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In recent years, more and more college students have been doing part-time jobs. Some peopl

e think it will interfere with their studies, while others argue that it can benefit them in many respects. Write an essay of about 400 words on

1. College students Should (Not) Take Part-time Jobs

In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.

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SECTION ACHINESE TO ENGLISHDirections: Translate the following text into English. 北京故宫


Directions: Translate the following text into English.




We need vacations. They recharge us, allowing usto be more efficient all the other times.

We need vacations. They recharge us, allowing us

to be more efficient all the other times. The trouble

is, too many of the vacations we take these days are 【M1】 ______.

vacations at all. We Americans are collectively suffering

from "vacation deficit disorder," insists Joe Robinson.

And we don't even admit we have a problerrk It gets such 【M2】 ______.

bad that workers often compete to see who has less of a

life than the. next guy. Americans work less than anyone 【M3】 ______.

else. In fact, we work 100 hours per year more than the

famously nose-to-grindstone Japanese. And we put in

up to three months a year more than Europeans. America is the

only country which does not mandate paid vacation leave. 【M4】 ______.

China gets three weeks. Europe average six. Call it the 【M5】 ______.

incredible shrinking vacation. The average vacation in America

now numbers a pathetic three to four days--a long weekend. And

this year, according to a recent survey, one in seven Americans

are taking no vacation at all. The problem is, 【M6】 ______.

the little time we now allot ourselves for vacations can't do

that vacations are supposed to do. "You need more time to fix burnout," 【M7】 ______.

explains Joe Robinson, author of Work To Live: The Guide to Getting a Life.

You have to be cut off from a stressor for a sufficient amount of time to give your

mind or body a break. And you have to allow two weeks 【M8】 ______.

for your body to rebound. But trying to get more than one

week at a time is not difficult, especially in today's climate. 【M9】 ______.

People have to beg their employees for any time in the first 【M10】 ______.

place. The upshot is they wind up feeling guilty for taking

time off. And vacations feel illegitimate.




During the traditional wedding ceremony, thebridal couple promises each other lifelong【M1】

During the traditional wedding ceremony, the

bridal couple promises each other lifelong 【M1】 ______

devotion. Yet, about one cut of four American

marriages ends in divorce. Since 1940, the

divorce rate has mom than doubled, and

experts predict that, of all marriages that

occured in the 1970s, about 50% will end in 【M2】 ______

divorce. The USA is one of the highest divorce 【M3】 ______

rates in the world; perhaps even the highest.

What goes wrong? That fact that divorce is so

common in the United States does not mean that

Americans consider marriage a casual, unimportant

rolationship. Just opposite is true. Americans 【M4】 ______

expect a great deal from marriage. They seek physi-

cal, emotional, and intellectual compatibility.

They want to be' loved deep and understood. It 【M5】 ______

is because Americans expect so much from

marriage that so many get divorce. They prefer 【M6】 ______

no marriage at all to a marriage without love

and understanding. Which typical American

optimist, they end one marriage in the 【M7】 ______

hope of that the next will be happier. With 【M8】 ______

no fault divorce laws in many states, it is

easier than never to get a divorce. Some American 【M9】 ______

women stay in unhappy marriages because they

do not have the education or job experience

to support themselves and their children.

But most American women believe that, if neces-

sary, they can make it lonely without a 【M10】 ______

husband. All things considered, Americans

have little reason to continue an unhappy





SECTION BENGLISH TO CHINESEDirections: Translate the following text into Chinese. Cell pho


Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese.

Cell phones may help busy executives keep in constant touch with important business associates, but they may also increase their risk of high blood pressure, preliminary research suggests. A study of 10 German mobile phone users found that when they switched on their phone, their blood pressure shot up by 5 to 10 millimeters of mercury, researchers reported in this week's issue of the international medical journal, The Lancet. Exactly how cell-phone use can lead to increases in blood pressure is unclear, but researchers speculate that the electromagnetic fields emitted by phones may somehow boost pressure. While the blood pressure increases found in the new study are small, they may be detrimental to people who already suffer from hypertension, researchers led by S. Braune of the Neurologische Universitateklinik in Freiburg, Germany, explained.



Some people claim that advertisers perform. a useful service to the community. How far do

you agree or disagree with these people? Write an essay of about 400 words, commenting and expressing your views on the topic:


In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.



SECTION ACHINESE TO ENGLISHDirections: Translate the following text into English.但那时我


Directions: Translate the following text into English.








As suburbs grew, businesses moved into the new areas. Largeshopping centres containing a g

As suburbs grew, businesses moved into the new areas. Large

shopping centres containing a great kind of stores changed con- 【M1】_________.

sumer patterns. The number of these centres rose from eight in 【M2】_________.

the end of World War 11 to 3,840 in 1960. With easy parking and

convenient evening time, customers could avoid city shopping en- 【M3】_________.


New highways created a better access to the suburbs and 【M4】_________.

its shops. The Highway Act of 1956 provided $ 26,000 million,

the largest public work expenditure in US. history, to build 【M5】_________.

more than 64,000 kilometres of federal roads to link together all

parts of the country.

Television, consequently, had a powerful impact on social 【M6】_________.

and economic patterns. Developing in the 1930s, it was not wide- 【M7】_________.

ly marketed until after the war. In 1946 the country had about 【M8】_________.

fewer than 17,000 TV sets. Three years later, consumers were

buying 250,000 sets a month, and by 1960 three-quarters of all

families owned at least one set. In middle of the decade, the 【M9】_________.

average family watched television four to five hours a day.

Americans of all ages grew exposed to increasingly sophisticated 【M10】_________.

advertisements for products said to be necessary for the good





SECTION BENGLISH TO CHINESEDirections: Translate the following text into Chinese.By the ti


Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese.

By the time I began teaching in the early 1970s, everyone already seemed to be in business for himself, looking for the best deal, which meant the least teaching for the most money at the most snobbishly well- regarded schools. The spirit of capitalism, for ail that might be said on its behalf, wreaks havoc when applied to culture and education. The English novelist David Lodge neatly caught this spirit at work when he created, in two of his academic novels, the character Morris Zapp. A scholar-operator, Zapp, as described by Lodge, "is well-primed to enter a profession as steeped in free enterprise as Wall Street, in which each scholar-teacher makes an individual contract with his employer, and is free to sell his services to the highest bidder." Said to be based on the Milton-man Stanley Fish, an identification that Fish apparently has never disavowed but instead glories in, Morris Zapp is the freebooter to a high power turned loose in academic settings: always attempting to strengthen his own position, usually delighted to be of disservice to the old ideal of academic dignity and integrity. Fish himself ended his days with a deanship at the University of Illinois in Chicago for a salary said to be $250,000, much less than a utility infielder in the major leagues makes but, for an academic, a big number.



SECTION BENGLISH TO CHINESEDirections: Translate the following text into Chinese. Not ever


Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese.

Not every writer could command the eloquence of Tomas Paine. But nearly everyone shared Paine's belief that the struggle was hugely important, Loyalist and American patriot alike set to work eagerly to expose folly and injustice and convert the reader. Whether the writer's immediate aim was to stir the emotions, to ridicule the enemy, or to convince by patient reasoning, in all cases a certain urgency still communicates itself to the reader. Controversy aloes not on its own create good writing; yet it is usually a powerful aid.

For the infant nation, victory in the war and for the republican principle came as a heartening overture. The United States was brand new, or almost so; old errors and temptations had been shunned, and the book of history lay open at a clean page. The former Puritan confidence in posterity had been retained, as we can see from Paine's words; but though Puritan optimism had not been rosy enough to embrace human nature, the emphasis in these glad deistic(自然神教的) days now shifted from duties to rights, from innate depravity to innate virtue.



Clearly if we are to participate in the society in which we live we mustcommunicate with t

Clearly if we are to participate in the society in which we live we must

communicate with the other people. A great deal of communicating is 【M1】______

performed on a person-to-person base by the simple means of speech. 【M2】______

If we travel in buses, buy things in shops, or eat in restaurants, we are

possible to have conversations where we give information or opinions, 【M3】______

receive news or comment, and very likely have our views challenged

by other members of society.

Face-to face contact is by no mean the only form. of communication 【M4】______

and during the last two hundred years the art of mass communication has

become one of the dominating factors of contemporary society. Two things,

above others, have caused the enormous growth of the communication industry.

Firstly, inventiveness had led to advances in printing, telecommunications,

photography, radio and television. Secondly, speed has revolutionized the

transmission and reception of communications so that local news often takes

a back seat to national news, which themselves is often almost eclipsed by 【M5】______

international news.

No longer is the possession of information confined to a privileged

majority. In the last century the wealthy man with his own library was indeed 【M6】______

fortunate, and today there are public libraries. Forty years ago people used to 【M7】______

flock to cinema, but now far more people sit at home and turn on the TV to 【M8】______

watch a program that is being channeled into millions of homes,

Communication is no longer mere concerned with the transmission 【M9】______

of information. The modern communication industry influences the way

people live in society and narrows their horizons by allowing access to 【M10】______

information, education and entertainment. The printing, broadcasting

and advertising industries are all involved with informing, educating

and entertaining.


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