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Ladies and Gentlemen, It is my pleasure to address you as a United Nations Goodwill Ambass

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is my pleasure to address you as a United Nations Goodwill Ambassador to this Second WorldAssembly on Ageing, an honour which I truly welcome, and one which has provided me with an excellentopportunity to promote awareness of ageing. I congratulate the Secretary-General of the United Nations, thechairmen and the executive heads of the organizations of the United Nations system on their excellent work,the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the Preparatory Committee on their dedication, and the many individualswho have helped to make this Second World Assembly possible. [TONE]∥[TONE]

We are honoured to be hosting this world event in Spain. Our interest stems from our realization thatthe ageing of the population presents a challenge for which we must prepare ourselves and that we must beready to take advantage of the abilities of older persons. Therefore, in offering to be the host country, Spainwished to demonstrate its interest in policies for the integration of older persons and to give impetus to aninnovative debate in our society. [TONE]∥[TONE]

We are living through a period of major demographic change. The elderly are ever more numerous.That people are living longer and under better conditions, as a result of social progress, is one of humanity'sgreatest achievements. Older persons are a universal force with the potential to transform. the future. Thisglobal transformation is going to affect individuals, families, communities and virtually every area of society.[TONE]∥[TONE]

Accordingly, we must prepare ourselves for this new challenge by promoting changes in attitude towardsthis demographic revolution, which is taking place because of the increase in the number of older personsin the world. Achieving a society for all ages involves analysing society from a broader perspective andhighlights the role played by relations between the various generations making up society. Solidarity betweenthe generations in all areas of family, community and national life is essential for social cohesion. [TONE]∥[TONE]

We younger people must be increasingly aware that, in order to move forward in building a more just society, we must recognize the advances made by older generations and value their experience and currentabilities appropriately. At the same time, we must be able to transmit such values to coming generations.Inter-generational solidarity is a natural setting within which encounter, learning and exchange take placeamong individuals. It offers advantages to all and helps in achieving a more integrated society. [TONE]∥[TONE]

Together we will build a positive image of ageing, which should involve not simply prolonging life, but also ensuring that old age is healthy, independent, active and fully integrated in society. Ageing should be seen as astage in life during which men and women can still develop their skills, as active agents in our societies, in whichthey should continue to participate as full citizens with full social recognition. [TONE]∥[TONE]

I hope that all the proposals that result from this World Assembly will enable our society to face the challenges posed by the ageing of the population, and that they will be translated into practice by the greatestpossible number of countries in such a way that older persons will benefit from them as soon as possible.

Thank you. [TONE]∥[TONE]

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SECTION 2Optional Translation(30 points) A 17-year U. S. study has finally answered one of

SECTION 2 Optional Translation (30 points)

A 17-year U. S. study has finally answered one of the most pressing questions about diabetes: Can tight control of blood sugar prevent heart attacks and strokes?

The answer, reported Thursday in The New England Journal of Medicine, is yes. Intense control can reduce the risk by nearly half.

And, the study found, the effect occurred even though the patients had only had a relatively brief period of intense blood sugar control when they were young adults. None the less, more than a decade later, when they reached middle age, when heart disease and strokes normally start to appear, they were protected. The study involved those with Type 1 diabetes, which usually arises early in life and involves the death of insulin-secreting cells.

The question of whether rigid blood sugar control protects against heart disease and strokes has divided the field for decades, diabetes researchers said.

"It's really a major question that has been around for a long time," said Dr. Judith Fradkin, who directs diabetes research at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases,

Researchers knew that diabetes was linked to heart disease — at least two-thirds of diabetics die of heart disease. But although studies showed that controlling blood sugar protects against damage to the eyes, kidneys and nerves, there was no conclusive evidence that it would have the same effect on heart disease and strokes.

"In that sense, this is a landmark study," said Fradkin.

But the result also gives rise to questions: Does the same effect occur in people with Type 2 diabetes, which usually occurs later in life and involves an inability to respond to insulin? And why would tight control of blood sugar for one brief period have such a pronounced effect later?

Fradkin said she expected the results would hold for Type 2 diabetes. Another large U. S. federal study is addressing that question, she notes, but it is already known that tight control of blood sugar in Type 2 diabetes protects against nerve, kidney and eye damage, just as it does with Type 1 diabetes. In addition, a study in Britain hinted — although it did not demonstrate — that Type 2 diabetics who keep their blood sugar low have less heart disease and strokes.

Fradkin said she hoped the emerging evidence and improving therapies would make a difference.



China is in the midst of a developmental stage where advanced management knowledge and tec

hniques and advanced industrial automation technology and solutions are fundamental and necessary elements for China's sustained growth and global competitiveness.

There is no one good definition of what industrial automation is. Perhaps the best definition is a simple one: industrial automation is the use of electronics to control and monitor a process or machinery. While there are many steps that China must take to ensure the appropriate development of its industrial base and supporting infrastructure, the utilization of advanced industrial automation is a critical step. Increases in productivity and efficiency are not possible without a high level of industrial automation.

If we were to look at the growth in productivity of U.S. industry from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s, two pivotal factors stand out. The first is a revolution in management techniques and consequent restructuring of the American corporation. Management became results-focused, flatter and more distributed, with great participation by the work force.

The second pivotal factor was the infusion of advanced industrial automation into manufacturing and other automated processes. Together these two elements led to significant increases in productivity and efficiency. These increases led the way to sustained growth in the U.S. economy, so that by the late 1980s and the early 1990s the U.S. economy was growing faster than that of Japan for the first time in several decades.

China, which is now at its own critical industrial and management systems crossroads, can borrow from some of these experiences. China has an unparalleled opportunity to adopt advanced industrial automation as this technology moves into the new millennium and into the information era.

The future of industrial automation will be a networked future with a great reliance on wireless connectivity. Utilization of effective and open networks such as DeviceNet, ControlNet and Ethernet/IP, with their ability to connect to the Internet, allows for continuous control and feedback from the factory floor to the management office and beyond.

The factory floor and the management office can be linked continuously and in real time with suppliers, sales force and customers. Every part of this chain will be able to monitor, input to and adjust the manufacturing process and supporting activities.

The future of industrial automation will also very much be linked to software that is an open platform. and is multifunctional. The right software package provides tremendous flexibility and agility in the manufacturing process.

Industrial software provides the operator interface and gateway from the factory floor to the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system and even to the Internet to provide seamless flow of data and information so that the "Information Enabled Enterprise" can be managed in a more flexible, integrated, and efficient manner.

























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SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points)














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SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points)



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