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Title: The Loss of Traditional CultureTime limit: 40 minutesYour composition should be bas

Title: The Loss of Traditional Culture

Time limit: 40 minutes

Your composition should be based on the OUTLINE below and you should start with the given opening sentence: "If action is not taken, a nation's traditional culture is increasingly lost."

Your composition must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.


(1)The loss of traditional culture in a nation is frequently found under the influence of marketing economy

(2)How to prevent cultural loss

(3)Your views on this topic

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Write a short composition of 250~300 words on the topic given below.Topic: My Academic Amb

Write a short composition of 250~300 words on the topic given below.

Topic: My Academic Ambition



A the incidence of mesothelioma is extremely lowB which may extend from 25 to 30 year af

A the incidence of mesothelioma is extremely low

B which may extend from 25 to 30 year after initial exposure

C whereas the latter consist of a collection of fluid in the chest region outside the lungs

D on the other hand, are exclusively associated with exposure to the less harmful white asbestos

E suspect that exposure to even minimal levels of asbestos is unacceptable

F causing scarring which limits the functioning of the lungs

G resulting from inadequate ventilation

H develop the barrel-shaped chests associated with emphysema 肺气肿(where the skin assumes a bluish color) and club fingers

The inhalation of asbestos particles is associated with a number of lung diseases, such as asbestosis and lung cancer. Asbestosis is caused by the entry of asbestos particles into the walls of the alveoli, 【B1】______ . The lung loses its elasticity and may change shape. The initial symptoms of asbestosis are a tightness in the chest and breathlessness. In its later stages, sufferers 【B2】______ .

Lung cancer, the genetic term for malignant tumors of the alveoli and bronchial tubes, has been shown to be directly related to the inhalation of asbestos particles. As in the case of asbestosis, there is generally a period of latency 【B3】______ , despite the absence of further exposure. Research suggests that there is a direct correlation between the degree of exposure to asbestos and the incidence of lung cancers. Where exposure occurs, the level of risk is further increased by cigarette smoking. Asbestos workers who smoke cigarettes have a 90% greater risks of contracting lung cancer than workers who do not smoke.

Exposure to blue asbestos has been shown to produce mesothelioma, a rare cancer of the outer lining of the lung or pleura. In a normal population 【B4】______ . Where epidemiological surveys have revealed a higher incidence of the disease, it is almost always related to asbestos exposure.




Trees are so common arid quiet that we pay them little mind. What, for instance, should we

answer when asked to name the biggest living thing Earth has ever seen? Dinosaurs? Blue whales? No, the largest sequoias in northern California weigh more than six blue whales. The tallest redwoods and Australian eucalyptus trees tower more than 300 feet high, three times the length of the greatest dinosaur.【71】Some bristlecone pine trees in the American West are more than 4, 000 years old, seedlings at the time the Egyptians were building the Pyramids. Trees sustain our lives and our planet in a thousand practical ways. This morning at breakfast—in your wood-framed house, on your wooden kitchen table—you might have enjoyed orange juice or a grapefruit. Both come to use from trees. Over your French toast you may have sprinkled cinnamon and nutmeg, the powdered bark and nuts of tropical trees. That quart of maple syrup on your table was boiled down from roughly 10 gallons of sap from a sugar-maple tree.【72】Do you like chocolate, almonds, cola beverages.'? Cocoa beans, almonds and kola nuts are tree products. Frees do more than mule life pleasant; they make life possible. Trees get water through their roots and, primarily through their leaves, they draw carbon dioxide from the air. Then, with the action of sunlight on cells containing chlorophyll and other materials, chemical reactions occur, and oxygen is released.【73】Photosynthesis also produces glucose, a type of sugar. Trees convert some of the glucose to starch, which they use for energy storage. The cellulose fiber we call wood is made of thousands of glucose molecules linked into giant chains that no longer taste sweet.【74】The ancient Greeks, for example, treated pain with a tea made by boiling willow leaves and bark, a tea modern scientists now know contains silicon, a precursor of acetylsalicylic acid—aspirin.【75】More recently, researchers isolated and synthesized the chemical ginkgolide from the tree for use in treating asthma, toxic shock and other ills.

A. For centuries, the Chinese have derived medicines from the ginkgo tree.

B. Through photosynthesis, an acre of trees produces enough oxygen to sustain three humans.

C. As scientists unlock the secrets of trees, they uncover surprising tacts.

D. Trees have always been green machines, producing substances that humans learned to use.

E. You think, at 150 or more years, giant tortoises can live a long time?

F. And the morning newspaper was printed on the processed wood pulp we call paper.






2.如果地球上的人口以现有的速度继续增长下去,那么,最终将不会有足够的资源来维持生命。例如,如果现有的这种趋势继续下去到本世纪中叶,我们将会用完所有的汽车用油。即使科学家研究出维持人类生命的新途径,地球上的拥挤状况也将迫使我们去寻找另一个广阔的天地。但是,现在太阳系没有一个能维持人类生命的星球。不过,最近一位美国科学家卡尔?萨根(Carl Sasan)教授提出了有关可能解决这个问题的新方案。萨根认为,在地球上的资源完全耗尽以前,人类有可能改变金星(Venus)上的大气,从而开辟一个几乎像地球本身一样大的新世界。



约翰?施特劳斯(Johann Strauss)的故居在一条大街上,是一座粉色的四层楼老公寓房子。施特劳斯曾住

在这座房子二层楼上的两套房间里,于1866年末到1867年初在这里谱写了《蓝色的多瑙河》(The Blue Danube)这支名曲。那时他已经42岁了,在维也纳音乐界中负有盛名,但只是在这支乐曲问世以后,才奠定了他的“圆舞曲之王”的地位。这座房子离多瑙河不远,步行约半个多小时。当时这里是一片大森林,施特劳斯常常穿过森林到河边去散步,现在房屋鳞次栉比,成为热闹的大街了。



Directions: write around 200 words on ONE of the three given topics below within half an h

our. Be sure that your writing should include at least three well-developed paragraphs.

People say we are now in a very competitive society. Do you agree with it or not? Why?

What will we do as talented people to make our country powerful and prosperous in the new century?

A country's economic prosperity can be reflected in people's daily life. Do you agree or disagree7 Give your reasons in detail.







When a consumer finds that an item she or he bought is in faulty or in 【S1】______some othe

When a consumer finds that an item she or he bought is in faulty or in 【S1】______

some other way does not live to the manufacturer's claim for it , the first 【S2】______

step is to present the warranty or any other records which might help, at the

store of purchase. In most cases, this action will produce results. Moreover, 【S3】______

if it does not, there are various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction.

A simple and common method used by many consumers is to complain

directly to the store manager. In general, the "high up" the consumer 【S4】______

takes his or her complaint, the faster he or she can expect to be settled. 【S5】______

In such case, it is usually settled in the consumer's favor, assumed he 【S6】______

or she has a just claim. Consumers should complain about in person 【S7】______

whenever possible, but if it cannot get to the place of purchase, it is 【S8】______

acceptable to phone or write the complaint with a letter. 【S9】______

Complaining is usually most effective when it is done politely but

firmly, and especially when the consumer can demonstrate that is wrong 【S10】______

with the item in question.


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