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Fred: Do you like a cup of coffee or tea?Jane: ______

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Fred: What do you like in your spare time?Nick: ______



Tom and Fred are talking about the year 2050."What will our work be like in the year 2050?

Tom and Fred are talking about the year 2050.

"What will our work be like in the year 2050?"asked Tom. "I don't know. "says Fred." What do you think?"

"Well, no one knows, but it's interesting to guess. "

"In the year 2050 everyone will carry a pocket computer. The computer will give people the answer to all their problems. We shall all have telephones, in our pockets, too, and we'll be able to talk to our friends all over the world. Perhaps we'll be able to see them at the same time. "

"A lot of people will live and work under the sea. Perhaps there will be big towns, factories, and farms under the sea, too. "

"Machines will do most of the work, and so people will have more holidays. Perhaps they'll work only two or three days a week. They'll be able to fly to the moon by spaceship and spend their holidays there. "

"I'm looking forward to the year 2050. I hope to fly to the moon. "

"And I hope I'll be able to live under the sea," says Fred. "Won't that be very interesting? Just like a fish!"

Tom and Fred are talking about ______ .

A.their students

B.their life in the past

C.something in the late 21st century

D.some interesting news



听力原文:M: I've got to admit you have a beautiful backyard, Nancy. How do you do it?W: We

听力原文:M: I've got to admit you have a beautiful backyard, Nancy. How do you do it?

W: Well, I've got a few secrets...

M: OK, OK, what do I have to do to get you to reveal your secrets? You know if I had the money, I'd just hire a gardener.

W: No, no you needn't do that. Why, working in the yard is the greatest form. of relaxation that I know of!

M: You're kidding, right?! I would never have planted so many trees if I had known how much work they'd require.

W: You see, that's your problem. Your attitude is all wrong.

M: My attitude is wrong? What does attitude have to do with gardening?

W: You've got to love working in the backyard-that's my secret!

M: Love working in the backyard--I can't believe what you're saying. Let me see if I understand this:...If I had a better feeling about my work in the garden, everything would be wonderful. I'd have a beautiful lawn like you; I'd have healthy plants like you.

W: ... yes, that's it. You've got it!

M: Look, to tell you the truth, I think you're crazy!

W: Oh, Fred, what you put into the land you reap.

M: I think I'll just pay a gardener.

W: Well, that won't work.

M: Why not?

W: Because he has to enjoy his gardening...

M: Please, Nancy, thank you very much for your advice. But, don't start it again!

What does the man admire about his neighbor?

A.Her house.

B.Her backyard.

C.Her secrets.

D.Her trees.



听力原文:M: What are you doing here, Mary? Why are you standing here? It's so crowded and
we are so busy today. I do hope you know you are now working.

W: Manager, I am working.

M: What exactly are you doing?

W: I'm helping two customers to find the CD they asked for. I just found it.

M: Oh, I'm sorry. I only saw you standing here, holding a CD and looking around. Can I help you?

W: Yeah, maybe. But where are they?

M: who? who are you looking for?

W: I went to the back shelf to get this CD for a woman and her husband. And now I can't fred them.

M: What. do they look like? Tell me as many details as you can.

W: Well, she's fairly tall with curly red hair. He's tall with short blond hair. They look like they're in their late thirties. Yeah, both are tall, much taller than I.

M: Hmm. I don't see anyone like that. What are they wearing? Do you remember what they are wearing?

W: Yeah. He's wearing a red sweatshirt and blue jeans. She's wearing a white skirt and a purple sweater.

M: A white skirt and a purple sweater? Hey, wait! I think I saw them in the classical section.

W: Oh, you're right!

M: Hurry there, Mary. Thank you.

W: Sir! Madam! I have that CD you're looking for. Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long. Do you enjoy the music here?


A.The man at first misunderstood and criticized the woman.

B.The man didn't want to help the woman.

C.The man was so angry that he finally dismissed the woman.

D.The man was very angry that the couple had disappeared.



SECTION BINTERVIEWDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen c


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:Liz: Hello Fred. You don't look so good. What's the matter?

Fred: I just didn't have a good sleep. It seemed I dreamed all night. Do you dream a lot when you sleep?

Liz: Yes. In fact everybody dreams. And everyone needs to dream in order to stay healthy. There are two kinds of sleep, active sleep and-passive sleep. The passive sleep gives our body the rest that is needed, and prepares us for active sleep in which dreaming occurs. The dream stage is very important in our sleep cycle. When the person is dreaming, the eyes begin to move. Through the night, people alternate between passive and active sleep. The cycle is repeated several times throughout the night.

Fred: Do you know how long people usually dream during eight-hour sleep?

Liz: For about one and a half hours on average. So we need active sleep because dreaming helps us to rest our minds.

Fred: I see. All people experience dream cycles.

Liz: Can you remember dreams? What did you dream last night?

Fred: Oh yes. It was terrible. I dreamed that I was chased by someone or something. I don't remember very well. So I was running all the time.

Liz: This is a very common type of dream. Over 70% of people have dreamed that they were being chased or pursued by something and often in the dream they find themselves unable to flee for one reason or another. These often occur during periods of great anxiety and may be related to frustrating situations which are frequently occurring in their waking life. Anxiety dreams are amongst the most common types reported and are particularly common amongst women (78%). Only 63% of men experience them.

Fred: How about dreams of violence?

Liz: Dreams featuring scenes of violence are much more common amongst men (50%) than amongst women (44%). The differences are not very great. Perhaps men are simply more likely to talk about violent things and it must be remembered that women are often the most ardent fans of TV westerns and wrestling programmes.

Fred: Are there any more kinds of dreams that men experience more than women?

Liz: Yes. When people are tight in finances, they often have dreams which involve finding coins showering from a slot machine or picking up money from the ground. About a quarter of men have had this kind of dream, but only 15% of women. This probably relates to the fact that money matters are more likely to preoccupy the male than the female.

Fred: Do you sometimes have dreams about falling?

Liz: Yes. It is a common type of dream too. Dreams about falling are very common with about 75% scoring average. The most frequently reported is one in which typically one trips over something, stumbles or falls and wakes up with a jump.

Fred: How do you explain this?

Liz: Psychologists now believe that these dreams do not have any great emotional significance, but are merely due to muscular spasms which take place on the threshold between consciousness and sleep. Well, dreams about flying or floating in the air are often considered to be related to an unconscious wish to escape from something. They are in fact about reported by about 50% of dreamers. Dreams about the sea are also common. Women (40%) are far more likely to experience than men (27%).

Fred: What other kinds of dreams women experience more than men?

Liz: Dreams about famous people. Women are more likely to dream about famous people, politicians, pop stars, film stars and the like (33%) than men (27%). One very common dream, which almost certainly falls into the wish fulfillment category, is when people report that they are actually meeting famous people in their dreams.

Fred: W

A.active steep

B.passive sleep

C.deep sleep




听力原文: How many of you are familiar with the name Jeff Bezos? OK, how about Amazon.com?
Have you heard of that? Well, Amazon.com is the world's first and largest Internet bookstore, and Jeff Bezos is the man who started Amazon.com back in 1995. Five years later, Amazon.com was serving millions of customers in 120 different countries. Amazing, right? And this is the reason why, in 1999, Jeff Bezos was selected as Time Magazine's Person of the Year, a very great honor.

Now, Jeff Bezos is actually not the topic of my lecture today, but he is a perfect example of my topic, which is about entrepreneurs. It's a French word meaning a person who starts a completely new business or industry, um, someone who does something no one else has done before, like Jeff Bezos, who started the very first Internet bookstore. Entrepreneurs like Jeff Bezos are very highly respected in American society and, I think, in many other countries too.

OK, let's begin by looking at the characteristics of entrepreneurs. There are two qualities that I think all entrepreneurs have in common. First, entrepreneurs have vision. I mean that they have the ability to see opportunities that other people simply do not see. Let's look again at the example of Jeff Bezos. One day in 1994, he was surfing the Internet when suddenly he had a brilliant idea= why not use the Internet to sell products? Remember, at that time, no one was using the Internet in that way. After doing some research, Bezos decided that the product he wanted to sell was books. That's how Amazon.com got its start.

The other quality that I think all entrepreneurs possess is that they are not afraid to take risks. As an example, let me tell you about Fred Smith, who founded Federal Express, the company that delivers packages anywhere in the United States overnight. Smith first suggested the idea for his company in a college term paper. Do you know what grade he got on it? A "C"! But this didn't stop him, and today his company is worth more than two billion dollars and employs more than 25,000 people.

Now let's take a look at their backgrounds, and here we'll find lots of differences. First of all, some entrepreneurs are well educated, like Jeff Bezos, who graduated from Princeton University. But others, like Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft Corporation, never even finished college. Next, some entrepreneurs come from rich families, like Fred Smith, the founder of Federal Express. In contrast, other entrepreneurs come from poor families. A great example is Andrew Grove, the former chairman of the Intel computer company, who was born in Hungary and came to America as a refugee after World War Ⅱ.

15. When was Amazon.com serving millions of customers in 120 different countries?

16.Among these entrepreneurs, who graduated from Princeton University?

17.Which statement is NOT true about Fred Smith?

18.Which quality does Jeff Bezos have?








听力原文:W: Gosh, Fred, another cup of coffee? That's your third since lunch.M: Yeah. Well

听力原文:W: Gosh, Fred, another cup of coffee? That's your third since lunch.

M: Yeah. Well, I stayed up all night cramming for my history exam. I couldn't keep my eyes open in my last class. I'm having this coffee so I can stay awake this afternoon.

W: Don't you know that drinking too much coffee is harmful?

M: What do you mean by "harmful"?

W: Well, for one thing, it may cause heart disease.

M: Nah. Most of the research about the link between coffee and heart disease is inconclusive.

W: But coffee has caffeine which is addictive.

M: You can't become addicted to caffeine like other drugs.

W: Yes, you can. Don't you know that people who are deprived of caffeine suffer withdrawal symptoms, especially headache?

M: One cure for headache, oddly enough, is caffeine. Haven't you ever noticed that my over-the-counter headache remedies use caffeine as one of their ingredients? Besides, coffee helps me work faster.

W: Studies have shown that coffee makes you work faster but not necessarily better. You may finish your exam in a shorter period of time, but you won't have fewer errors.

M: You know that the soda you're drinking has caffeine in it too.

W: But 12 ounces of soda has only half the caffeine in a 5-ounce cup of coffee. And a cup of tea has less than that.

M: But I like the taste of coffee.

W: You could drink decaf.

M: Decaffeinated coffee doesn't have as much flavor as regular coffee. Besides, I want something that'll keep me alert in class.


A.The effects of caffeine.

B.Some causes of headaches.

C.How to do well on exams.

D.Problems with the student cafeteria.



听力原文:A: How would you like to move?B: Move? What do you mean?A: Move to a new city. I'

听力原文:A: How would you like to move?

B: Move? What do you mean?

A: Move to a new city. I'm thinking of getting another job.

B: But why? What's matter with the one you have?

A: I don't have a good future in the job I have. Besides , I think it would be nice to move to a warmer climate. I'm tried of shoveling snow all winter.

B: Where is this new job?

A: In california. There won't be any snow to shovel there, and we can go to the beach all the year round.

B: That sounds pretty good, but what kind of job is it?

A: I would be the Director of Research for a big drug company near Los Angels. I'd get a big raise in salary.

B: That sounds terribly exciting. But how about the children? Will they like moving?

A: Why not? California has many beautiful new schools, and Fred can go skiing up in the moutains.

B: What about Paula? I'm sure she won't want to leave all her friends.

A: Oh, she can make new ones there. People are very friendly there.

B: I hope so. But, I'll certainly hate to leave this house. We've lived here so long.

A: Well, maybe I won't get the job. I have to fly out there for an interview next week.

B: You know, I must have kown you were thinking about getting a new job. Last night I dreamed we were moving.

What does the man think about the weather where he now lives?

A.It's too hot.

B.It's too humid.

C.It snows too much.

D.It snows too little.



PART ADirections: For Questions 1-5, you will hear a conversation. While you listen, fill


Directions: For Questions 1-5, you will hear a conversation. While you listen, fill out the table with the information you have heard. Some of the information has been given to you in the table. Write only 1 word in each numbered box. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the table below.

听力原文:W: Gosh! Fred, another cup of coffee?

M: Yeah ! Well, I stayed up all night preparing for my history exam. I couldn't keep my eyes open in my last class. I'm having this coffee so I can stay awake this afternoon.

W: Don't you know that drinking too much coffee is harmful?

M: What do you mean by harmful?

W: Well, f6r one thing it may cause heart disease.

M: No. Most of the research about the link between coffee and the heart disease is inconclusive.

W: But coffee has caffeine which is addictive.

M: You can't become addicted to caffeine like other drugs.

W: Yes, you can. Don't you know that people who are deprived of caffeine suffer with draw symptoms, headaches?

M: One cure for headaches, oddly enough, is caffeine. Haven't you ever noticed that many over-the-counter headache remedies use caffeine as one of their ingredients? Besides, coffee helps me work faster.

W: Studies have shown that coffee makes you work faster but not necessarily better. You may finish your exam in a shorter period of time but you won't have fewer errors.

M: You know, that soda you are drinking has caffeine in it too.

W: But 12 ounces of soda has only half the caffeine of a 5 ounces cup of coffee. And a cup of tea has less than that.

M: But I like the taste of coffee. Besides I want something that will keep me alert in class.

W: You could drink decaf. Decaffeinated coffee doesn't have as much flavor or body as regular coffee.

What subject did Fred stay up all night preparing for?

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