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Who is Uncle Sam? "Uncle Sam", of course, stands for the United States. It is th

Who is Uncle Sam?

"Uncle Sam", of course, stands for the United States. It is the nickname(绰号) of the country. It is hard to believe that this nickname arose quite by accident and there was a man called "Uncle Sam"(46).

The man was called Uncle Sam Wilson. He was born in Arlington, Massachusetts (麻萨诸塞州), September 13,1766. At the age of 14 Sam joined the American Revolutionary War, and served in the army under George Washington until the end of the war. He then moved to Troy New York State and began a meat-packing business in the year 1812 war broke out between the United States and Great Britain.(47). Among them was Governor Daniel Tompkings of New York State. He noticed the capitalized letters EAUS on the packages of meat and asked what they stood for. A workman replied that EA stood for Elbert Anderson, the businessman for whom Sam was working.(48). In May 1813, this story appeared in a newspaper published in New York.(49).

By the end of the War of 1812, "Uncle Sam" had come to symbolize (象征)the character of the nation and the government.(50).


A.And he added jokingly that US (actually it was the short form. for the United States stood for Uncle Sam Wilson.)

B.However, not many people have ever heard of such a man. Not even most young Americans.

C.He did his bit to support the American army.

D.In 1961 the US Congress(国会) made a decision that "Uncle Sam" is the America&39;s national symbol.

E.On October 2 that year, a group of visitors came to Sam&39;s meat-packing plant.

F.Since Uncle Sam was an example of a hard-working man and a lover of America, the idea of "Uncle Sam" as the name for this kind of man became well-known rapidly.


A.And he added jokingly that US (actually it was the short form. for the United States stood for Uncle Sam Wilson.)B.However, not many people have ever heard of such a man. Not even most young Americans.C.He did his bit to support the American army.D.In 1961 the US Congress(国会) made a decision that "Uncle Sam" is the America&39;s national symbol.E.On October 2 that year, a group of visitors came to Sam&39;s meat-packing plant.F.Since Uncle Sam was an example of a hard-working man and a lover of America, the idea of "Uncle Sam" as the name for this kind of man became well-known rapidly.


A.And he added jokingly that US (actually it was the short form. for the United States stood for Uncle Sam Wilson.)B.However, not many people have ever heard of such a man. Not even most young Americans.C.He did his bit to support the American army.D.In 1961 the US Congress(国会) made a decision that "Uncle Sam" is the America&39;s national symbol.E.On October 2 that year, a group of visitors came to Sam&39;s meat-packing plant.F.Since Uncle Sam was an example of a hard-working man and a lover of America, the idea of "Uncle Sam" as the name for this kind of man became well-known rapidly.


A.And he added jokingly that US (actually it was the short form. for the United States stood for Uncle Sam Wilson.)B.However, not many people have ever heard of such a man. Not even most young Americans.C.He did his bit to support the American army.D.In 1961 the US Congress(国会) made a decision that "Uncle Sam" is the America&39;s national symbol.E.On October 2 that year, a group of visitors came to Sam&39;s meat-packing plant.F.Since Uncle Sam was an example of a hard-working man and a lover of America, the idea of "Uncle Sam" as the name for this kind of man became well-known rapidly.


A.And he added jokingly that US (actually it was the short form. for the United States stood for Uncle Sam Wilson.)B.However, not many people have ever heard of such a man. Not even most young Americans.C.He did his bit to support the American army.D.In 1961 the US Congress(国会) made a decision that "Uncle Sam" is the America&39;s national symbol.E.On October 2 that year, a group of visitors came to Sam&39;s meat-packing plant.F.Since Uncle Sam was an example of a hard-working man and a lover of America, the idea of "Uncle Sam" as the name for this kind of man became well-known rapidly.


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Travel and Tourism1Remote places with strange-sounding names attract the traveller with pr

Travel and Tourism

1 Remote places with strange-sounding names attract the traveller with promises of excitement, different forms of entertainment, and new kinds of food. The urge to travel is as old as civilization. Hundreds of years age. A young man from Venice named Marco Polo set out with his father for China, and his writings opened the Far East to Europeans of his time.

2 The modern travel industry is organized to meet every need and desire of the individual traveller. While travel was once an uncertain and dangerous event, it is now an easily planned adventure that has been revolutionized by great improvements in transportation, computer technology, and networks of international communication.

3 The individual traveller is concerned about where to go, how to get there, where to stay, where to eat, and what to eat. The travel industry is organized to meet these concerns in a variety of ways; travel agents and tour companies, transport companies, hotel arrangement and restaurant reservation systems, and local of national tourism boards.

4 The age of international travel was revolutionized on Oct. 26,1958,when Pan American World Airways flew a Boeing 707 jet airplane from New York City to Paris with 123 people on board. Jets cut long-distance air travel time in half. In the following decades, the airline industry expanded greatly and used a variety of airplanes.

5 Eating out poses few problems for a tourist who speaks the language of the country that he is visiting, but menus in other languages can be confusing and frustrating. It has been suggested that menus be printed in several languages, and restaurants in many major tourist centers now follow this practice.

Paragraph 2 ______

A Attractions of TravellingB Language Problem When Eating OutC Revolution Caused by JetsD How Travellers&39; Concerns Are MetE Travel Industry TodayF Travel Conditions

Paragraph 3 ______

A Attractions of TravellingB Language Problem When Eating OutC Revolution Caused by JetsD How Travellers&39; Concerns Are MetE Travel Industry TodayF Travel Conditions

Paragraph 4 ______

A Attractions of TravellingB Language Problem When Eating OutC Revolution Caused by JetsD How Travellers&39; Concerns Are MetE Travel Industry TodayF Travel Conditions

Paragraph 5 ______

A Attractions of TravellingB Language Problem When Eating OutC Revolution Caused by JetsD How Travellers&39; Concerns Are MetE Travel Industry TodayF Travel Conditions

People like travelling because ______.

A remote places attract the travellers with promises of excitementB has changed a lotC was uncertain and dangerousD international travelE JetsF confusing and frustrating

Compared with the past, today&39;s travelling ______.

A remote places attract the travellers with promises of excitementB has changed a lotC was uncertain and dangerousD international travelE JetsF confusing and frustrating

The flying of the Boeing 707 in 1958 marked a new stage for ______.

A remote places attract the travellers with promises of excitementB has changed a lotC was uncertain and dangerousD international travelE JetsF confusing and frustrating

When you eat out the language problem is ______.

A remote places attract the travellers with promises of excitementB has changed a lotC was uncertain and dangerousD international travelE JetsF confusing and frustrating




OSR is used in the instrument know as the ______.



Theories of the value of art are of two kinds, which we may call extrinsic and intrinsic.

The first regards art and the appreciation of art as means to some recognized moral good, while the second regards them as valuable not instrumentally but as objects unto themselves. It is characteristic of extrinsic theories to locate the value of art in its effects on the person who appreciates it.(46). In this case, it becomes an open question whether there might not be some more effective means of the same result. Alterntively, one may attribute a negative value to art, as Plato did in his republic, arguing that art has a corrupting or desiderative effect on those exposed to it.

The extrinsic approach, adopted in modern times by Leo Tolstoy in What Is Art in 1986, has seldom seemed wholly satisfactory. Philosophers have constantly sought for a value in aresthetic experience that is unique to it and that, therefore, could not be obtained from any other source. The extreme version of this intrinsic approach is that associated with Walter Pater, Oscar Wilde, and the French Symbolists, and summarized in the slogan "art for art's sake."(47). They also hold that in order to understand art as it should be understood, it is necessary to put aside all interests other than an interest in the work itself.

Between those two extreme views there lies, once again, a host of intermediate positions. We believe, for example, that works of art must be appreciated for their own sake, but that, in the act of apreciation, we gain from them something that is of independent value.(48). Why should not something similar be said of works of art, many of which aspire to be amusing in just the way that good jokes are?

The analogy with laughter...which, in some views, is itself a species of aesthetic interestintroduces a concept without which there can be no serious discussion of the value of art: the concept of taste.(49). We thus begin to think in terms of a distinction between good and bad reasons for laughter. Amusement at the wrong things may seem to us to show corruption of mind, cruelty, or bad taste; and when it does so, we speak of the object as not truly amusing, and feel that we have reason on our side.

Similarly, we regard some works of art as worthy of our attention and others as not. In articulating this judgment, we use all of the diverse and confusing vocabulary of moral appraisal; works of art, like people, are condemned for their sentimentality, coarseness, vulgarity, cruelty, or self-indulgence, and squally praised for their warmth, compassion, nobility, sensitivity, and truthfulness. Clearly, if aesthetic interest has a positive value, its only when motivated the good taste; it is only interest in appropriate objects that can be said to be good for us.(50).

[A] Thus a joke is laughed at for its own sake, even though there is an independent value in laughter, which lightens our lives by taking us momentarily outside ourselves.

[B] All discussion of the value of art tends, therefore, to turn from the outset in the direction of criticism: Can there be genuine critical evaluation of art, a genuine distinction between that which deserves our attention and that which does not?

[C] Art is held to be a form. of education, perhaps an education of the emotions.

[D] Artistic appreciation, appreciation, a purely personal matter, calls for appropriate means of expression. Yet, it is before anything a process of "cultivation", during which a certain part of one's "inner self" is "dug out" and some knowledge of the outside world becomes its match.

[E] If I am amused it is for a reason, and this reason lies in the object of my amusement.

[F] Such thinkers and writers believe that art is not only an end in itself but also a sufficient justification of itself.



A.than more recent onesB.the killing efficiency for older eruptionsC.has remained controve

A.than more recent ones

B.the killing efficiency for older eruptions

C.has remained controversial

D.Wignall's calculations as acceptable

E.has been known to us all

F.his ideas

Older eruptions were more devastating______



Anti-Aging Secrets: Four Ways to Stay Young1The aging process is not easy for anyone. Whil

Anti-Aging Secrets: Four Ways to Stay Young

1 The aging process is not easy for anyone. While some people accept getting older and do everything within their power to keep the mind and body active, others adopt a negative attitude and give in to the effects of aging. However, the key to feeling young is maintaining a young mental state. Moreover, simple lifestyle. changes can make you feel years younger.

2 Keeping the mind active is the best medicine against aging. Studies have shown that persons who remain active following retirement live longer. Brainpower and physical fitness go hand-in-hand When minds are sharpened or active, we are more likely to be physically active. Even if aging results in slight memory loss or a little confusion, brain exercises such as crossword puzzles (填字字谜) can improve memory.

3 Some persons are naturally introverted (内倾性格的) or shy, which can result in isolation. If you want to live a long life, avoid isolation. Maintaining healthy relationships has lasting benefits. Establishing strong relationships could lower blood pressure, promote relaxation, ease pain, and may even strengthen the immune system (免疫系统).

4 Too much stress can quickly age people. Completely ridding (使摆脱) our lives of stress is impossible. On the other hand, we can adopt simple techniques for better coping with life's problems, including reducing chaos, setting realistic goals, and relaxing.

5 If you think that you are old, you feel old Try to be cheerful and avoid developing a negative attitude towards life. Sometimes, this involves changing our association. Surrounding yourself with complainers will start to influence your attitude to life. We all experience hardships. Rather than focusing on the unpleasant, reflect on the positive things about life.

A. Avoid Isolation

B. Adopt a Positive Attitude to Life

C. Keep Your Mind Active

D. Maintain Balance

E. Accept Failure

F. Reduce Stress

Paragraph 2 ______



Different energy sources produce beams that have a particular effect on certain ______.



Changes in the current are recorede by means of a ______.



A. during rush hoursB. in spring and autumnC. to toxic airD. between autumn and winterE. a

A. during rush hours

B. in spring and autumn

C. to toxic air

D. between autumn and winter

E. as exposure to nuclear radiation

F. on the downwind side

Air pollution can be as harmful to one's health ______.



The departments of hospital laboratories, radiology department and medical records departm

ent help physicians______.



How One Simple Movement Can Let Slip the Secrets of the MindBody language is the quiet, se

How One Simple Movement Can Let Slip the Secrets of the Mind

Body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all! It is said that our body movements communicate about 50 per cent of what we really mean while words themselves only express 7 per cent. So, while your mouth is closed, just what is your body saying...

Arms.(46)If you keep your arms to the sides of your body or behind your back, this suggests you are not afraid of taking on whatever comes your way.(47)If someone upsets you, just cross your arms to show you're unhappy!

Head. When you want to appear confident, keep your head level. If you are monitor in class, you can also take on this position when you want your words to be taken seriously.(48)

Legs. Your legs tend to move around a lot more than normal when you are nervous or telling lies. If you are at interviews, try to keep them still!

Posture. A good posture makes you feel better about yourself.(49)This makes breathing more difficult, which in turn can make you feel nervous or uncomfortable.

Mouth. When you are thinking, you often purse your lips. You might also use this position to hold back an angry comment you don't wish to show.(50)

A If you are feeling downs, you normally don't sit straight, with your shoulders inwards.

B If you are pleased, you usually open your eyes wide and people can notice this.

C Outgoing people generally use their arms with big movements, while quieter people keep them close to their bodies.

D How you hold your arms shows how open and receptive you are to people you-meet.

E However, it will probably still be noticed, and people will know you're not pleased.

F However, to be friendly in listening or speaking, you must move your head a little to one side.

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