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A recent study in the United States reports that the family life, education and health of

America's children are generally improving, though child poverty has risen for the first time in a decade, according to the government's broadest measure of children's well-being.

The report shows that the teenage birth rate is down, young people are less likely to be involved in violent crimes and the death rate for this group has declined.

Experts say that teenagers who give birth are less likely to finish high school or to graduate from college than other girls of their age. Also, infants born to teenage mothers are more likely to be of low birth weight, which increases their chances of blindness, deafness, mental retardation, mental illness and cerebral palsy.

The study shows that young people were less likely to be victimized in a serious violent crime -- murder, rape, robbery or aggravated assault -- or to commit one. In 2002, there were 11 serious violent crimes per 1,000 people aged 12 to 17, compared with 15 per 1,000 youths in 2001.

Child mortality declined, too. In 2000, there were 18 deaths for every 100,000 children aged 5 to 14; a year later, there were 17 deaths for every 100,000 children in this age group. The infant mortality rate slightly increased. Seven of every 1,000 infants died before their first birthday in 2002, compared with a record low of 6.8 per. 1,000 in 2001.

Still, children are more likely to be overweight than they were before and child poverty has inched up after several years of decline.

The number of overweight children increased to 16 percent between 1999 and 2000, compared with from 11 percent in the early 1990s and 6 percent in the late 1970s.

That development "jeopardizes our children's future, making them vulnerable to chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension previously associated more with adults than with children," said Edward J. Sondik, director of the Center for Disease Control's National Center for Health Statistics.

The report said Mexican-American boys were at the highest risk, with 27 percent overweight followed by non-Hispanic girls at 23 percent.

The child obesity issue is a major cause for concern, a health expert said to reporters.

"This is a trend that's been at work since 1980 ... and as a trend, it shows no sign of reversing," the expert said.

Child poverty also grew, reaching 11. 6 million in 2002, compared with 11. 2 million a year earlier. Children living with single females continued to experience a higher poverty rate in 2002 than their counterparts in married-couple families -- 40 percent compared with 9 percent.

In 2002, 73 million children under 18 lived in the United States and made up 25 percent of the population.



It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you to this meeting on such an important issue as

science, information and society.

Today, science and information are opening up new horizons for human development. They do so through the exchange of scientific knowledge, the expansion of education and training, and the promotion of creativity and intercultural dialogue.

Our organization is required therefore to help enlarge the spread of science and information through better education.

Yet science education does not take place only in universities and institutions of higher education. An early start must be made if we are to increase the numbers of students who are interested in pursuing a scientific career.

The uneven distribution of science and information between the industrialized and developing countries also raises concerns. According to a UN Report, industrialized countries, with only 15% of the world's population, are home to 88% of all Internet users. Less than 1% of people in South Asia are online, even though it is home to one-fifth of the world's population, The situation is even worse in Africa. There are only one million Internet users on the entire continent whereas in the UK alone there are 10.5 million. In other words, capacity-building is vital for the developing world if they are to become knowledge societies.

These are some of the key issues that I hope you will discuss during the upcoming meeting. In particular, I am keen to hear your views on how this meeting can make a difference and, indeed, how science and information can make a difference in building knowledge societies.

Thank you.





B:Yes,indeed.ID card is one of the most authoritative certificates issued by the government to show a person's status.It is very useful for a person who travels around the country.And I know that a driving license cannot be used to identify a person's status in China.


B:ID cards are issued to the Chinese citizens aged 16 or above.Citizens who are below that age,if they want,can also apply.


B:After about 20 years since the issue of the first ID cards,the Ministry of Public Security decided to issue the second generation of ID cards starting from January this year.




This is a terrible disease, for which we do not yet have a cure. Nor do we have a vaccine.

Meanwhile, the mortality rate for AIDS is 100 percent.

AIDS means that the immune system of a person has gone wrong. The immune system is the biological system in your body which fights off diseases. This system is composed mostly of what are commonly termed "white blood cells."

These cells are the hunters in the body. When a virus, such as the common cold, invades the body, the white blood cells rush to the invader and kill it.

While these blood cells are busy killing an invader, the body's immune system is said to "be under attack." If another virus or bacteria enters the body at the same time as the white blood cells are busy fighting off an invader, the second attacker has a better chance of injuring the rest of the body's system.

Scientists found the virus that causes AIDS and named it HIV. The HIV virus attacks the white blood cells and kills them, thus preventing these white cells from carrying on their important work of killing the other invading viruses.

We cannot tell if a person has an HIV infection just by looking at him. And here lies part of the problem about the spread of HIV infection among people. For at least the first few years after a person has contracted the HIV virus, there are no indications that the person has the HIV virus in his/her bloodstream.

However, during this time the person carrying the virus can pass it onto other people through intimate sexual relations or sharing blood with them.

Then how do we know if we have HIV or not? The answer is simple. Have an HIV blood test. This simple, painless AIDS test will take only a few minutes of your time, and, if you are at all in doubt about whether you might have contracted the HIV virus, it is a life-saving endeavor.



SECTION 2Optional Translation(30 points) Campaigning for votes in the western province of

SECTION 2 Optional Translation (30 points)

Campaigning for votes in the western province of Maharashtra this month, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India vowed to give such a remarkable facelift to Mumbai, the state capital, that people "should forget talking about Shanghai."

Now that the election results are in, and a coalition led by Singh's Congress Party has retained power in the province, the prime minister must make good his promise, which will take more than a paint job.

The consulting firm McKinsey says it would cost $ 44 billion to make Mumbai a world-class city that can rank alongside Shanghai.

A revival of Mumbai, the country's trade and entertainment hub, is more than a matter of image. It's an economic necessity.

The city of 12 million fills two-fifths of the nation's corporate-tax kitty, yet a third of its people live in slums.

Mumbai's economy has lagged the national average growth rate of about 7 percent since 1998 — a level of underperformance that is impossible to reverse without mending the city's creaky infrastructure.

A choked, potholed Mumbai is symptomatic of a wider urban malaise. It isn't that a fast-growing economy like India can't find the resources to invest in its cities, where much of its economic growth is being produced.

By 2025, one of (the) two Indians would be living in an urban center, up from one in three now.

Morgan Stanley's chief economist, Stephen Roach, recently undertook a 115-mile, or 184-kilometer, car journey from Mumbai to the industrial city of Pune on a new expressway, which he says "is a huge cut above any of the other motor routes that I had been on in India."

Yet, by Chinese standards, the new road merits a "B minus, at best," he says. "If this is progress in closing India's infrastructure gap, the problem is even worse than I had imagined."



Ludwig van Beethoven was an unhappy genius. He had deep feelings that he could not express

in words. He found the way to express these feelings in music, and this led to a new kind of music that is expressive.

Beethoven was born in the German city of Bonn, in 1770. His father was a singer in the Church choir, and he soon saw that Ludwig had musical ability. The father thought that Ludwig might be another wonder-child, like Mozart, and that he would make the family's name and fortune. He forced the little boy to practice long hours on the violin.

Mozart's father had been kind, but Beethoven's father was impatient and often rough with him. Also, Beethoven's father was not reliable in earning a living for his family. As young Ludwig grew up he had to take a great deal of responsibility. When he was 15, and was working in the Church as assistance organist, Ludwig was practically supporting the family.

But he had kind teachers and some good friends, and he was lucky enough to get a position playing the viola in the opera orchestra in Bonn. There he became familiar with the operas of Mozart and other composers, and he learned a great deal about the instruments of the orchestra and how they played together. This was to be valuable to him later in his own composing.

When he decided to go to Vienna to study, the Archbishop at Bonn paid for his journey and other friends gave him letters to noblemen in Vienna. Beethoven was a very fine pianist, besides being able to play the violin and other stringed instruments. The Viennese music-lovers quickly adopted him as a favorite concert performer. But they criticized every new work of Beethoven's because it was too different.

The Viennese soon realized that they had an extraordinary genius living among them, and they made every effort to keep him. When Beethoven had an offer to go to another city as an orchestra conductor, three noblemen of Vienna banded together to pay him a regular income every year if he would stay with them, He stayed, and went on composing his big, powerful symphonies, concertos, piano sonatas and many other works.

But except for his music, Beethoven was not a happy man. Before he was 30, he began to grow deaf. This was a terrible misfortune for a musician. His deafness came slowly and he was able to continue playing concerts until he was 44. But 10 years later, when his great Ninth Symphony was performed for the first time, he could not hear at all. He was sitting on the stage at the performance, watching the conductor, and he had his back to the audience. One of the singers turned him around so that he could see the audience enthusiastically applauding this tremendous symphony.

Beethoven was a lonely man. Although he had fallen in love several times, he never married. His deafness made him still more lonely, for he would not go out in public at all. But he rose above his loneliness and deafness through his music. Even when he was totally deaf, he went on creating music that he could not hear except in his mind, expressing all the feelings he could not express to anyone in words.



移动电话正在成为2 l世纪一个主要的技术领域。在几年之内,移动电话将会发展成为多功能的通信工具,






SECTION 1Compulsory Translation(30 points) Japan owes a lot to China. Chinese demand for J

SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points)

Japan owes a lot to China. Chinese demand for Japanese goods has helped Japan's economy recover, while competition has pressured executives to start restructuring Japan's companies and banks.

Japan is an example of how China is offering two benefits to the global economy. One is the way in which China is acting as an economic engine, buying up ever-increasing amounts of goods and natural resources. The other is the flow of inexpensive Chinese goods that drag down consumer prices across the world.

There are downsides, like the decline of manufacturing industries from Detroit and Perth. Folks in developed economies losing jobs or taking pay cuts would hardly agree that China's rising influence is a good thing.

But at the moment, China's 9.5 percent growth rate is proving more of a blessing than a bane for countries like Japan.

Quietly, at the start of this decade, Japanese companies began shifting production abroad, cutting costs, selling off extraneous businesses and paying down debt. 'The government also stepped up efforts to attract more foreign direct investment, something Japan had little use for in the past.

Taken together, these actions largely prompted by China's advance, have led to the most organic and convincing recovery Japan has seen in years. While Japan has much further to got to make its economy more globally competitive, it is worth noting how far it has come from the dark days of the late 1990s.

There are many benefits inherent in China's advance. One of them was spelled out by Anatole Kaletsky, an editor and economic columnist at The Times of London. He wrote on August 18 that China's rise is making the richest nations even richer.

Along with pushing down global prices of mass-produced goods, China's influence may actually be pushing up the prices of products and services China does not or cannot make. That can be seen in the prices of things that China consumes — oil, financial services, luxury goods and real estate.

Kaletsky said that as prices of luxury goods and financial services are driven higher, prosperous countries with service industries become wealthier, compared with manufacturing countries.











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