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In July of 1970, the White House and Congress workedtogethertoestablishtheEnvironmentalPro

In July of 1970, the White House and Congress worked

together to establish the Environmental Protection Agency

(EPA) in response to the growing public demand for cleaner

water, air and land. Prior the establishment of 【S1】______

the EPA, the federal government is not structured to make 【S2】______

a coordinated attack on the pollutants that harm human health

and degrade the environment. The EPA was assigning the task 【S3】______

of repairing the damage already done to the natural environ

ment and to establish new criteria to guide Americans in making

a cleaner environment a reality.

Bom in the awake of elevated concern about environmental 【S4】______

mental pollution, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

opened its doors in downtown Washington, D.C., on December 2,

1970. EPA was established to consolidate in one agency the variety 【S5】______

of federal research, monitoring, standard-setting and

enforcement activity to ensure environmental protection. 【S6】______

EPA's mission is to protect human health and to safeguard

the naturally environment-air, water, and land-upon 【S7】______

which life depend. For more than 30 years, the EPA 【S8】______

has been working for a cleaner, healthier environment for the

American people.

From regulating auto emissions to ban the use of 【S9】______

DDT; from cleaning up toxic waste to protecting the ozone

layer; from increasing recycling to revitalizing inner-city brown-

fields, EPA's achievements have resulted in cleaner alr, purer

water, and well protected land. 【S10】______


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Wilson v Dagnall [1972] 1 QB 509 Court of Appeal (...

Wilson v Dagnall [1972] 1 QB 509 Court of Appeal (Lord Denning MR, Megaw and Stephenson LJJ) Statute – effective date Facts The plaintiff’s husband was killed in a motor accident in 1969. On 19 March 1970 she commenced proceedings claiming, inter alia, damages under the Fatal Accident Acts. The hearing was on 27 July 1971: the defendant admitted liability and formal judgment was entered on 30 July. On 1 July 1971 the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1971 received the Royal Assent and the Act stipulated that it was to come into force on 1 August 1971. The Act provided (in s4) that, in assessing damages under the Fatal Accidents Acts, no longer was account to be taken of a widow’s prospects of remarriage. As the 21- year- old plaintiff enjoyed such prospects, the judge assessed her damages as though the 1971 Act were already in force. The defendant’s appeal was heard in December 1971. Held (Lord Denning MR dissenting) The judge had been wrong to apply the 1971 Act and the plaintiff’s damages would therefore be reduced to take account of her prospects of remarriage. Megaw LJ: ‘It is natural to feel sympathy for this young widow, as against an anonymous insurance company. But it cannot be proper for a court of law to decide a case in favor of a plaintiff on the basis of sympathy, if the law of the land, as laid down in an Act of Parliament, provides otherwise. Whenever the law is changed by an Act of Parliament, there are likely to be cases which can be regarded as hard cases. That would not have been avoided if, for example, Parliament had provided- as it deliberately did not provide- that the change in the law was to take effect on the date when the Act was passed, 1st July 1971. For in that event the cases decided by the courts in the days or weeks preceding 1st July (instead of, as now, 1st August) could equally have been regarded as hard cases: hard, because they fell so close to the dividing line but on the wrong side of it for the plaintiff concerned. Yet a dividing line there must be. The only question is: what is the dividing line which Parliament has chosen to lay down? Parliament has unambiguously said that the Act is to come into operation on 1st August 1971. To my mind there is no ambiguity about that nor any doubt as to its effect. It means that Parliament has ordained that up to that date, 1st August 1971, the law is to remain as before. I do not know why Parliament so provided. But that it did so provide is beyond dispute. I should have thought it was also beyond dispute, as an essential part of the unwritten constitutional law of England, by which courts of law are ineluctably bound, that those courts must loyally give effect to what Parliament has provided, and not seek to give effect to what they may think that Parliament ought to have provided. If Parliament has made a mistake, it has full sovereign power to correct the mistake. It follows that in my judgment the learned judge could not lawfully treat s4 of the Act as though it was already in force on 27th July. The judge’s decision was wrong and contrary to law. It ordered the defendant to pay money which, in law, the defendant could not lawfully be ordered to pay to the plaintiff. I do not regard it as relevant that the delivery of the judgment or the drawing up of the order could, as a matter of fact, have been postponed by the judge until 31st July had come and gone and the Act had come into operation.’ Questions 1. How many parts can this case be divided into? What are they? 2. Which two judges agreed with the ruling? Who dissented? 3. Why did the defendant appeal? 4. Why did the judges of the Court of Appeal reverse the first ruling?



What's your idea of a good time? What about dancing in a rainy field with one hundred and
fifty thousand other people while a famous rock band plays on a stage so far away that the performers look like ants?

It may sound strange but that is what many hundreds of thousands of young people in the UK do every summer. Why? Because summer is the time for outdoor music festivals. Held on a farm, the Glastonbury Festival is the most well-known and popular in the UK. It began in 1970 and was attended by one thousand five hundred people each paying an admission price of £ 1--the ticket included free milk from the farm.

Since then the Glastonbury Festival has gone from strength to strength--in 2004 one hundred and fifty thousand fans attended, paying £ 112 for tickets to the three-day event. Tickets for the event sold out within three hours. Acts included veteran (老的、著名的) superstars, such as Paul McCartney and James Brown, as well as new talents, like Franz Ferdinand and Joss Stone.

Although many summer festivals are run on a profit-making basis, Glastonbury is a charity event, donating millions of pounds to local and international charities(慈善事业).

Glastonbury is not unique in using live music to raise money for global poverty. In July of this tear, the Live 8 concerts, were held simultaneously (同时) in London, Paris, Rome and Berlin. Superstars, such as Madonna, Sir Elton John and Stevie Wonder performed in order to highlight international poverty and debt.

What does the author mean by "the Glastonbury Festival has gone from strength to strength"?

A.The festival has achieved continuing and growing success.

B.It has taken great efforts to hold the festival.

C.The festival has brought in a large amount of money.

D.There have been thousands of fans attending the festival.



What's your idea of a good time? What about dancing in a rainy field with one hundred and
fifty thousand other people while a famous rock band plays on a stage so far away that the performers look like ants?

It may sound strange but that is what many hundreds of thousands of young people in the UK do every summer. Why? Because summer is the time for outdoor music festivals. Held on a farm, the Glastonbury Festival is the most well-known and popular in the UK. It began in 1970 and was attended by one thousand five hundred people each paying an admission price of £1—the ticket included free milk from the farm.

Since then the Glastonbury Festival has gone from strength to strength--in 2004 one hundred and fifty thousand fans attended, paying £112 for tickets to the three-day event. Tickets for the event sold out within three hours. Acts included veteran (老的、著名的) superstars, such as Paul McCartney and James Brown, as well as new talents, like Franz Ferdinand and Joss Stone.

Although many summer festivals are run on a profit-making basis, Glastonbury is a charity event, donating millions of pounds to local and international charities(慈善事业).

Glastonbury is not unique in using live music to raise money for global poverty. In July of this year, the Live 8 concerts were held simultaneously (同时) in London, Pads, Rome and Bedim Superstars, such as Madonna, Sir Elton John and Stevie Wonder performed in order to highlight international poverty and debt.

What does the author mean by "the Glastonbury Festival has gone from strength to strength"?

A.The festival has achieved continuing and growing success.

B.It has taken great efforts to hold the festival.

C.The festival has brought in a large amount of money.

D.There have been thousands of fans attending the festival.



Space Shuttle Project is one of the first huge-typed spaceflight instruments used for many
times in the world, organized by American National Aviation and Spaceflight Bureau, the main researches of【1】are researching and making the system of space shuttle, suggesting and choosing【2】 and landing ports, deciding the scheme of reclaiming the roll booster of solid rocket,【3】the establishment of repairing the roll booster, and rebuilding and expanding the building of the【4】and controlling system.

At the beginning of 1969, the United States set up a group that specially researched the development direction of spaceflight with 【5】 for the next stage,【6】by deputy president. After【7】and research, it suggested that an aero craft with great benefits in【8】should be made, eg【9】the spaceflight being its leading stanchion. In this project, five orbit implements were prescribed to be made, 【10】" Exploitation", " Columbia", " Challenger", "Discovery" and "Atlands".

In 1970, spaceflight got into an all-round【11】of research and manufacture. The whole-project had to delay more than three years. Five orbit implements were【12】to be four and flight experiment for six times was also decreased for four,【13】the number of production was cut down, according to the original scheme. In April 1971 this【14】was decided that Kennedy Space Centre was used for the launching and landing port for space shuttles, and Edwards Air Base was used for the 【15】 landing port. In February 1977,"Exploitation" Orbit Implement started to have entering and landing experiment sin Edwards Air Base. From May 12, 1981 to July 4, 1982, "Columbia" Space Shuttle successfully finished four flight experiments for research and manufacture,【16】meant that the【17】and manufactures were over in【18】form.

It【19】about 12 years and cost more than 75 billion US dollars to finish the whole project. On November 11, 1990, space shuttles began to fly for【20】.








D What' s your idea of a good time? What about dancing in a rainy field with one hundred


What' s your idea of a good time? What about dancing in a rainy field with one hundred and

fifty thousand other people while a famous rock band plays on a stage so far away that the performers look like ants?

It may sound strange but that is what many hundreds of thousands of young people in the UK do every summer. Why? Because summer is the time for outdoor music festivals. Held on a farm, the Glastonbury Festival is the most well-known and popular in the UK. It began in 1970 and was attended by one thousand five hundred people each paying an admission price of£ l- the ticket

included free milk from the farm.

Since then the Glastonbury Festival has gone from strength to strength-in 2004 0ne hundred and frfty thousand fans attended, payingf 112 for tickets to the three-day event. Tickets for the event sold out within three hours. Acts included veteran (老的 .著名的) superstars, such as Paul McCartney and James Brown, as well as new talents, like Franz Ferdinand and Joss Stone.

Although many summer festivals are run on a profit-making basis, Glastonbury is a charity event , donating millions of pounds to local and international charities(慈善事业) .

Glastonbury is not unique in using live music to raise money for global poverty. In July of thisyear, the Live 8 concerts were held simultaneously(同时) in London, Paris, Rome and Berlin.

Superstars , such as Madonna, Sir Elton John and Stevie Wonder performed in order to highlight in-ternational poverty and debt.

68. What does the author mean by "the Glastonbury Festival has gone from strength to strength"?

[ A] The festival has achieved continuing and growing success.

[B] It has taken great efforts to hold the festival.

[ C] The festival has brought in a large amount of money.

[ D ] There have been thousands of fans attending the festival.



Part CDirections: Answer questions 71-80 by referring to the following games.Note: Answer

Part C

Directions: Answer questions 71-80 by referring to the following games.

Note: Answer each question by choosing A, B or C and mark it on ANSWER SHEET 1. Some choices may be required more than once.

Note:Answer each question by choosing A,B,C or D and mark it on ANSWER SHEET 1.Some choices may be required more than once.

A=Washington D.C. B= New York City C=Chicago D=Los Angeles

Which city…

is the headquarter of the Supreme Court? 71.______

was discovered as early as 1524? 72.______

has served as the capital of the country? 73.______

is now the largest industrial city in the country? 74.______

leads the country in the manufacture of aircraft and spare parts? 75.______

is the largest city? 76.______

is the second largest city in population in U.S.A.? 77.______

has become one of the world's busiest ports? 78.______

covers an area of over 69 square miles? 79.______

is now considered the center of industry,transportation,commerce and finance in the mid-west area?


A Washington D.C.

Washington,the capital of the United States,is in Washington D.C. and is situated on the Potomac River between the two states of Maryland and Virginia.The population of the city is about 800,000 and it covers an area of over 69 square miles(including 8 square miles of water surface).The section was named the District of Columbia after Christopher Columbus,who discovered the continent.The city itself was named Washington after George Washington,the first president of U.S.A.

The building of the city was accomplished in 1800 and since that year,it has served as the capital of the country.Thomas Jefferson was the first president inaugurated there.In the War of 1812,the Britain army seized the city.burning the White House and many other buildings.

Washington is the headquarters of all the branches of the American federal system:Congress,the Supreme Court and the Presidency.

Apart from the government buildings,there are also some other places of interest such as the Washington Monument,the Lincoln Memorial,the Jefferson Memorial,the Literary of the Congress and Mt.Vernon,home of George Washington.

B New York City

New York City.located in New York State, is the largest city and the chief port of the United States.The city of New York has a population of over 7 million(1970)and Metropolitan,12 million.

The city with its good harbor was discovered as early as 1524,and it was established by Dutch who named the city New Amsterdam.In 1664,the city was taken by the English and it got the name New York as it bears now.During the American Revolution in 1776,George Washington had his head-quarters for a time in New York City.The Declaration of Independence was first read there in July 4th,1776.The city re







Sales in July dropped by 21%.


If the L/C stipulates the shipment date is on or about July 20,2002, then the goods can be shipped o

A.A. July 15

B.B. July 20

C.C. July 16

D.D. July 25







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