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The cook turned pale, and asked the housemaid to shut the door, who asked Brittles, who as

ked the tinker, who pretended not to hear.

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He said that this was a good suggestion, which he would look into.



Honorable Ministers,Your Excellencies,Ladies and Gentlemen,It is a great pleasure to welco

Honorable Ministers,

Your Excellencies,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the first session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. One hundred and twenty one countries are now contracting parties to the Convention. Of these, 110 are here today, with full powers of participation. You represent nearly three quarters of the world's population. You represent nations at all levels of income and all stages of development. //In this powerful gathering, we have three of the five top tobacco-leaf exporting countries, and four of the five top cigarette-exporting countries. This group of countries represents 69% of the world's cigarette consumption. It might seem astonishing that this group is also preparing to put into action the roadmap for countries to control tobacco. But this group has already changed history. //

When the process began there was some skepticism over its success. The skeptics were wrong. You are driving change forward. To name some examples: India has introduced comprehensive tobacco advertising bans. Australia, Brazil, Canada, Singapore and Thailand have introduced highly visible graphic warnings on cigarette packets. The European Union is on its way to doing the same. In Ireland, Norway, and now in Spain, smoking has been banned in indoor public places. These, and other similar steps, will result in a major reduction in tobacco deaths. //

New York State passed a smoking ban. It termed this act its "strongest public health policy ever". Ironically, now it's said that the only place you can smoke with impunity in New York City is the United Nations Building. Both Ann Veneman and I have said that this is wrong. // Smoking should be banned in all UN premises. Also, cigarette sales should be banned in all United Nations premises. After all, the people who are smoking in the UN building sometimes are the representatives of the same Member States who have signed up to the Framework Convention. But it can be hard to put agreements into practice. We will all face this. //

Ladies and gentlemen, when we know that, in an Irish pub, a smoking ban can really work, then we know that anything is possible. Smoking is an advance contract. Those who smoke don't pay now, but will do so 30 to 40 years later, when their health fails. They pay with lung cancer, with obstructive airways disorders, with cardiovascular diseases. One in two smokers pays with their life. We have to help them stop smoking. We have to prevent them from starting. //

This convention is something that we all committed to. Its provisions are bold. They are based on knowledge of what is effective.

We will make it work.

Thank you. //

(Speech by LEE Jong-wook, former Director-general of WHO, at the Conference of the Parties in Geneva on February 6, 2006)



By and large, governments of all persuasions, of all political persuasions in Australia ha

ve been reducing proportionately the amount of money that goes to education and many of us think that really is a great pity and shows a lack of foresight into what Australia really needs, but that nonetheless is what is happening. As a result of that many universities and schools are heavily dependent on overseas students to make up the shortfall. //I think we need to be really very careful in Australia that as this trend continues that overseas students who come to Australia not only to learn facts, but also to learn something about Australia and the Australian way of life otherwise they will have a very skewed view of what our Australia is about. Because I think it is important that if you go to an Australian university then at least you'd meet a reasonable number of Australians. //

There is a big push from many universities to recruit more and more students and more and more overseas students, but in a climate when there isn't a lot of money for further strengthening of education and educational methods and facilities. If we all keep trying to recruit more and more students, then the experience is going to deteriorate and my university for example has decided to cap the number of students at the university. Because we believe that if we have many more students then we won't be able to do it properly. //

There aren't many universities in the fortunate position of my own to be able to do that. And the reason why we can do it is if you take a couple of our more popular faculties to get to university, you need something which we call UAI (University of New South Wales Admission Index). To get into medicine at UNSW you need to have a pass mark of 99. 8%. To get into law and commerce you need a pass mark of 97.5%. Now a lot of you in this room tonight will know what I mean when I say that Chinese and Vietnamese especially value education and therefore it wouldn't be surprising to know that proportionally more Chinese and Vietnamese kids get their 99.8's and 97. 5's. //

I took a university graduation on Friday before I came up here. It was a commerce graduation and of 200 graduates, 150 were Asian. Half of those were local kids, the other half were overseas. Commerce is something that is particularly popular, particularly in Hong Kong and Singapore, but it's probably a reasonable indication of what is happening. And all I am really trying to make a point about is that if we accept money from overseas students and from overseas families, then there is a responsibility that we give them the good education, the good experience. I'm not saying we don't do it, but I think what is important is that we recognize that the experience we are giving them is potentially threatened by the large numbers coming in which are not being matched by the provision of adequate resources to service them. I think it's great to take more and more students as long as we can service them properly. //

(Excerpts from the speech delivered by Dr. John Yu, Chairman of the Australia-China Council, on the Australia-China Oration Series 2002, November 6, Beijing)



The ancient compass is of high sensibility.



He is a man above vulgar interests.









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In agriculture-based countries -- home to 417 million rural people, 170 million of who liv

e on less than $1 a day -- the agricultural sector is essential to overall growth, poverty reduction, and food security. Most of these countries are in Sub-Saharan Africa, where the sector employs 65 percent of the labor force and generates 32 percent of GDP growth.



It looks as if we are in for a storm.

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