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If you go down to the woods today, you may meet high-tech trees genetically modified to sp

eed their growthor improve the quality of their wood. Genetically-engineered food crops have become increasingly common, albeit controversial. over the past ten years. But genetic engineering of trees has lagged behind.

Part of the reason is technical. Understanding. and then altering, the genes of a big pine tree are more complex than creating a better tomato. While tomatoes sprout happily, and rapidly, in the laboratory, growing a whole tree from a single, genetically altered cell in a test tube is a tricky process that takes years, not months. Moreover. little is known about tree genes. Some trees, such as pine trees. have a lot of DNA-roughly ten times as much as human. And, whereas the Human Genome Project is more than half-way throughits task of isolating and sequencing the estimated 100,00 genes in human cells. similar efforts to analyzetree genes are still just saplings (幼苗).

Given the large number of tree genes and the little that is known about them, tree engineers are starting with a search for genetic "markers". The first step is to isolate DNA from trees with desirable propertiessuch as insect resistance. The next step is to find stretches of DNA that show the presence of a particular gene. Then, when you mate two trees with different desirable properties, it is simple to check which offspring contain them all by looking for the genetic markers. Henry Amerson, at North Carolina State University, is using genetic markers to breed fungal resistance into southern pines. Billions of these are grown across America for pulp and paper, and outbreaks of disease are expensive. But not all individual trees are susceptible. Dr. Amerson’s group has found markers that distinguish fungus-resistant stock from disease-prone trees.Using traditional breeding techniques, they are introducing the resistance genes into pines on test sites in America.

Using generic markers speeds up old-fashioned breeding methods becauseyou no longer have to wait for the tree to grow up to see if it has the desiredtraits. But it is more a sophisticated form. of selective breeding. Now. however.interest in genetic tinkering (基因修补) is also gaining ground. To this end, Dr.Amerson and his colleagues are taking part in the Pine Gene Discovery Project. an initiative to identify and sequence the 50,000-odd genes in the pine tree&39;s genome. Knowing which gene does what should make it easier to know what to alter.


Compared with genetic engineering of food crops, genetic engineering of trees____________________.

A.began much later

B.has developed more slowly

C.is less useful

D.was less controversial

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更多“If you go down to the woods to…”相关的问题


SECTION BPASSAGESDirections: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to th


Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文: Thanksgiving Day is always celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November. It is the most traditional of American holidays. The first Thanksgiving Day was held in Massachusetts in 1621 after a year of great hardship. They invited their Indian friends to join them in a big feast. It is a day of family reunion and it is customary to invite friends to share the meal. In some large cities, there are football games that are played on Thanksgiving Day. In my family, we always go to my grandmother' s house on that day. We always invite some friends to join us. The women go to kitchen to help my grandmother. The men settle down to watch a football game on television or chat. At about 4 clocks we all sit down to dinner. We always have the traditional dinner of stuffed turkey, cranberry sauce, an apple cider, sweet potatoes, chestnuts, and pumpkin pie. After dinner, no one can move and we all sit around and talk, play word games, or tell jokes until it is time to go home.

When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated?

A.On the fourth of November.

B.On the twenty-fifth of November.

C.On the first Tuesday of November.

D.On the fourth Thursday of November.



A.To walk to the store.B.To swim at the park.C.To visit her friends.D.To go down to th

A.To walk to the store.

B.To swim at the park.

C.To visit her friends.

D.To go down to the beach.



SECTION BPASSAGESDirections: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to th


Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文: Okay, everybody. Can I please have your attention? I'm Bill Smith, the director of the school play for this year, You've all volunteered as assistants to help organize the play, and I can't tell you how much we appreciate your support. I'm sending around a form. for you to put down some information on how we can get in touch with you. so if you put your name, phone number, and time you will be available we'd appreciate it. If you have any special skills, it would be good for you to write those down on the paper as well. Also please write down the performances that you will be able to assist with. I realize that everyone can't come to each performance, but the more you attend the better. However, you should also keep it in mind that it will be very time consuming, and we may end up staying quite late into the evening. So don't sign up if you won't be able to made it.

Once you have all had a chance to go through the sign-up sheet and mark down any special skills you might have to offer, please return it to me. At our next meeting on Tuesday, we'll begin talking about the details of all the different jobs. While you're waiting for the sheet to get passed around, I'll be happy to answer any questions that you have today.

The purpose of the meeting is to ______.

A.determine who will be in the play

B.determine the details of the volunteers

C.choose the director of the play

D.start planning for the play



SECTION BPASSAGESDirections: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to th


Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文: Okay, everybody. Can I please have your attention? I'm Bills Smith, the director of the school play for this year. You've all volunteered as assistants to help organize the play, and I can't tell you how much we appreciate your support, I'm sending around a form. for you to put down some information on how we can get in touch with you, so if you could put your names, phone numbers, and times you will be available we'd appreciate it. If you have any special skills, it would be good for you to write those down on the paper as well. Also please write down the performances that you will be able to assist with. I realize that everybody can't come to each performance, but the more you attend the better. However, you should also keep it in mind that it will be very time consuming, and we may end up staying quite late into the evening. So don't sign up if you won't be able to make it.

Once you have all had a chance to go through the sign-up sheet and mark down any special skills you might have to offer, please return it to me. At our next meeting, on Tuesday, we'll begin talking about the details of all the different jobs. While you're waiting for the sheet to get passed around, I'll be happy to answer any questions that you have today.

What is the purpose of the meeting?

A.To determine who will be in the play.

B.To determine the details of the volunteers.

C.To choose the director of the play.

D.To start planning for the play.



SECTION BPASSAGESDirections: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to th


Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文: Tonight we'll talk about one approach to structuring decision-making on a specific topic, that is, AHP, or Analytic Hierarchy Process.

The first step is to develop a hierarchy by breaking the problem down into its components, and then prioritizing them. The important thing is not the mathematics of it so much as the concept.

Let's say, if I was trying to buy a house, I start with my main goal. And then I break it down into smaller parts. I would have to determine the goal for the house- hunting effort. Well, let's just say, make the best choice in buying a new house, that's the goal.

Now that you've established a goal, you establish your criteria. Under criteria I would list what were the important factors that will influence the decision, things like the cost, location, floor plan or the layout of the rooms.

Then I get down to the subcriteria under each of these criteria. Let's say, under floor plan, the subcriteria are, you want a big kitchen, 3 bedrooms, a basement. After you've determined all the criteria and subcriteria, you go back and start making pair wise comparisons between them.

You move through the hierarchy making judgments about one pair of choices at a time. So AHP requires you to develop a schematic model of what you're looking for. And when you start comparing them, it enables you to come up with the relative importance of each factor at a given level. It not only helps make the best decision, you're also a lot clearer on why you made the decision.

What is the talk mainly about?

A.A comparison of two approaches to decision-making.

B.A formula for evaluating business plans.

C.A process for improving decision-making.

D.A method for gaining consensus within groups.



It is ______ that you ware to pass the examination with the down loaded thesis.A.out of th

It is ______ that you ware to pass the examination with the down loaded thesis.

A.out of the problem

B.out of the question

C.out of problem

D.out of question



You can use a ______ to go up and down in a building.


B " How far is it to the next village?" the American asks a man sitting by the side of th


" How far is it to the next village?" the American asks a man sitting by the side of the road. In some countries, because the man realizes that the traveler is tired and eager to get to his destination (目的地) , he will politely say " Just down the road. " He thinks this is more encouraging , gentler, and therefore the wanted answer. So the American drives through the night, getting more and more angry, feeling " tricked". He thinks the man purposely cheated him, for obviously he must have known the distance quite well.

Had conditions been turned over, the American would have felt he was "cheating" the driver if he had said the next town was close when he knew it was really 15 miles further on. Though, he, too, would be sympathetic(同情的)to the weary driver, he would say "You have a good way to go

yet; it is at least 15 miles. "The driver might be disappointed, but he would know what to expect.

Whether to be correct or polite leads to many misunderstandings between people of different

cul-tures. If you are aware of the situation in advance, it is sometimes easier to recognize the problem.

61. The man at the roadside tells the American it is close to the next village because

[ A] he is playing a trick on him

[ B ] the American expects the answer

[ C] he doesn ' t know the exact distance at all

[D]he wants to encourage him to go further



You go atraight ()this road.Then you turn left.






Go straight down this road and you will not miss the bank.()


A: I have an appointment with Mr. Lee. B: Mr. Lee is expecting you now. ______A.Go down th

A: I have an appointment with Mr. Lee. B: Mr. Lee is expecting you now. ______

A.Go down this road, please.

B.Please follow the instruction.

C.Come this way, please.

D.Your number, please.

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