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回答题Part BDirections:Read the texts from a magazine in which five people voice their dif

回答题Part B


Read the texts from a magazine in which five people voice their different opinions responding to an article on the issue of social networking. For questions 61 to 65, match the name of each person (61 to 65) to one of the statements (A to G) given below. Mark your answers on your AN-SWER SHEET.


I think that I have to agree with you. The idea to surround yourself with good and successful people stil rings true. The electronic age may aid contact and communication. However, it does not substitute for looking someone in the eye. One has to have that person-to-person feel to instinc- tively grasp inner character. I" m sure that a combination of the two types of interaction will lend flavor to the future.


I naturally tend to prefer face-to-face relationship building. However, having friends and busi- ness acquaintances all over the world, I find that tools such as Linkedln are quite useful. Both enable me to maintain old connections and make new connections with people I find I have something in common with. Learning how to use these vehicles is the key. I think we are presently in the process of doing just that.


Just like what you have already mentioned, there is obviously a big difference between how people meet and interact on the net and in real worlD.What the network world offers is a more re- laxed, fun, expressive place to be. I like social networking particularly because it offers me a chance to make a lot of friends. That social networking sites do not build long-lasting relationships is just a misconception.


It is all about a combination of various networking sites, and, if you want to do business, just a few e-mall exchanges. That" s how I get to know my clients. Face-to-face networking is not al- ways possible for me. I have clients around the globe, 99% of whom I" ve never met in person. People who oppose social-networking sites don" t understand the real changes that have taken place in the last decade.


Sure enough, social networks are used to reconnect with friends. But they are also a tool for getting your business recognizeD.They are great places to place ads or comments about your busi-ness, because they are open to the public to view. It can be used as a way to network with would-be consumers. It is a perfect way to promote your business to the widest range of people globally.

Now match the name of each person (61 to 65) to the appropriate statement.

Note: there are two extra statements.


Laura 查看材料A.I do not think that online friendships are short-lived.

B.Networking can make your companies better known.

C.I doubt if people could use networking vehicles properly.

D.To benefit from networking, you should learn how to use it.

E.To understand people better, you have to meet them in person.

F.Social networking reflects the new demands of the changing time.

G.In my opinion, networking has more disadvantages than advantages.

Mike 查看材料A.I do not think that online friendships are short-lived.

B.Networking can make your companies better known.

C.I doubt if people could use networking vehicles properly.

D.To benefit from networking, you should learn how to use it.

E.To understand people better, you have to meet them in person.

F.Social networking reflects the new demands of the changing time.

G.In my opinion, networking has more disadvantages than advantages.

Nick 查看材料A.I do not think that online friendships are short-lived.

B.Networking can make your companies better known.

C.I doubt if people could use networking vehicles properly.

D.To benefit from networking, you should learn how to use it.

E.To understand people better, you have to meet them in person.

F.Social networking reflects the new demands of the changing time.

G.In my opinion, networking has more disadvantages than advantages

Linda 查看材料A.I do not think that online friendships are short-lived.

B.Networking can make your companies better known.

C.I doubt if people could use networking vehicles properly.

D.To benefit from networking, you should learn how to use it.

E.To understand people better, you have to meet them in person.

F.Social networking reflects the new demands of the changing time.

G.In my opinion, networking has more disadvantages than advantages

Helen 查看材料A.I do not think that online friendships are short-lived.

B.Networking can make your companies better known.

C.I doubt if people could use networking vehicles properly.

D.To benefit from networking, you should learn how to use it.

E.To understand people better, you have to meet them in person.

F.Social networking reflects the new demands of the changing time.

G.In my opinion, networking has more disadvantages than advantages.


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回答题Text 3Commercial classical music radio in North America has changed dramatically ove

回答题Text 3

Commercial classical music radio in North America has changed dramatically over the past decade. The number of stations has shnmk very rapidly——many operators dropped the format in favor of something more profitable, like pop or rock, with their crazy youthful audience. But the availability of satellite radio, Interact streaming and digital technologies has introduced new options for classical fans.

In the city of Toronto, a familiar media player entered the tray last year: Moses Znaimer, 65, the famous brave television pioneer who was the driving force behind Toronto" s CITY-TV. Eleven months ago, he took ownership of Classical 96.3 FM, Canada" s first and largest commercial clas- sical station, which "re-launched" this month with some new on-air hosts, a totally new schedule, and more attention to singing art and less to full-length symphonies.

The popular station airs selections (usually no more than 10 to 15 minutes long) of greatest- hits classical works, 24 hours a day. This usually means single movements of larger works and oth- er pieces, with commercial ads in between. The station may never be the preferred destination of highbrow classical fans, who seek full-length symphonies and operas. But this doesn" t seem to trouble Znaimer, who says of his main competitor, CBC Radio Two: "They play classical, and they do it well when they do it, but they don" t do it all the time, and they" re doing it less and less. "

Marilyn Gilbert, a Toronto artist manager, also makes a comparison to Canada" s national broadcaster when she praises Znaimer" s station: "Classical 96.3 FM is very important for the com- munity and the country, especially in view of the changes that are going on at CBC."

Znaimer is best-known for his influential work in television, but he was also one of the crea- tors of Cross Country Checkup, the longest-running show on CBC Radio. Today he calls Classical 96.3 FM "arguably the most successful of all classical music stations on the continent. At about 800,000 listeners per week, we are larger even than the New York Times classical station E WQXR- FM]." And under his excellent and creative leadership, the sound of the station has become livelier.

Many operators have dropped commercial classical radio in order to_______ 查看材料A.make more profits

B.promote pop music

C.use new technology

D.attract classical fans

From the text we learn that Moses Znaimer wanted to_______ 查看材料A.consolidate his position at Classical 96.3 FM

B.acquaint classical fans with some new radio stations

C.help expand Toronto" s CCTY-TV into a bigger business

D.make Classical 96.3 FM more satisfying to classical fans

It can be inferred that Classical 96.3 FM makes money by_______ 查看材料A.attracting and broadcasting commercials

B.showing carefully selected programs

C.competing with CBC Radio Two

D.pleasing highbrow classical fang

Marilyn Gilbert believes Classical 96.3 FM_______ 查看材料A.encourages people to learn classical music

B.introduces a new idea to broadcasting reform

C.matters a lot to the community and the country

D.causes CBC to change its way of program arrangement

The success of Classical 96.3 FM lies in the fact that______ 查看材料A.it has reformed its traditional program style

B.it is more diverse than WQXR-FM in New York

C.it has attracted audiences of different age groups

D.it is the biggest broadcasting station on the continent




回答题Text 2When you become a parent, much of your focus shifts from your own future to yo

回答题Text 2

When you become a parent, much of your focus shifts from your own future to your kids" fu- ture. But one of the most effective ways to help your children learn to dream big is to ensure that your own dreams don"t get pushed aside by everyday demands.

Our everyday experiences provide learning opportunities. When you tap into them, you create a lifelong learning habit that will always keep you growing. Even your most disappointing experi-ences can be turned into breakthroughs. Every dream begins in the imagination. Take a few minutes to sit down with a notebook and think about where you would like to be in 20 years. Write down details about all aspects of your ideal life. Feel free to imagine. Don"t worry about whether you know how to get there now——you have 20 years to figure that out. You can also start by picking a year in the future and making a collection of things you"d like in your life by then. Check in on it from time to time to see where you"ve made progress.

We"re often encouraged to work on our weaknesses, but working on your strengths is easier and creates better results. For help of identifying them, ask some friends, or colleagues to write down what they most appreciate about you. They" 11 enjoy doing this, and you" 11 feel great when you read the responses. Once you know your strengths, you can put them to work to help you achieve your dreams.

Confidence is the foundation for all your other abilities. "Progress, not perfection" is a great saying to keep your confidence high. Every night, write down five achievements that happened that day. Big or small, it doesn" t matter. If proper, add ideas for further progress and actions you can take to get started.

Find ways to add what you love to do to your life now. This will give you more energy and keep you connected with your bigger dreams. Making a list of old hobbies is a great way to restore your old passions. Things you" re enthusiastic about come with their own store of energy. Connect-ing with them can give you a push when you most need it.

In order to help your children to dream big you must 查看材料A.fulfill everyday tasks

B.build your own career

C.keep your own dreams

D.make them look ahead

The writer suggests that, to begin your big dream, you should 查看材料A.stretch your imagination

B.have a best-laid plan for 20 years

C.recollect all your likes and dislikes

D.engage yourself in lifelong learning

According to the writer, to achieve our dreams, we should 查看材料A.work on our strengths

B.develop our creativity

C.identify our weaknesses

D.seek advice from friends

To keep high confidence, it is important for one to 查看材料A.take appropriate actions

B.notice his daily progress

C.try his best in everything

D.form. new ideas every day

The writer thinks that one can hold fast to his dream by 查看材料A.listing the details of his ideal life

B.improving some of his old hobbies

C.adding new ideas to his old dreams

D.energizing himself with old passions




回答题Part ADireefions:Read the following three texts~ Answer the questions on each text b

回答题Part A


Read the following three texts~ Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D.Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.

Text 1

Nisaburo and I-Iiroko Ohata are unlike most Japanese couples their age. Sure, Hiroko, 58, is worried about her husband" s high blood pressure, while Nisaburo, 60, promises his wife that if she loses 18 pounds they"ll take a trip abroaD.What makes the Ohatas different is how they met, through a matchmaking organization for single seniors. "On the second date, he asked if I wanted to meet his family," says Hiroko. "I took that as a proposal. " A little rushed, perhaps, but 17 years after his wife" s death, Nisaburo knew he" d found a new wife. The couple just celebrated four years of marital happiness last month.

In the past, people like Nisaburo and Hiroko might have chosen to live out their lives alone. But as Japan" s society ages, attitudes about love and remarriage late in life are changing. In 2006, according to government data, three times more men and nearly five times more women in their 60s and 70s married for at least the second time, compared with 20 years before.

Granted, change is slow. For this silver-haired population, the concept of "dating" is still masked by the term ocha nomi tomodachi (friends having tea together). And older people often need help meeting I rospective mates. That" s where specialized matchmaking services such as Ai Senior——" Love Senior"——come in. When Shunichi Ikeda started the online service three years ago, he was surprised by how many visits he was getting from people in their 60s.I keda says that his clienls have an "American perspective" about the dating scene. And their

children are often very supportive, sometimes being the ones to register parents. "More older peo-ple are realizing that life is supposed to be enjoyable——not lonely," says IkedA.About 17% of the matchmaking clients in Japan are over 50 years old, according to Ai Senior, and seniors" market share has more than doubled over the past three years. "For older, single men, even doing laundry or cooking is difficult," says IkedA."They want to live with a woman. Likewise, it can be boring for women living alone. They want to provide for someone.

According to the writer, the Ohatas are different from most senior Japanese couples in that_______ 查看材料A.they remarried with the help of an agency

B.they decided to marry on the second date

C.the husband suffers from a health problem

D.the wife is concerned about losing weight

As is implied in the text, Nisaburo‘ s proposal on the second date might be considered______ 查看材料A.typical of single seniors

B.irresponsible to his family

C.a surprise to the woman

D.a decision made in haste

In Japan, the change in attitudes about remarriage results from an increase in______ 查看材料A.its population

B.single women

C.senior people

D.the divorced

According to Ai Senior, the matchmaking clients in Japan 查看材料A.admire the American lifestyle

B.are mostly under 50 years of age

C.share a vague term for "dating"

D.doubled over the past three years

According to Ikeda, more single seniors remarry in order to______ 查看材料A.live a longer life

B.solve financial problems

C.make their life enjoyable

D.support their children together




回答题Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered


Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B,C, or D on your ANSWER SHEET.

In the United States today, families basically have two contrasting attitudes toward television.Many families 26 the television to be on at any time of the day or night. Very often,27 of these families watch television 28 or don" t interact with other family members 29 they are watching. The TV is used to make 30 kind of background noise in the house,31as a kind of electronic babysitter. Parents often turn it on to 32"bored" children. In contrast, oth-er families 33control when the television will be watched and what programs can be watched.34 these families watch programs together and discuss them together. In these homes, the TV is rarely on 35nobody is watching it. Parents don" t use it as an electronic babysitter;36 ,they insist that children read or play 37rather than sit in front of a screen.38the contrasting attitudes toward television39 , families in America are choosing television 40other passive activities, such as watching movies, playing video games, andsurfing the Web 41regularity that has never happened before. These activities are 42intheir inactivity. Family members——young and old——watch rather than 43 . These passive formsof entertainment 44 , rather than encourage, family 45and community involvement.






































B.even if


D.so that









查看材料A.Because of

B.In place of

C.In spite of

D.Speaking of
































What can vacationers do in Hawaii? 查看材料A.Go on a co

What can vacationers do in Hawaii? 查看材料

A.Go on a coffee-farm driving tour.

B.Visit female-owned coffee farms.

C.See several different coffee houses.

D.Explore the living history of coffee.



How many days does the tour in Peru last? 查看材料A.2.

How many days does the tour in Peru last? 查看材料







What is the price of a coffee vacation per person in Italy?








What does Smith say about coffee? 查看材料A.It should b

What does Smith say about coffee? 查看材料

A.It should be sold in cans.

B.It should be drunk slowly.

C.It should be long stored for better taste.

D.It should be enjoyed together with wine.



What do we learn about the man? 查看材料A.He" s a man o

What do we learn about the man? 查看材料

A.He" s a man of humor.

B.He" s a man of ambition.

C.He" s a man of principle.

D.He" s a man of sympathy. Questions 22-25 are based on a radio program about coffee vacations.



Why was Edward absent from his chemistry class? 查看材

A.He went to a concert.

B.He went to see a friend.

C.He went to see a doctor.

D.He went to a funny show.

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