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How are the stones healed?The stones are heated by ______.

How are the stones healed?

The stones are heated by ______.

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更多“How are the stones healed?The …”相关的问题


How do you punish the kids who ____ stones at tourists?

A. point

B. draw

C. pull

D. throw



How do you punish the kids who ______ stones at tourists?

A. point

B. draw

C. pull

D. throw



Why does the professor say thisΩ?A.To show the effect of agriculture on pollinators.B.To d

Why does the professor say thisΩ?

A.To show the effect of agriculture on pollinators.

B.To describe the nectar-producing plants.

C.To show how stones improve a garden.

D.To describe effects of plant disease.



听力原文:Pyramids along the Nile River are the most interesting buildings in the world. Th

听力原文: Pyramids along the Nile River are the most interesting buildings in the world. Thousands of years ago in Egypt, kings built the pyramids. They used to build them as their tombs. The kings thought the pyramids would help them find life after death. They also wanted the world to remember them as important people.

The oldest pyramid we know today is the one near Sahara in Egypt. It is about 5,000 years old. The largest is the pyramid of Khufu. It is made of two million three hundred thousand huge stones, most of them higher than a person. It is about 114 meters high. To build the pyramid of Khufu, 100,000 men worked for twenty years. We know there were wonderful treasures in the pyramid. Robbers went into the pyramids and took many of these treasures. Today some of the treasures are in museums though.

How did the people of ancient days build the pyramids? How did they carry and lift the huge stones? Each stone fits so well and they didn' t have our modern machines. Scientists have studied the pyramids but no one can say for sure how they did it.


A.To be used as rooms.

B.To help find life after death.

C.To remember the important workers.

D.To communicate with others in the sky.



Section A Scientists scanning and mapping the Giza pyramids say they&39;ve discovered th

Section A

Scientists scanning and mapping the Giza pyramids say they&39;ve discovered that the Great Pyramid of Giza is not exactly even. But really not by much. This pyramid is the oldest of the world‘s Seven Wonders. The pyramid’s exact size has (26) puzzled experts for centuries, as the “more than 21 acres of hard, white casing stones” that originally covered it were (27) removed long ago.

Reporting in the most recent issue of the newsletter “AERAGRAM,” which (28) chronicles the work of the Ancient Egypt Research Associates, engineer Glen Dash says that by using a new measuring approach that involved finding any surviving (29) remnants of the casing in order to determine where the original edge was. They found the east side of the pyramid to be a (30)maximum of 5.55 inches shorter than the west side.

The question that most (31) fascinates him, however, isn&39;t how the Egyptians who designed and built the pyramid got it wrong 4,500 years ago, but how they got it so close to (32) perfect. “We can only speculate as to how the Egyptians could have laid out these lines with such (33) precision using only the tools they had,”Dash writes. He says his (34) hypothesis is that the Egyptians laid out their design on a grid, noting that the great pyramid is oriented only (35) slightly away from the cardinal directions (its north-south axis runs 3 minutes 54 seconds west of due north, while its east-west axis runs 3 minutes 51 seconds north of due east)—an amount that&39;s “tiny, but similar,” Atlas Obscura points out.


















Some of the most interesting buildings in the world are the pyramids. The pyramids sta
nd huge and silent, and in modern days, people look at them and wonder, “Who built them? Why? When? What is inside? How did they do it?”

Thousands of years ago, certain kings of Egypt built the pyramids. They used to build them as tombs. The kings thought the pyramids would help them find life after death. They also wanted the world to remember them as important people. Some pyramids were for queens, but they are less interesting because they are not as big as those of the kings!

The oldest pyramid that we know today is the pyramid near Sakara in Egypt. It is about 5000 years old.

There are many pyramids along the Nile River. The largest is the pyramid of Khufu. It is made of 2,300,000 huge stones, most of them taller than a person. It is about 144 meters high. Inside the pyramid are the burial rooms for the king and queen and long passage ways to these rooms. The rest of the pyramid is made of solid stones.

Workers usually built the pyramids when they had little or no work to do on their farms. To build the pyramid of Khufu, 100,000 men worked for twenty years.

We know there are wonderful treasures in the pyramids. Robbers have dug into some of the pyramids and taken many of these treasures. However, today some of the treasures are in museums.

How did the people of ancient days build the pyramids? How did they carry and lift upwards the huge stones? Each stone fits in with one another so well though they didn’t have our modern machine at all! The ancient art work of Egypt give us the idea of a miracle. Scientists have studied the pyramids, but nobody can say just how they did it.

46.What is this passage mainly about?()

A.Egyptian Kings and their wives.

B.How ancient tombs were built in Egypt.

C.Some of the most interesting buildings in the world.

D.The oldest pyramid near Sakara in Egypt.

47.People today think the pyramids in Egypt.()

A.are the most important buildings in the world.

B.are in memory of some important people.

C.will help ancient Egyptian kings find life after death.

D.are reminders of the power enjoyed by the kings.

48.Which of the following is true?()

A.All the treasures in the burial rooms have been stolen.

B.All the stones used to build the pyramid of Khufu are taller than a person.

C.It took 100,000 workers and 20 years to build the pyramid of Khufu.

D.The pyramid near Sakara is the largest in Egypt.

49.Why did robbers dig into the pyramids? Because()

A.they wanted to steal all the precious things.

B.they wanted to study why each stone fits so well.

C.they wanted to see if there were any treasures in them as they thought.

D.they wanted to know how those huge stones were carried and lifted upwards.

50.According to the passage, we()

A.know nothing about these ancient tombs.

B.can’t say just how these pyramids were built.

C.know quite well how ancient Egyptians built the pyramids.

D.have known a lot about the pyramids.



听力原文:Pyramids along the Nile River are the most interesting buildings in the world. Th

听力原文: Pyramids along the Nile River are the most interesting buildings in the world. Thousands of years ago in Egypt, kings built the pyramids. They used to build them as their tombs. The kings thought the pyramids would help them find life after death. They also wanted the world to remember them as important people.

The oldest pyramid we know today is the one near Sahara in Egypt. It is about 5 000 years old. The largest is the pyramid of Khufu. It is made of two million three hundred thousand huge stones, most of them higher than a person. It is about 114 meters high. To build the pyramid of Khufu, 100000 men worked for twenty years. We know there were wonderful treasures in the pyramid. Robbers went into the pyramids and took many of these treasures. Today some of the treasures are in museums though.

How did the people of ancient days build the pyramids? How did they carry and lift the huge stones? Each stone fits so well and they didn't have our modern machines. Scientists have studied the pyramids but no one can say for sure how they did it.

29. Which of the following is the reason of building pyramids according to the passage?

30.When did the first pyramid come into existence?

31.Which of the following statements is true about the biggest pyramid?


A.To be used as rooms.

B.To help find life after death.

C.To remember the important workers.

D.To communicate with others in the sky.



听力原文:Some of the most interesting buildings in the world are pyramids. Pyramids stand

听力原文: Some of the most interesting buildings in the world are pyramids. Pyramids stand huge and silent and in modem days people look at them and wonder: Who built them? Why? When? What is inside? How did they do it?

Thousands of years ago in Egypt, kings built pyramids. They used to build them as their tombs. The kings thought the pyramids would help them find life after death. They also wanted the world to remember them as important people. Scale pyramids were for queens. But they were less interesting because they are not as big. The oldest pyramid that we know today is the pyramid near Sahara in Egypt. It is about 5,000 years old. There are many pyramids dong the Nile River. The largest is the pyramid of Khufu. It is made of two million three hundred thousand huge stones, most of them higher than a person. It is about 144 meters high. Inside the pyramid are the burial rooms for the king and queen and long passage ways to these rooms. The rest d the pyramid is solid stone. Workers usually built the pyramids when they could not work on their farms. To build the pyramid of Khufu, 1130,000 men worked for 20 years. We know there were wonderful treasures in the pyramids. Robbers went into the pyramids and took many of these treasures. Today some of the treasures are in museums though.

The people of Mexico also built pyramids. They did not build the pyramids for tombs. They used to build the pyramid and then build a temple on top of it. The pyramids of Mexico are not as high as the pyramids of Egypt, but they are big. Each pyramid has wide stairways that go firm the bottom to the top. There's nothing inside the pyramid only dirt 6r more stones.

How did the people of ancient days build the pyramids? How did they carry and lift the huge stones? Each stone fits so well and they didn't have our modem machines. The ancient artwork of Egypt and Mexico gives us some ideas. Scientists hale studied the pyramids, but nobody can say just how they did it. Some day ff you can, you ought to go to see the pyramids. You will never forget them.


A.They thought the pyramids would help them find life after death.

B.They thought they could store treasure in the pyramids.

C.They thought the pyramids were one of the wonders in the world.

D.They thought the pyramids meant fortune.



Stop worrying about recession. That is the message from America's R-word index. For each q
uarter, we (1)_____ how many stones in the New York Times and the Washington Post include the word "recession". (2)_____ bells were set (3)_____ by the sharp jump in the "R-count" in the first quarter of this year. at a rate that in the past has (4)_____ the start of a recession. In the second quarter. (5)_____. the number of articles (6)_____ by more than one-third. A conspiracy theorist might suggest that newspaper editors, (7)_____ about dwindling advertising revenues, have (8)_____ the R-word.

The Economist has found that (9)_____ the past two decades, the R-word index has been good at (10)_____ mining-points in the American economy. (11)_____ GDP figures which appear (12)_____ after a lag, the numbers are instantly available. But how does the index perform. in Germany, (13)_____ there have also been (14)_____ fears of recession? Using our idea, Hypo Vereins bank has (15)_____ an R-word index for Germany, counting the number of times the word recession (16)_____ in Handelsblatt.

Worryingly, Germany's R-count for the first quarter of 2001 showed the second-steepest (17)_____ in the past two decades. But in the second quarter, the index dropped by one-third, (18)_____ in America (19)_____ the world economy has nothing to worry about, or journalists are more worded about a (20)_____ than a mere recession. A R-word index?







Complete the table by matching the phrases below. Select the appropriate phrases from the
answer choices and match them to the type of people to which they relate. TWO of the answer choices will NOT be used. This question is worth 4 points.Answer Choices (A)No regular encounters with the wonders of the natural world. (B)Travel by trail roads or airplanes. (C)Playing musical instruments. (D)Living close to the sounds and smells of forest and grasslands. (E)Having societies and languages. (F)Hunting and fishing for life. (G)Electing leaders of organizations. (H)Building cities. (I)Leaving their legacy in stones, bones and pottery.

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