure to tailor both the topic and content to the person standing before you whom you are trying to evade.

For standard colleague avoidance, I suggest fake chatting about fake business:

"Yes, I'm glad you called, because we really need to hammer out the details. What's that? Yes, I read Page 12, but if you look at the bottom of 4, I think you can see the problem begins right there".

Be animated. Be engaged in your fake fone conversation. Make eye contact with the people passing, nod to them, gesture keen interest in talking to them at a later time, point to your phone, shrug and move on.

Shoppers should consider fake foning anytime they spot a talky neighbor in the produce department pinching(用手捏) unripe peaches. Without your phone at your face, you'd be in for a 20-minute speech on how terrible the world is.

One important caution about fake foning. The other day I was fake foning my way past a colleague, and he was actually following me to get my attention. I knew he wanted to ask about a project I had not yet finished. I was trying to buy myself some time, so I continued fake foning with my doctor. "So I don't need the operation? Oh, doctor, that is the best news".

And then: Brrrrrmg! Brrrrnng! Brrrrrmg! My phone started ringing, right there while it was planted on my face. My colleague looked at me, and I at him, and naturally I gasped. "What is the matter with this thing?" I said, pulling the phone away to look at it, and then putting it back to my ear.

"Hello? Are you still there?"


Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

A.Cellphone service is popular among people.

B.Cellphone has much use in office.

C.Fake foning is a new cellphone service.

D.Pake foning is a new discovery.



Nowadays, a cellphone service is available to everyone, everywhere. Probably thousands of
people have already been using it, but I just discovered it, so I'm going to claim it and also name it: Fake Foning.

The technology has been working well for me at the office, but there are infinite applications. Virtually in any public space.

Say you work at a big university with lots of talky faculty members buzzing about. Now, say you need to use the restroom. The trip down the hall will take approximately one hour, because a person can't walk into those talky people without getting pulled aside for a question, a bit of gossip, a new read on a certain line of Paradise Lost.

So, a cellphone. Any cellphone. Just pick it up. Don't dial. Just hold that phone to your face and start talking. Walk confidently down the hall engaged in fake conversation, making sure to tailor both the topic and content to the person standing before you whom you are trying to evade.

For standard colleague avoidance, I suggest fake chatting about fake business:

"Yes, I'm glad you called, because we really need to hammer out the details. What's that? Yes, I read Page 12, but if you look at the bottom of 4, I think you can see the problem begins right there".

Be animated. Be engaged in your fake fone conversation. Make eye contact with the people passing, nod to them, gesture keen interest in talking to them at a later time, point to your phone, shrug and move on.

Shoppers should consider fake foning anytime they spot a talky neighbor in the produce department pinching(用手捏) unripe peaches. Without your phone at your face, you'd be in for a 20-minute speech on how terrible the world is.

One important caution about fake foning. The other day I was fake foning my way past a colleague, and he was actually following me to get my attention. I knew he wanted to ask about a project I had not yet finished. I was trying to buy myself some time, so I continued fake foning with my doctor. "So I don't need the operation? Oh, doctor, that is the best news".

And then: Brrrrrmg! Brrrrnng! Brrrrrmg! My phone started ringing, right there while it was planted on my face. My colleague looked at me, and I at him, and naturally I gasped. "What is the matter with this thing?" I said, pulling the phone away to look at it, and then putting it back to my ear.

"Hello? Are you still there?"


Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

A.Cellphone service is popular among people.

B.Cellphone has much use in office.

C.Fake foning is a new cellphone service.

D.Pake foning is a new discovery.



听力原文:M: You must be pretty excited about your trip to Europe. When is it that you're l

W: In just three weeks, and I am excited! But there aye still a few things I need to do before I go.

M: Like what?

W: Like renewing my passport, going to the travel agency, buying my plane tickets, and figuring out what to do with my apartment while I'm gone.

M: You're not going to give it up, are you?

W: No way! I'll never find another apartment around here! But I don't like the idea of paying three month's rent on an empty apartment, either.

M: I don't blame you. Perhaps you could sublet it.

W: Yes, but who to?

M: Hmm, let me think. Oh, I know, just a person, an old colleague of mine, Jim Thomas is coming here to do some research this summer, from June through August.

W: Well, that's exactly when I'll be away. It sounds ideal. As long as the landlord agrees.

M: Tell you what. I'll be calling Jim later this week anyway, so I'll mention it to him then.

W: Wall, thanks, Bill. Let me know what happens. That extra money would really come in handy.


A.Purchase her plane ticket.

B.Change her plane ticket.

C.Pick up a passport application form.

D.Arrange for her accommodations in Europe.



听力原文:M: You must be pretty excited about your trip to Europe. When are you leaving?W:

听力原文:M: You must be pretty excited about your trip to Europe. When are you leaving?

W: In just three weeks. And I am excited. But there are still a few things I need to do before I go.

M: Like what?

W: Like renewing my passport, going to the travel agency to buy my plane ticket, and figuring out what to do with my apartment while I'm gone.

M: You are not going to give it up, are you?

W: No way. I'll never find another apartment around here. But I don't like the idea of paying three months rent on an empty apartment, either.

M: Perhaps you could sublet it.

W: Yes, but who to?

M: Mmm, let me think. Oh, I just know a person. An old colleague of mine Jim Thomas is coming here to do some research this summer from June through August.

W: That's exactly when I'll be away. It sounds ideal as long as the landlord agrees.

M: Tell you what. I'll be calling Jim late this week, anyway. So I'll mention it to him then.

W: Now, thanks, Bill. Let me know what happens. That extra money will really come in handy.


A.Purchase her plane ticket.

B.Change her plane ticket.

C.Pick up a passport application form.

D.Arrange for her accommodations in Europe.



听力原文:M: You must be pretty excited about your trip to Europe. When are you leaving?W:

听力原文:M: You must be pretty excited about your trip to Europe. When are you leaving?

W: In just three weeks. Yes, I am excited! But there are still a few things I need to do before I go.

M: like what?

W: Like renewing my passport, going to the travel agency, buying my plane tickets, and figuring out what to do with my apartment while I'm gone.

M: You're not going to give up your apartment, are you?

W: No way! I'll never find a better apartment around here! But I don't like the idea of paying three month's rent on an empty apartment, either.

M: I don't blame you. Perhaps you could sublet it.

W: Yes, but who to?

M: Hum, let me think. Oh, I know just the right person! Jim Thomas, an old colleague of mine, is coming here to do some research from June through August.

W: Well, that's exactly when I'll be away. It sounds ideal as long as the landlord agrees.

M: Tell you what. I'll be calling Jim later this week anyway. I'll mention it to him then.

W: Well, thanks, Bill. Let me know what happens. That extra money would really come in handy.


A.Renewing passport.

B.Brushing her apartment.

C.Buying plane tickets.

D.Going to the travel agency.



______________ (我要点一份煎蛋和熏肉 ), and my colleague will have two eggs on toast.

______________ (我要点一份煎蛋和熏肉 ), and my colleague will have two eggs on toast.



My colleague demanded that I ______the books I borrowed from him.A. returnB.would retur

My colleague demanded that I ______the books I borrowed from him.

A. return

B.would return

C. returned

D. was to return



听力原文:M: You must be pretty excited about your trip to Europe. When is it that you're l

W: In just three weeks. And I am excited! But there are still a few things I need to do before I go.

M: Like what?

W: Like renewing my passport, going to the travel agency, (23)buying my plane tickets, and figuring out what to do with my apartment while I'm gone.

M: You're not going to give it up,are you?

W: (24)No way! I'll never find another apartment around here! But I don't like the idea of paying three month's rent on an empty apartment, either.

M: I don't blame you. Perhaps you could sublet it.

W: Yes, but who to?

M: Hmm, let me think. Oh, I know, just a person. An old colleague of mine, Jim Thomas is coming here to do some research this summer, (25)from June through August.

W: Well, that's exactly when I'll be away. It sounds ideal. As long as the landlord agrees.

M: Tell you what. I'll be calling Jim later this week anyway, so I'll mention it to him then.

W: Well, thanks, Bill. Let me know what happens. That extra money would really come in handy.


A.Purchase her plane ticket.

B.Change her plane ticket.

C.Pick up a passport application form.

D.Arrange for her accommodations in Europe.

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