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The greatest results in life are usually attained by simple means, and the exercise of ord

inary qualities. 1. The common life of every day, with its cares, necessities, and duties, affords ample opportunity for acquiring experience of the best kind; and its most beaten paths provide the true worker with abundant scope for effort and room for self-improvement. The road of human welfare lies along the old highway of steadfast well-doing; and they who are the most persistent, and Work in the truest spirit, will usually be the most successful.

Fortune has often been blamed for her blindness; but fortune is not so blind as men are. Those who look into practical life will find that fortune is usually on the side of the industrious, as the winds and waves are on the side of the best navigators. In the pursuit of even the highest branches of human inquiry, the commoner qualities are found the most useful—such as common sense, attention, application, and perseverance.

2. Genius may not be necessary, though even genius of the highest sort does not disdain the use of these ordinary qualities. The very greatest men have been among the least believers in the power of genius, and as worldly wise and persevering as successful men of the commoner sort. Some have even defined genius to be only common sense intensified. A distinguished teacher and president of a college spoke of it as the power of making efforts. John Foster held it to be the power of lighting one's own fire. Buffon said of genius "it is patience".

Newton's was unquestionably a mind of the very highest order, and yet, when asked by what means he had worked out his extraordinary discoveries, he modestly answered, "By always thinking unto them." At another time he thus expressed his method of study: "I keep the subject continually before me, and wait till the first dawnings open slowly by little and little into a full and clear light." 3. It was in Newton's case, as in every other, only by diligent application and perseverance that his great reputation was achieved. Even his recreation consisted in change of study, laying down one subject to take up another. To Dr. Bentley he said, "If I have done the public any service, it is due to nothing but industry and patient thought."

4. The extraordinary results effected by dint of sheer industry and perseverance, have led many distinguished men to doubt whether the gift of genius be so exceptional an endowment as it is usually supposed to be. Thus Voltaire held that it is only a very slight line of separation that divides the man of genius from the man of ordinary mould. Beccaria was even of opinion that all men might be poets and orators, and Reynolds that they might be painters and sculptors. If this were really so, that stolid Englishman might not have been so very far wrong after all, who, on Canova's death, inquired of his brother whether it was "his intention to carry on the business".

Locke, Helvetius, and Diderot believed that all men have an equal aptitude for genius, and that what some are able to effect, under the laws which regulate the operations of the intellect, must also be within the reach of others who, under like circumstances, apply themselves to like pursuits. 5. But while admitting to the fullest extent the wonderful achievements of labor, and recognizing the fact that men of the most distinguished genius have invariably been found the most indefatigable workers, it must nevertheless be sufficiently obvious that, without the original endowment of heart and brain, no amount of labor, however well applied, could have produced a Shakespeare, a Newton, a Beethoven, or a Michelangelo.

Dalton, the chemist, repudiated the notion of his being "a genius", attributing everything which he had accomplished to simple industry and accumulation. John Hunter said of himself, "My mind is like a beeh

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更多“The greatest results in life a…”相关的问题


According to the results of Study 2, of the sexually mature offspring that were collected
in May 2007, the greatest number had which of the 3 genotypes?




D.Cannot be determined from the given information



The greatest advantage with the Internet-based collaboratory may lie inA.the greater cost

The greatest advantage with the Internet-based collaboratory may lie in

A.the greater cost reduction and availability of data in research.

B.its promptness in putting research results into practice.

C.its capability to reexamine the validity of traditional research.

D.its potentiality in integrating social sciences into physical sciences.



According to the results of Study 2, what was the greatest percent increase in yield for a
cornfield, and what was the amino sugar N content of the soil in the cornfield with this increase in percent yield?

A.100%;65 mg/kg

B.112%;100 mg/kg

C.122%;65 mg/kg

D.122%;125 mg/kg



The technical aspects of applications of knowledge are equally necessary for man and are of the greatest importance, because they also contribute to defining him to pursue a life increasingly more truly human. But even while enjoying the results of technical progress, he must defend the primacy and autonomy of pure knowledge.英译中


GeniusThe greatest results in life are attained by simple means, and the exercise of ordin


The greatest results in life are attained by simple means, and the exercise of ordinary qualities. The common life of every day, with its cares, necessities, and duties, affords ample opportunity for acquiring experience of the best kind; and 41. its most beaten paths provide the true worker with abundant scope for effort and room for self-improvement. 42. The road of human welfare lies along the old highway of steadfast well-doing; and they who are the most persistent, and work in the truest: spirit, will usually be the most successful.

Fortune has often been blamed for her blindness; but fortune is not so blind as men are. 43. Those who look into practical life will find that fortune is usually on the side of the industrious, as the winds and waves are on the side of the best navigators. In the pursuit of even the highest branches of human inquiry, the commoner qualities are found the most useful, such as common sense, attention, application, and perseverance.

Genius may not be necessary, though even genius of the highest sort does not disdain the use of these ordinary qualities. 44. The very greatest men have been among the least believers in the power of genius, and as worldly wise and persevering as successful men of the commoner sort. 45. Some have even defined genius to be only common sense intensified. A distinguished teacher and president of a college spoke of it as the power of making efforts. John Foster held it to be the power of lighting one's own fire. Buffon said of genius "it is patience".




GeniusThe greatest results in life are attained by...


The greatest results in life are attained by simple means, and the exercise of ordinary qualities. The common life of every day, with its cares, necessities, and duties, affords ample opportunity for acquiring experience of the best kind; and 41. its most beaten paths provide the true worker with abundant scope for effort and room for self-improvement. 42. The road of human welfare lies along the old highway of steadfast well-doing; and they who are the most persistent, and work in the truest: spirit, will usually be the most successful.

Fortune has often been blamed for her blindness; but fortune is not so blind as men are. 43. Those who look into practical life will find that fortune is usually on the side of the industrious, as the winds and waves are on the side of the best navigators. In the pursuit of even the highest branches of human inquiry, the commoner qualities are found the most useful, such as common sense, attention, application, and perseverance.

Genius may not be necessary, though even genius of the highest sort does not disdain the use of these ordinary qualities. 44. The very greatest men have been among the least believers in the power of genius, and as worldly wise and persevering as successful men of the commoner sort. 45. Some have even defined genius to be only common sense intensified. A distinguished teacher and president of a college spoke of it as the power of making efforts. John Foster held it to be the power of lighting one's own fire. Buffon said of genius "it is patience".




For many years, we have been led to believe that a persons intellectual intelligence is th
e greatest predictor of success. Society【C1】______ that people with high IQ will naturally accomplish 【C2】______ in life. Schools often use IQ test results to【C3】______children for gifted programs and advanced【C4】______. Some companies even use the results【C5】______a criterion for hiring employees. In the past 10 years, we have been conditioned to【C6】______intelligence with these numbers. 【C7】______, researchers have found that this isnt necessarily the case. They have discovered that more than IQ, your【C8】______ awareness and abilities to handle feelings will determine your success in all【C9】______of life,【C10】______ family relationships. In the early 1990s, Dr. John Mayer and Dr. Peter Salovey【C11】______the term " emotional intelligence" in the Journal of Personality Assessment. They used this【C12】______to describe peoples ability to understand their own emotions and emotions of others and to act【C13】______based on this understanding. Then in 1995, psychologist Daniel Goleman【C14】______ this term with his book Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. 【C15】______investigated emotional intelligence by measuring related concepts,【C16】______social skills, interpersonal competence, psychological 【C17】______, long before the term "emotional intelligence " came into【C18】______. Social scientists are just beginning to【C19】______ the relationship of EQ to other phenomenon. 【C20】______Goleman, "Emotional intelligence, the skills that help people harmonize, should become increasingly valued as a workplace asset in the years to come. "








For many years, we have been led to believe that a persons intellectual intelligence is th
e greatest predictor of success. Society【C1】______ that people with high IQ will naturally accomplish 【C2】______ in life. Schools often use IQ test results to【C3】______children for gifted programs and advanced【C4】______. Some companies even use the results【C5】______a criterion for hiring employees. In the past 10 years, we have been conditioned to【C6】______intelligence with these numbers. 【C7】______, researchers have found that this isnt necessarily the case. They have discovered that more than IQ, your【C8】______ awareness and abilities to handle feelings will determine your success in all【C9】______of life,【C10】______ family relationships. In the early 1990s, Dr. John Mayer and Dr. Peter Salovey【C11】______the term " emotional intelligence" in the Journal of Personality Assessment. They used this【C12】______to describe peoples ability to understand their own emotions and emotions of others and to act【C13】______based on this understanding. Then in 1995, psychologist Daniel Goleman【C14】______ this term with his book Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. 【C15】______investigated emotional intelligence by measuring related concepts,【C16】______social skills, interpersonal competence, psychological 【C17】______, long before the term "emotional intelligence " came into【C18】______. Social scientists are just beginning to【C19】______ the relationship of EQ to other phenomenon. 【C20】______Goleman, "Emotional intelligence, the skills that help people harmonize, should become increasingly valued as a workplace asset in the years to come. "








Until recently, the acquisition of scientific literacy and the enlargement of general know
ledge on the part of the individual had only been intuitively understood and was best observed in extreme cases. Contrary to the notion of instant "creativity" that was popular in the 1960s, distinguished scientific accomplishment is a matter of opportunity and of continuous and concentrated effort over at least a decade. When Newton was asked how he had managed to surpass the discoveries of his predecessors, in both quantity and quality, he replied, "By always thinking about them." Add to this the comment of Gauss that "if others would but reflect on mathematical truths as deeply and continuously as I have, they would make my discoveries," and it becomes apparent that "instant" scientific discoveries are many long years in the making.

So, too, are accomplishments in many other areas. Psychological studies of the lives of eminent painters, writers, musicians, philosophers, religious leaders, and scientists of previous centuries, as well as prizewinning adolescents in this country today, reveal early, intense concentration on previous work in their fields, often to the near-exclusion of other activities. It appears, though, that science and mathematics, because of their highly specialized and abstract symbolism, may require the greatest concentration and per severance.

The same fundamental thought process, moreover, appear to be required in both elementary and advanced science, as Simon and his colleagues have shown. "The development of literacy, the acquisition of information, and the problem-solving of beginners differ in degree rather than in kind from mental activities of experts. The scarce resources are opportunities and concentration rather than the amount of information available or the processing capacity of the mind, both of which, for practical purposes are unlimited.

The passage says that in the 1960s it was a widespread belief that distinguished scientific accomplishments were ______.

A.made mostly by accident

B.the results of painstaking efforts

C.the results of sudden bursts of creativity

D.made only by distinguished characters



For many years, we have been led to believe that a...

For many years, we have been led to believe that a persons intellectual intelligence is the greatest predictor of success. Society【C1】______ that people with high IQ will naturally accomplish 【C2】______ in life. Schools often use IQ test results to【C3】______children for gifted programs and advanced【C4】______. Some companies even use the results【C5】______a criterion for hiring employees. In the past 10 years, we have been conditioned to【C6】______intelligence with these numbers. 【C7】______, researchers have found that this isnt necessarily the case. They have discovered that more than IQ, your【C8】______ awareness and abilities to handle feelings will determine your success in all【C9】______of life,【C10】______ family relationships. In the early 1990s, Dr. John Mayer and Dr. Peter Salovey【C11】______the term " emotional intelligence" in the Journal of Personality Assessment. They used this【C12】______to describe peoples ability to understand their own emotions and emotions of others and to act【C13】______based on this understanding. Then in 1995, psychologist Daniel Goleman【C14】______ this term with his book Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. 【C15】______investigated emotional intelligence by measuring related concepts,【C16】______social skills, interpersonal competence, psychological 【C17】______, long before the term "emotional intelligence " came into【C18】______. Social scientists are just beginning to【C19】______ the relationship of EQ to other phenomenon. 【C20】______Goleman, "Emotional intelligence, the skills that help people harmonize, should become increasingly valued as a workplace asset in the years to come. "








For me, scientific knowledge is divided into mathematical sciences, natural sciences deali
ng with the natural world (physical and biological), and sciences dealing with mankind (psychology, sociology, all the sciences of culture achievements, and every kind of historical knowledge). Apart from these sciences is philosophy, about which we will talk later. In the first place, all this is pure or theoretical knowledge, sought only for the purpose of understanding, in order to fulfill the need to understand what is intrinsic and consubstantial to man. What distinguishes man from animal is that he knows and needs to know. If man did not know that the world existed, and that the world was of a certain kind, that he was of a certain kind, he wouldn't be man. The technical aspects or applications of knowledge are equally necessary for man and are of the greatest importance, because they also contribute to defining him as man and permit him to pursue a life increasingly more truly human.

But even while enjoying the results of technical progress, he must defend the primacy and autonomy of pure knowledge. Knowledge sought directly for its practical applications will have immediate and foreseeable success, but not the kind of important result whose revolutionary scope is in large part unforeseen, except by the imagination of the Utopians. Let me recall a well-known example. If the Greek mathematicians had not applied themselves to investigation of conic sections, zealously and without the least suspicion that it might someday be useful, it would not have been possible centuries later to navigate far from shore. The first men to study the nature of electricity could not imagine that their experiments, carried on because of mere intellectual curiosity, would eventually lead to modern electrical technology, without which we can scarcely conceive of contemporary life. Pure knowledge is valuable for its own sake, because the human spirit cannot resign itself to ignorance. But, in addition, it is the foundation for practical results that would not have been reached if this knowledge had been sought disinterestedly.

The author does not include among the sciences the study of ______.





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