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Our tragedy today is a general and universal physical fear so long sustained by now that w

e can even bear it. There are no longer problems of the spirit. There is only the question: when will I be blown up? Because of this, the young man or woman writing today has forgotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself which alone can make good writing because only that is worth writing about, worth the agony and sweat.

He must learn them again. He must teach himself that the basest of all things is to be afraid; and, teaching himself that, forget it forever, leaving no room in his workshop for anything but the old verities and truths of the heart, the old universal truths lacking which any story is ephemeral and doomed, love and honor and pity and pride and compassion and sacrifice. Until he does so he labors under a curse. He writes not of love but of lust, of defeat in which nobody loses anything of value, of victories without hope and worst of all without pity, or compassion. He writes not of the heart but of the glands.

Until he relearns these things he will write as though he stood among and watched the end of man. I decline to accept the end of man. It is easy enough to say that man is immortal simply because he will endure; that when the last ding-dong of doom has changed and faded from the last worthless rock hanging tideless in the last red and dying evening, that even then there will still be one more sound: that of his puny inexhaustible voice, still talking. I refuse to accept this. I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail. He is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance. The poet's, the writer's duty is to write about these things. It is his privilege to help man endure by lifting his heart, by reminding him of the courage and honor and hope and pride and compassion and pity and sacrifice which have been the glory of his past. The poet's voice need not merely be the record of man, it can be one of the props, the pillars to help him endure and prevail.

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更多“Our tragedy today is a general…”相关的问题


SECTION 1Compulsory Translation(30 points) It is not my contention that chemical insectici

SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points)

It is not my contention that chemical insecticides must never be used. I do contend that we have put poisonous and biologically potent chemicals indiscriminately into the hands of persons largely or wholly ignorant of their potentials for harm. We have subjected enormous numbers of people to contact with these poisons, without their consent and often without their knowledge. If the Bill of Rights contains no guarantee that a citizen shall be secure against lethal poisons distributed either by private individuals or by public officials, it is surely only because our forefathers, despite their considerable wisdom and foresight, could conceive of no such problem.

I contend, furthermore, that we have allowed these chemicals to be used with little or no advance investigation of their effect on soil, water, wildlife and man himself. Future generations are unlikely to condone our lack of prudent concern for the integrity of the natural world that supports all life.

There is still very limited awareness of the nature of the threat. This is an era of specialists, each of whom sees his own problem and is unaware of or intolerant of the larger frame. into which it fits. It is also an era dominated by industry, in which the right to make a dollar at whatever cost is seldom challenged. When the public protests, confronted with some obvious evidence of damaging results of pesticide applications, it is fed little tranquilizing pills of half truth. We urgently need an end to these false assurances, to the sugar coating of unpalatable facts. It is the public that is being asked to assume the risks that the insect controllers calculate. The public must decide whether it wishes to continue on the present road, and it can do so only when in full possession of the facts. In the words of Jean Rostand, "The obligation to endure gives us the right to know."













SECTION 2Optional Translation(30 points)For the first time in the history of the world, ev

SECTION 2 Optional Translation (30 points)

For the first time in the history of the world, every human being is now subjected to contact with dangerous chemicals, from the moment of conception until death. In the less than two decades of their use, the synthetic pesticides have been so thoroughly distributed throughout the animate and inanimate world that they occur virtually everywhere. They have been recovered from most of the major river systems and even from streams of groundwater flowing unseen through the earth. Residues of these chemicals linger in soil to which they may have been applied a dozen years before. They have entered and lodged in the bodies of fish, birds, reptiles, and domestic and wild animals so universally that scientists carrying on animal experiments find it almost impossible to locate subjects free from such contamination. They have been found in fish in remote mountain lakes, in earthworms burrowing in soil, in the eggs of birds — and in man himself. For these chemicals arc now stored in the bodies of the vast majority of human beings, regardless of age. They occur in the mother's milk, and probably in the tissues of the unborn child.

All this has come about because of the sudden rise and prodigious growth of an industry for the production of man-made or synthetic chemicals with insecticidal properties. This industry is a child of the Second World War. In the course of developing agents of chemical warfare, some of the chemicals created in the laboratory were found to be lethal to insects. The discovery did not come by chance: insects were widely used to test chemicals as agents of death for man.

The result has been a seemingly endless stream of synthetic insecticides.

What sets the new synthetic insecticides apart is their enormous biological potency. They have immense power not merely to poison but to enter into the most vital processes of the body and change them in sinister and often deadly ways. Thus, as we shall see, they destroy the very enzymes whose function is to protect the body from harm, they block the oxidation processes from which the body receives its energy, they prevent the normal functioning of various organs, and they may initiate in certain ceils the slow and irreversible change that leads to malignancy.



Because the aircraft industry needs ever-increasing quantities of aluminium plate, new equ

ipment has been designed to automate the making of it. It includes a huge heat-treatment furnace, a crane that lifts hot metal plates without damaging them, and a computer system that can manage the complete flow of work.

Five years ago, Europe's aircraft industry needed only 8,000 tonnes of aluminium plate a year for its products. Last year the figure reached 21,800 tonnes. By 2004 it should total 30,000 tonnes. Each airliner contains 180 tonnes of it. That is why the plant is being rebuilt to increase both the quality and the amount of its product.

Aluminium is alloyed with other metals and cast into ingots, and the surface of the ingots is smoothed off. After pre-heating, it is rolled in a mill that can take 3.75-m-wide slabs. The new equipment can make the process more efficient and can produce a better product. For example, computers control the temperature of the hot plates, the rate at which they pass through the mill, the speed of cooling it with water, and so on.

The new plant can handle twice the throughput of the one that it is replacing, thanks to the completely automated and computerized process.




民之安居乐业,都离不开法律之维系和法律之保障。中国也不例外。 一个国家采取什么样的治国方略,关系着国家的前途和命运。






女士们,先生们: 金秋十月,北京气候宜人,中国国际投资贸易论坛今天在这里隆重召开了。我很高兴能够



众所周知,通过双向贸易和投资,中国在世界经济增长中正发挥着日益重要的带动作用。 以去年为例,中国以占世界4%的国内生产总值,对世界经济的增长做出了10%的贡献;以占世界6%的外贸额,为世界贸易的增长做出了12%的贡献。[TONE]∥[TONE]











十几年来,蓬勃发展的旅游业促进了长城的修缮工程。 目前,多处长城已经修复,或正在修缮中。









I am pleased to welcome you to the United Nations for this first meeting of your contact g


Your focus on food security in Africa comes at a crucial time. The latest food crisis on the continent has brought home to us, more than ever before, the urgent need for a strategy to break the pattern of recurrent crises and bring about a Green Revolution in Africa. But achieving this will require radical approaches on multiple fronts.

Africa has faced food crises in the past; it has faced deadly diseases; it has struggled to come to terms with governance challenges in states with limited capacity and resources.

But rarely has the continent had to face the kind of intersecting challenges we see today. Today, Africa faces a deadly triad of related burdens -- food insecurity, HIV/AIDS and an emaciated capacity to govern and provide services.

We cannot find viable solutions to the challenge of food security unless we address the challenges of AIDS and governance at the same time.

Food insecurity in Africa has structural causes. Most African farmers farm small plots of land that do not produce enough to meet the needs of their families. The problem is compounded by the farmers' lack of bargaining power and lack of access to land, finance and technology.

This further weakens farmers' ability to withstand the impact of recurrent drought and the growing HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Thirty million Africans now live with HIV, and the continent has borne the brunt of more than 20 million AIDS deaths worldwide. In some areas of Africa, more than 40 percent of the population is HIV-positive, and similar proportions are going hungry.

The devastating impact of HIV/AIDS on food production -- with seven million African farmers already dead -- is only too obvious. Infection rates are rising among African women. The latest figures show that women make up 58 percent of Africans already infected.

Because of AIDS, skills and knowledge are dying out rather than being passed from one generation to the next. Both at the household level and the government level, resources are being diverted from food production to health care. In turn, food shortages fuel the disease, through malnutrition, poverty and inequality.

Clearly, breaking this destructive cycle poses a huge challenge to governance. It will require strong institutions, improved skills and innovative policies. But in an irony so typical of the age of AIDS, Africa's ability to govern and to provide services is itself being stretched to breaking point by the disease.

This interlocking set of issues facing Africa is far greater than the sum of its parts. Ad-dressing the issue I have raised requires a new, integrated response from both the Governments of Africa and the international community. It requires a shift from short-term approaches to a reassessment of our entire strategy for development -- or, taking long-term measures even when addressing short-term emergencies. Ladies and gentlemen,

The United Nations family is already joining forces to mount the coordinated effort needed. I hope you will work across the board with us, and with the Governments of Africa, in developing the range of revolutionary approaches we need to tackle the deadly triad and break the pattern of food crises in Africa.

I opened my remarks with a message of despair; let me close with one hope. Yes, this is an unprecedented set of challenges. But your presence here today tells me that we have unprecedented consensus on the need to confront them. Together, we must mobilize the political will to succeed.

Thank you very much.



I leave the vault, and as the guard closes the door, a marine archaeologist asks if I want

to see anything else. As an example he shows me an astrolabe, a navigation tool that preceded the sextant. Few have survived. "We have three of the oldest known," he says. He directs me to a paper on astrolabes written by a Cuban colleague, who quoted a 16th-century instruction: "He who wants to take the sun with an astrolabe at sea, must be seated near the main mast, the place where the boat oscillates the least and is quiet."

I want to take the measure of Cuba's past, so I tell the archaeologist I would like to go to the place where the plain things are. I am here not only to see treasures that glitter but also to see and touch objects that illumine moments of the past. Smiling, he takes me into storage rooms where he and other archaeologists preserve cargoes from four centuries of wrecks. Jumbled on these shelves is the stuff of Cuba's long reign as counting house and command center for Spain's New World colonies.

I see knickknacks destined for one of the annual 18th-century trade fairs, where Cubans bought imports from Spain. I also see, pallid from centuries in the sea, dozens of little painted ceramic dogs, lions, cats, and deer later shipped from England. Stacked nearby are sets of dinner dishes, tankards, an hourglass, a bottle of very Old Spanish wine.

On another day, in fading light, I walk the ramparts of E1 Morro, its lighthouse standing tall over Havana's harbor. The old fortress, by day a warren of tourist stops, changes by night, looming deeper into the shadows of Havana's past. As torches light the darkness, I watch Cuban soldiers, costumed as 18th-century Spanish sentries, march along the ramparts of the Castillo de San Carlos and fire a cannon that salutes the end of day. In Spanish times the cannon signaled the closing of the city gates and the drawing of a great chain across the harbor. Now the nightly ritual keeps open the sea-lane of memory between colonial past and present nationhood.

Near the waterfront of Old Havana stands the Palace of the Captains General. Once the headquarters of the Spanish bureaucracy that governed Cuba, the palace now is the Museum of the city. Light and shadow play along its walls of coral limestone. Royal palms rustle in its lust courtyard. Up a stone stairway a gallery leads to the spacious office of Eusebio Leal Spengler, historian of the city of Havana and preserver of its past. A slight, precise man in a well-tailored dark suit, he is the obvious ruler of the palace.

We had hardly shaken hands before he began rapidly talking about Havana, a city he sees simultaneously in past and present. The jewels I had viewed in the vault were about to become part of the treasure he guards for Cuba. He has selected an old fort to be their new home. "This," he said with a sweep of his hand, "is the city that changed history. Because of a decision by Philip Ⅱ all ships had to gather here to carry treasure back to Spain. And what treasure! Silk and aromatic wood from China, emeralds, silver."

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