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听力原文:Although some airlines prevent passengers from using portable electrical devices

during take-off and landing, few has given them a total ban, as many passengers want to work during flights.


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One of the surest signs of middle age is that you actually listen when outsiders tell you

that maybe it's time that you started to slow down. Consider, if you will, what's happened lately with Microsoft, Amazon. com and Wal-Mart, all of which were once treated by Wall Street as high-growth companies. The more money they spent upgrading facilities and expanding into new markets, the more Wall Street loved them. All three had revolutionized their industries, were growing like mad and were more about tomorrow's potential payoff than about today.

Well, today has arrives. The Street has issued a collective judgment on our three amigos—it's declared them to be middle-aged. It hasn't done this formally, of course. But if you look at how the Street has treated these three stocks lately, it's the only conclusion that you can draw.

Being considered less-than-youthful isn't a total shock to Microsoft, which showed signs of middle-age onset when it started paying serious cash dividends a few years ago. But it's surprising to see Amazon and Wal-Mart act middle-aged. They both had seemed to be expanding without end but they've now decided it's time to slow their growth, at least in part to help keep Wall Street happy. Middle age, you see, has nothing to do with how old a company is—it has to do with how it thinks.



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听力原文:The fact is no matter how nicely we dress, or how beautifully we decorate our hom

es, we can't be truly elegant without good manners because elegance and manners always go hand in hand.




听力原文:Today, people believe in a more balanced diet. In many countries where food short

age is no longer a problem for immediate attention, people start to eat less and attach importance to the nutrition and wholesomeness of the food.









听力原文: Naturally, a large number of senior citizens in America are looking forward to e

njoying their retirement, but the recent trend in retirement has made it harder and harder. Some people have to delay their retirement by a few years and keep working to earn extra income, and those who have already quit their job have a very tough time finding another one. According to the nation's largest credit-counseling agency, the baby boomer generation is the first generation that is going into retirement carrying substantial credit-card debt. The average credit-card balance among Americans over the age of 65 climbed 149 percent between 1989 and 2001. Those between the ages of 55 and 64 carried a similar amount of debt.




In Russia, where the shape of many people has long resembled the favorite national food —t

he potato-dieting is now the rage.

Slimming concoctions, from Slimfast to Herbalife, have taken the country by storm. Diet classes that teach the basics of healthful eating are jam-packed with the obese. American diet books can be found at subway book stalls. Diet sodas line the windows of nearly every sidewalk kiosk.

Spurred by a recent flood of Western television, advertising and snazzy fashion, women here have come to embrace the old saying that a woman cannot be too rich or too thin.

The dieting craze comes at a time when many Russians are officially impoverished and growing numbers of children suffer from vitamin and other deficiencies.

"In the past, a woman was supposed to be a good worker and a good housekeeper," said Galina Istomina, who teaches at the Center for Psychological Correction-Harmony diet program, "Now people have to care how they look. Western influence has had an effect. "

Of course Russian women were never as overweight, as their dreary and doughy "babushka" image suggested. In fact, on average, they are probably thinner than their American counterparts, whose greater access to healthier food and lifestyles is mitigated by junk food and sedentary ways.

But for a long time, spending too much time on one's looks was definitely bad form, as Raisa Gorbachev, wife of the former Soviet leader, Mikhail S. Gorbachev, discovered when her stylish ness provoked barbs. Now it is considered a capitalist necessity, especially for the growing number of women in the new world of business. "Before, I worked in a government ministry, and it was not important how you dressed or how you looked," said Ludmilla Topchi, 31, who recently attended Harmony's weeklong diet class in an effort to lose 10 to 15 pounds (about 5 to 7 kilograms) , "Now I have my own firm, and I'm meeting every day with people in similar social status. So I want to look better. "

Said Miss Istomina, "People in Russia are overweight not because they eat too much but because there is such little choice of healthy food. Just macaroni, fried potatoes and salami."

Indeed, it is not easy to diet here. The local cuisine is heavy with fat: fatty salami is the main protein at all meals; heavy sour cream is slathered onto, and into, everything; mayonnaise is a basic ingredient of many salads; fried potatoes are a staple; fresh fruits and vegetables are pricey and, in many regions, virtually impossible to find out of season. And the season tends to be very brief.

Still, a combination of career necessity, greater awareness about health and growing worries about environmental hazards in food has spurred many women to eat better if they can afford to.

"Women today, even those who have been so shocked by the changes of the last few years, have begun to understand that the main thing is health, feeling good," said Zoya Krylova, editor in chief of the women's magazine Rabotnitsa.

But there is more to it than that, she said. "Women realize they have to be in good shape, they have to be a high quality commodity," the editor said, "The money-commodity relationship, after all, is well known now. "

Tatyana, one of dozens of women now selling Herbalife in Moscow, said that many of her "clients" were women who had taken jobs with new private companies headed by Westernized men in their mid-30s. "These men want to be surrounded by 'young things'," she said, "So to get a job in a good firm, you better look good."

She also said that many women had now traveled abroad or had Western contacts and wanted Western lifestyles.

A few years ago that was impossible in Russia because Western clothes and cosmetics were unavailable in state-run stores, which is what all Sov



Marriage really is good for you, with a major international study finding it reduces the r

isks of depression and anxiety, but these disorders are more likely to plague people once the relationship is over. The study of 34,493 people across 15 countries was led by clinical psychologist Kate Scott from New Zealand's University of Otago, and is based on the WHO World Mental Health (WMH) surveys conducted over the past decade. It found that ending marriage through separation, divorce or death is linked to an increased risk of mental health disorders, with women more likely to resort to substance abuse and men more likely to become depressed. "What makes this investigation unique and more robust is the sample that is so large and across so many countries and the fact that we have data not only on depression... but also on anxiety and substance use disorders," Scott said in a statement. "In addition, we were able to look at what happens to mental health in marriage, both in comparison with never getting married, and with ending marriage." Scott said that the study found that getting married, compared to not getting married, was good for the mental health of both genders, not just women, as previous studies had found.

The study, however, did find that men are less likely to become depressed in their first marriage than women, a factor Scott said was probably linked to the traditional gender roles at home, as other WMH surveys have shown that as women get better educated, depression rates tend to fall. The other gender difference the study found is that getting married reduces risk of substance use disorders more for women than for men Scott said this may be explained by the fact that women are usually the primary caregiver for young children.

However, the downside of marriage, the University of Otago study shows, is that ending it has a negative impact on both genders. "What our study points to is that the marital relationship offers a lot of mental health benefits for both men and women, and that the distress and disruption associated with ending marriage can make people vulnerable to developing mental disorders," Scott said.

The study was recently published in the British journal Psychological Medicine. It was conducted in association with the World Health Organization, Harvard University and a number of other international organizations.

What might be the different reactions of men and women towards the ending of marriage?

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