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In Chart 3, we can see the close relationship between the increase of vehicle population i

n the country and the growth of national economy.

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听力原文:1The advice I would give is to know your own business as much as you possibly can

听力原文:1 The advice I would give is to know your own business as much as you possibly can; know their business as much you possibly can; and know them. If you know where you are starting from, if you understand your business then you are not going to make a mistake on your side. The more you know their business, the better chance you have of actually pitching your own sales strategy appropriately. And the more you know of the person you are dealing with, the better chance you have of success. Of course, you cannot always win, but you can gain some lessons from failure and add to your experience.

2 There are a lot of general methods and some specific ones to our company. For instance, one general method is to get the managers to understand how they work together and to use models like Belbin's model that I know you've been using to give insights into how people behave in the management group. Another approach is to give people personal feedback about their management style. and how they are seen by their colleagues. The third approach is to actually observe the process going on in management. These methods will certainly improve your work efficiency and increase chances of success. Of course whether they can work well also depends on the quality of the person you work with.

3 Well, the key is to be enthusiastic because what you have to leave your delegates with is as much enthusiasm for the product as you've got. And if you've got that enthusiasm, they'll get out into the market; they'll produce your new product; they'll get involved in the sales campaign, and indeed they'll want you to take part in an incentive, which is the third reason I am going to give you. They'll want to get involved in the incentive that will actually ensure the sales campaign is a success, and that incentive might be a trip abroad, it might be to win a television or something like that. Anyway, it's something very attractive and rewarding.

4 Prospective employees are particularly concerned about people in positions of higher responsibility. They put this on the top of their priority. They are interested in selecting quality people who can be trusted with company information, knowledge and secrets. They need to be convinced that you offer value and skills to them. Spend some time thinking about what you have accomplished in your previous jobs and what skills you can bring to the table. Ask yourself whether these skills are in demand. Make a list and review it repeatedly. This will improve your attitude and self-confidence. In any case, be sure not to be rash for this might ruin all your opportunities. Besides, credit is also something they consider important in the quality of an employee.

5 Well, I think I would justify it on the basis that we are net "stealing" individuals. We are merely presenting them with opportunities. The final decision must be theirs. And the fmal decision for somebody to move jobs has to be a function of two things: We say there has to be a "push "and "pull". There has to be a push from their existing organization, and there has to be a "pull" to the new organization. We spend a lot of our time making it clear to them what the pull is, i.e. bigger job, more money, better location or whatever. We can do nothing at all about the push, that's up to them.

?You will hear five different people talking on different topics.

?For each extract there are two tasks. For Task One, decide what the speaker is talking about from the list A-H. For Task Two, choose the occupation of the speaker from the list A-H.

?You will hear the recording twice.


?For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the topics, listed A-H.

?For each extract, decide what topic each speaker is talking about.

?Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract.

A methods to build a successful team

B advice about being a good salesman

C tips for



?The graph below shows the turnover for three kinds of retail outlet, all owned by the sam

e company, during a three-year period.

?Using the information from the graph, write a short report comparing the changes in turnover in the company's three types of outlet.

?Write 120-140 words.



?Read this text taken from an article about how the accountants influence the decisions.?C

?Read this text taken from an article about how the accountants influence the decisions.

?Choose the best sentence to fill each of the gaps.

?For each gap 9—14, mark one letter (A—H) on your Answer Sheet.

?Do not use any letter more than once.

How the Accountants Influence the Decisions

Accountants in industry are often asked to evaluate projects. H . Many people think it must be straightforward, but, like many publishing contracts, the devil lies in the detail.

(9) . There is a high level of front-end investment in trying to "break" (popularise) an artist which usually comprises a non-returnable advance on royalties, recording costs, promotional costs and tour support costs which sometimes even extend to large "buy-on" fees to support major artists on big tours; i.e. they pay to play. Usually the first department involved in a decision to sign an artist is the A&R (artistes and repertoire) department. Sometimes unfairly labelled the Urn & Ah department, they play a vital role in identifying potential stars. About 95% of the artists don't make the grade. (10) . This financial analysis is called a Deal Memo and it also assists in the negotiation process.

When A&R. have identified a signing then there are a number of key decisions to be made in which the business affairs and finance departments become closely involved. (11) . Will it be a direct signing, i.e., will the company be contracting directly with the artist, or has the artist been savvy enough to incorporate his own company and "loan out" his services to his own company? If the contract is with the artist's company then it is vital that the record company get the artist to sign a letter (called an inducement letter) stating that he personally undertakes to fulfill his contractual obligations should his company be unable to do so; e.g., if it were wound up.

(12) . Pete Waterman% PWL with artists such as Kylie Minogue, Jason Donovan and Rick Astley was a good example of a production house. Other examples are lease-tape deals and P&D (pressing and distribution) where the record company does not actually own the product but can sell it under its name for a limited period.

(13) . This will largely concentrate on the advances, royalty rates and contract term that should be offered to make it attractive to the artist to sign.

(14) . It should be product based i.e. on the number of albums to be delivered by the artist, (known as the "minimum commitment") rather than time based. Ideally the record company would want to sign the artist for just one album with multiple options for further albums at its sole and absolute discretion, so ff the artist is a flop, then the contract is terminated after one album, but if he or she is a success then options are exercised.

A The term of the contract is very important.

B Having decided on the form. of contract then, the finance department comes into the picture in assessing and analyzing the structure of the deal.

C Other possible forms of contract that could be considered are production house deals where a specialist company agrees to supply a number of artists to the record company.

D Firstly, it must be decided what form. the contract is going to take.

E However, for the very few artists that the record companies successfully "break" then there is big money to be made and it is therefore vital that any proposed deal undergo a thorough financial analysis to ensure that the company is not over-committed.

F Contrary to popular myth that it is easy to make money in the music business, most artists actually lose money for the recording companies.

G Importance should be attached to both the term and form. of the contract.

H In



Task Two - Feeling&8226;For questions 18-22, match the extracts with what people say, list

Task Two - Feeling

&8226;For questions 18-22, match the extracts with what people say, listed A-H.

&8226;For each extract, choose the feeling expressed.

&8226;Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract.

A. welcomes the opportunity to travel in the new job

B. is unhappy in his/her present job

C. considers the new job a promotion

D. was net happy about their interview

E. thinks the interview was successful

F. is undecided about accepting the new job

G. did not like the new company

H. would like to live in this area



If a shareholder has not paid in full for the shares he has agreed to buy, he can be force

d to pay the balance owing on the shares.



The identity of the shareholders in a large concern may be changing constantly as shares a

re bought and sold by different people.



?Look at the statements below and the five extracts about companies. ?Which extract (A, B,

?Look at the statements below and the five extracts about companies.

?Which extract (A, B, C, D or E) does each statement (1-8) refer to?

?For each statement (1-8), mark one letter (A, B, C, D or E) on your Answer Sheet.

?You will need to use some of these letters more than once.

A Separate Legal Entity

A unique feature of a company is that, no matter how many individuals have bought shares in it, it is treated in its dealings with the outside world as if it was a person in its own right. It is said to be a separate legal entity. Just as the law can create this separate legal person, the law also can eliminate it, but its existence can only be terminated by using the proper legal procedures.

Thus, the identity of the shareholders in a large concern may be changing constantly as shares are bought and sold by different people. On the other hand, a small private company may have the same shareholders from the date it is incorporated (the day it legally came into being), until the date when liquidation is completed (the cessation of the company, often known as "winding up" or being "wound up"). A prime example of its identity as a separate legal entity is that it may sue its own shareholders, or in turn be sued by them.

B Limited Liability

Most companies are "limited" companies. This means that any shareholder who has paid for the share(s) which he has bought cannot be forced to pay more money into the company if, for example, it is making losses or has gone into liquidation. Thus, the maximum amount of money any shareholder can lose by investing in a company is the amount he has invested. Unlike in sole traders or partnerships a shareholder in a limited company cannot be forced to sell his own property to pay the debts of the business.

If a shareholder has not paid in full for the shares he has agreed to buy, he can be forced to pay the balance owing on the shares. Once he has paid that amount he cannot be forced to pay any further amount. Thus, his liability is limited.

C Company Directors

The day-to-day management of a company is not carried out by the shareholders. Shareholders can normally attend, and vote at, general meetings of their company. At one of these meetings the shareholders will vote for directors, the people to whom the running of the company is entrusted. At each Annual General Meeting (AGM) the directors have to report to the shareholders. They write a directors' report and this is accompanied by a set of final accounts for the year. If there is a change in the directors of a company, for example, a new director being appointed or an existing director resigning, this change must be notified to the Companies Office within fourteen days of the change. The board of directors (usually known simply as "the board") is the term used to mean all of the directors.

D The Company Secretary

The company secretary must, among other things, attend all board meetings, consult with the chief executive on the agenda and keep a record of the minutes of board meetings and general meetings of the shareholders. It is normally the company secretary who makes returns to the Companies Office including notifying the Registrar of changes in the company's board, auditors, registered office etc. The company secretary is usually an individual although many companies pay firms of accountants to undertake this role.

E Share Capital and Dividends

A shareholder in a limited company obtains his reward for investing in the form. of a share of the profits made by the company, known as a dividend. The directors decide how much of the profits is to be retained in the company and used for expansion. Out of the remaining profits they propose the payment of a certain amount of dividend. The shareholders cannot propose a dividend for themselves higher than that already proposed by the directors. They



?Your company needs to promote publicity in ways other than advertisements. Your manager f

eels that the company can gain reputation if more of its employees publish articles in newspapers. You have been asked to write a proposal regarding the need to encourage the employees to write articles for newspapers.

?Write your proposal, including the following.

?a brief description of the employees' engagement in writing articles for newspapers

?an explanation of why published articles can contribute to the company's publicity in terms of its technical expertise

?recommendations for incentive measures that urge the employees to consider writing articles for journals.

Question 3

?Your company has planned to screen out socially inappropriate massages from all of its advertisements. You have been instructed to write a report about biased ads which might foster negative stereotypes of some group.

?Write the report for your manager, including the following information:

?what stereotypes of people have appeared in the ads

?why it is compelling to stop running or changing the ads in their current forms

?whet general lesson can be learnt from this incident.

Question 4

?Your company, which runs a transportation business, has received a letter requesting adjustment on damaged shipment from a client. You are responsible for writing letters to inform. clients of how reimbursement is made to clients under such circumstances.

?Writing the letter to this client:

?expressing your awareness of this affair and your apology for the damage

?informing him of the granted adjustment

?reminding him of what needs to be done before the reimbursement is made.



My business would like to employ only people genuinely committed to a career in retailing.



Company training is organised so that all staff share common goals.

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