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Managing Cash Flow in the everyday sense is about making sure you have money coming in to

finance the costs of the goods and services you are producing.

If you're a small business, the chances are that for every $100 you owe, others owe you $155. What's more, you're probably waiting up to 12 weeks to get paid. It's not right. Some business people have very definite ideas about what should be done to make things fairer.

Improving credit control can make a world of difference to your business prospects. Profit is good, but it's cash that pays the wages.

So here are ten tips(提示) to help you get what's due to you.

1. Assess the credit risk of every customer and assign a credit limit to them before any goods are supplied. Trade and bank references should always be taken up before accepting a customer on credit terms.

2. State the credit terms clearly on each invoice(a pay by date and details of interest charges)

3. Ask for a percentage(百分比) of the invoice value in advance as protection against bad debt and to help cash flow.

4. Try credit insurance if credit checks do not come up to standard. It's not always available, but it can provide up to 100 percent cover on approved debts, guaranteeing payment by a specified date.

5. Think about using debt collection agencies for smaller debts. Agency fees, usually based on a percentage, are only payable if the debt is successfully recovered.

6. Investigate the potential of factoring(垫付并代为收账). Factors purchase a firm's unpaid invoices, paying up to 70 percent or more of the face value, but they often only take on the best customers.

7. Make sure you know the names and department of the person to whom each invoice is being sent.

8. Check how long existing customers take to pay—and negotiate new credit terms if they're not meeting bills on time.

9. Offer your customers discounts for paying up promptly when invoiced.

10. Follow up with a fax to make sum your invoice isn't overlooked, disregarded or left at the bottom of the pile.

What sort of people is this article written for?

It aims at ______.

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更多“Managing Cash Flow in the ever…”相关的问题


【连线题】listen and write the corresponding letter in the right place. a raising the funds

【连线题】Listen and write the corresponding letter in the right place. A Raising the funds B Buying franchise C Opening and marketing D Choosing the right business E Protecting intellectual property F Accounting and cash flow G Registering the business H Creating the website I Creating the business plan J Managing and expanding



A firm’s cash flows can be divided into cash flow from: (1) operating activities (2) inves

A firm’s cash flows can be divided into cash flow from: (1) operating activities (2) investment activities, and (3) financing activities. The operation activity cash flows are cash flows--inflows and outflows--directly related to origination and sale of the financial firm's assets and to operating costs such as general market activities, security trading activities, interest received and foreclosed collateral. Investment activity cash flows are cash flows and financial investments. Clearly, purchase transactions would result in cash outflows whereas sales transaction would generate cash inflows. The financing activity cash flows result from debt and equity financing transactions. Borrowing and repaying either short - term debt or long - term debt would result in a corresponding cash inflow or outflow. Similarly, the sale of common or preferred stock would result in a cash inflow whereas the repurchase of stock or payment of cash dividends would result in a financing outflow. Summarizing the firm's operating, investment, and financing activity cash flows during a given period helps to account for changes in the firm's cash position from the beginning to the end of the period chosen.

Managing cash is a very important activity for financial intermediaries. The cash flow statement provides the basics structure of all sources and uses of cash.

The statement of cash flow helps to explain the change in ______.

A.net profit after taxes

B.retained earning s of a given period

C.the firm's cash position of given period

D.financial position of the firm



For a company that needs to borrow the same amount of cash, which of the following statements about the relative impact of issuing interest-bearing debt and zero-coupon bonds on the financial statemen

A、 Cash flow from operations Higher LowerII. Cash flow from financing Higher LowerIII. Balance sheet liability Higher Lower

B、II only.

C、I and II only.

D、I and III only.



5 Jones and Cousin, a public quoted company, operate in twenty seven different countries a
nd earn revenue and incur

costs in several currencies. The group develops, manufactures and markets products in the medical sector. The growth

of the group has been achieved by investment and acquisition. It is organised into three global business units which

manage their sales in international markets, and take full responsibility for strategy and business performance. Only

five per cent of the business is in the country of incorporation. Competition in the sector is quite fierce.

The group competes across a wide range of geographic and product markets and encourages its subsidiaries to

enhance local communities by reinvestment of profits in local educational projects. The group’s share of revenue in a

market sector is often determined by government policy. The markets contain a number of different competitors

including specialised and large international corporations. At present the group is awaiting regulatory approval for a

range of new products to grow its market share. The group lodges its patents for products and enters into legal

proceedings where necessary to protect patents. The products are sourced from a wide range of suppliers, who, once

approved both from a qualitative and ethical perspective, are generally given a long term contract for the supply of

goods. Obsolete products are disposed of with concern for the environment and the health of its customers, with

reusable materials normally being used. The industry is highly regulated in terms of medical and environmental laws

and regulations. The products normally carry a low health risk.

The Group has developed a set of corporate and social responsibility principles during the period which is the

responsibility of the Board of Directors. The Managing Director manages the risks arising from corporate and social

responsibility issues. The group wishes to retain and attract employees and follows policies which ensure equal

opportunity for all the employees. Employees are informed of management policies, and regularly receive in-house


The Group enters into contracts for fixed rate currency swaps and uses floating to fixed rate interest rate swaps. The

cash flow effects of these swaps match the cash flows on the underlying financial instruments. All financial

instruments are accounted for as cash flow hedges. A significant amount of trading activity is denominated in the

Dinar and the Euro. The dollar is its functional currency.


(a) Describe the principles behind the Management Commentary discussing whether the commentary should be

mandatory or whether directors should be free to use their judgement as to what should be included in such

a commentary. (13 marks)



A—Purchase contract B—Market researchC—Competitive advantage D—Cash flowE—Real profit F—pa

A—Purchase contract B—Market research

C—Competitive advantage D—Cash flow

E—Real profit F—payroll tax

G—Payment certificate H—The profitability of the enterprise

I—Business operation J—Profit and loss

K—Business transaction L—Base tariff level

M—Gross profit N—Net profit

O—Application for insurance

Example: (O )申请保险 (F )工薪税

51. ()业务经营 ()毛利

52. ()巾场研究 ()利润和亏损

53. ()交易 ()竞争优势

54. ()现余流转 ()企业盈利率

55. ()实际利润 ()基础税率



根据下面短文内容,回答题。 Interview with Allan Gray(1)I was working for a multinational


Interview with Allan Gray

(1)I was working for a multinational company in the early 1980s, and my brother asked me if I was interested in going into partnership with him to set up a language school. I&39;d always wanted to work for myself, and I was a bit fed up with working for someone else, so I said yes.

Primarily, I wanted the freedom to make my own decisions, I wanted room to be creative, and also I wanted to be able to get the credit and keep the profits if we were successful. I was also happy to carry the can and take the blame if things went wrong. These things are not possible if you work as an employee in a large organization.

(2) I had to borrow money to help start the business, but we were lucky because we also had some outside capital to put into the business. These days it can be really hard to persuade banks to lend money to people who want to start a company, so we were fortunate. It was fairly easy to set up the business, because we had a very clear idea of what we wanted to do. The problem was, all our preconceptions (预想 ) about what it would be like to run a business were wrong.

We made lots of mistakes, and we almost went bankrupt (破产的 ) at the beginning. At one point, we only had two students in the school.

(3) Far too long! We lost money for the first four years and, as I was saying, we nearly went out of business. It took quite a long time to start making profit. The best thing we did, though, was that we hired some really good people to work for us. In fact, some of those people are still working for us,24 years later. Now we&39;re doing well, but it was very risky at first.

(4) One is financial constraint (约束) , It can be very tough. Think all small businesses have cash flow problems -- it often takes a long time to get paid by your customers. The second big problem is marketing. It takes a lot of funds to market your business, and you have to get your name known and build a reputation. But the biggest challenge is managing the people. All businesses are about people, and you have to learn how to deal with all kinds of people – and I think we&39;ve been extremely good at getting the best of our staff.

Paragraph 1 __________ 查看材料

A.Strategies in expanding a small business

B.Right people to run a business

C.Time-consuming experience of being successful

D.Challenges of running a business

E.Difficulties in starting the business

F.Reasons for working for oneself



The cash flow statement is a cash- basis report.


2 A proposal has been put to the board of directors of Semer plc that the company should i
ncrease its capital gearing

to at least 50%, in order to reduce the company’s cost of capital and increase its market value.

The managing director of Semer is not convinced by the logic of the proposal, or the accuracy of the calculations, but

is unable to explain the reasons for his reservations.

A summary of the proposal and its implications is shown below.

Proposal to increase the capital gearing of Semer plc

The company’s current weighted average cost of capital is estimated to be 10·6%. If the proportion of debt is

increased to 50% of total capital, by the repurchase of ordinary shares at their current market value, the cost of capital

may be reduced to 9·9%. A reduced cost of capital means that the value of the company will increase which will be

welcomed by our shareholders. Calculations supporting the above proposal are shown below:

(ii) The current price of Semer’s ordinary shares is 410 pence.

(iii) The market price of one 8% debenture 2010 is £112.

(iv) The market return is 10·5% and the risk free rate 4·0%.

(v) Semer’s equity beta is 1·2.

(vi) Semer currently pays £15 million in dividends.

(vii) The corporate tax rate is 30%.

(viii) The company currently generates a free cash flow of £60 million per year, which is expected to increase by

approximately 3% per year.


(a) What, if any, are the mistakes in the proposal? Correcting for any mistakes produce revised estimates of the

company’s current cost of capital and current value. Brief explanation of the reasons for any revisions should

be included. (15 marks)



The cash flow received from the firm’s assets (operating activities) must equal cash flow to the shareholders()


Put the following into English. “释放现金”

A、positive cash flow

B、free up cash

C、tie up one's money

D、cash flow position

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