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What does the author mean when he mentions the damage caused by earth quakes?


A.It is hard to build structures strong enough to withstand serious temblor.

B.Not all structures can be made to withstand the tremor of the earthquakes.

C.The damage caused by earthquakes to buildings can hardly be predicted accurately.

D.No structures would be strong enough to endure violent earthquakes.

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What does the word precursor in the context in the second paragraph mean?


A.A man that may come before the happening of an earthquake.

B.The leading factor that may cause a series of events to occur.

C.Any meaningful sigh that indicates some would-be happenings.

D.An event that may have symbolic or significant nature.



One of the main difficulties in accurate earthquake forecasting is that__________.


A.earthquakes may take place in anywhere possible

B.earthquakes take place simultaneously and unexpectedly

C.most earthquakes take place at any unexpected moment

D.the occurrence of earthquakes involves too many unforeseen factors



阅读材料,回答题。 Unpredictable EarthquakeHumans are forever forgetting that they can&39;


Unpredictable Earthquake

Humans are forever forgetting that they can&39;t control nature. Exactly 20 years ago, a Time magazine cover story announced that "scientists are on the verge of being able to predict the time, place and even the size of earthquakes." The people of quake-ravaged ( 被地震破坏的) Kobe learned last week how wrong that assertion was.

None of the methods conceived two decades ago has yet to discover a uniform. wanting signal that preceded all quakes, let alone any sign that would tell whether the coming temblor ( 地震) is mild or a killer.Earthquake formation can be triggered by many factors, says Hiroo Kanamori, a seismologist (地震学家), at the California Institute of Technology. So, finding one all-purpose warning sign is impossible. One reason :Quakes tart deep in the earth, so scientists can&39;t study them directly. If a quake precursor were found, it would still be impossible to ward humans in advance of all dangerous quakes.Places like Japan and California are fiddle with hundreds, if not thousands, of minor faults.

Prediction would be less important if scientists could easily build structures to withstand tremors. While seismic engineering has improved dramatically in the past 10 to 15 years, every new quake reveals unexpected weakness in "quake-resistant" structures, says Terry Tullis, a geophysicist at Brown University. In Kobe, for example, a highway that opened only last year was damaged. In the Northridgeearthquake, on the other hand,well-built structures generally did not collapse.

A recent report in Science adds yet more anxiety about life on the faulty lines. Researchers Fan computer simulations to see how quake resistant buildings would fall in a moderate size temblor, taking into account that much of a quake&39;s energy travels in a large "pulse" of focused shaking. The results: both steel-frame. buildings

and buildings that sit on insulating rubber pads suffered severe damage.

More research will help experts design stronger structures and possibly find quake precursors. But it is still a certainty that the next earthquake will prove once again that every fault cannot be monitored and every highway cannot be completely quake-proofed.

From the first paragraph, it can be safely inferred that__________. 查看材料

A.scientists can never be able to predict the coming of earthquakes

B.the existing power on predicting earthquakes is somewhat exaggerated

C.quite a lot of scientific assertions are groundless

D.earthquake predictions are beyond the reach of scientists



What do we leam about Ana Castro from the last paragraph?


A.She will be deported sooner or later.

B.She is allowed to stay permanently.

C.Her case has been dropped.

D.Her fate remains uncertain.



阅读材料,回答题。 Deport them or notIn a country that defines itself by ideals,not by sha


Deport them or not

In a country that defines itself by ideals,not by shared blood,who should be allowed to come,work and live here?In the wake of the Sept.1 1 attacks these questions have never seemed more pressing.

On Dec.11,2001,as part of the effort to increase homeland security,federal and local authorities in 14 states staged“Operation Safe Travel”-raids on airports to arrest employees with false identification(身份证明).In Salt Lake City there were 69 arrests.But those captured were anything but terrorists,most of them

illegal immigrants from Central or South America.Authorities said the undocumented workers’illegal status made them open to blackmail(讹诈)by terrorists.

Many immigrants in Salt Lake City were angered by the arrests and said they felt as if they were being treated like disposable goods.

Mayor Anderson said those feelings were justified to a certain extent,“We’re saying we want you to work in these places,we’re going to look the other way in terms of what our laws are,and then when it’s convenient for us,or when we can try to make a point in terms of national security,especially after Sept.1 1,then you’re disposable.There are whole families being uprooted for all of the wrong reasons,”Anderson said.

If Sept.1 1 had never happened.the airport workers would not have been arrested and could have gone oil quietly living in America.probably indefinitely.Ana Castr0,a manager at a Ben&Jerry’s ice cream shop at the airport,had been workin9 10 years with the same false Social Security card when she was arrested in the December airport raid.Now she and her family are living under the threat of deportation(驱逐出境).Castro’s case is currently waiting to be settled.While she awaits the outcome,the government has granted her permission to work here and she has returned to her job at Ben&Jerry’s.

According to the author,the United States claims to be a nation__________. 查看材料

A.composed of people having different values

B.encouraging individual pursuits

C.sharing common interests

D.founded on shared ideals



Paragraph 4 __________? 查看材料A.What exactly is scien

Paragraph 4 __________? 查看材料

A.What exactly is science.

B.How do you find an explanation.

C.What topics do you need.

D.How do you answer your child"s questions.

E.Where does your child study science.

F.How do you set up the experiment on salt and water,



Paragraph 3 __________ ~ 查看材料A.What exactly is scie

Paragraph 3 __________ ~ 查看材料

A.What exactly is science.

B.How do you find an explanation.

C.What topics do you need.

D.How do you answer your child"s questions.

E.Where does your child study science.

F.How do you set up the experiment on salt and water,



Paragraph 2 __________ ? 查看材料A.What exactly is scie

Paragraph 2 __________ ? 查看材料

A.What exactly is science.

B.How do you find an explanation.

C.What topics do you need.

D.How do you answer your child"s questions.

E.Where does your child study science.

F.How do you set up the experiment on salt and water,



根据材料,完成题。 Teach Your Child Science 1. It is important to make your child interes


Teach Your Child Science

1. It is important to make your child interested in science from an early age. Most young children ask a lot of questions and you should give careful scientific answers.Don&39;t only give facts but try to give explanations as well.

2. Science is not just knowledge ; it is a way of thinking, a method of finding out about the world. We see something.We try to explain it, and we test our idea by setting up all experiments. One day you come home and find the plant on the table has fallen over. You think it might be the wind from the open window or the cat. So you close the window, but leave the cat in and see what happens ( you can also try leaving the window open and shunning the cat out ) . Of course, you remember there may be a third explanation.

3. Ask your child to get a piece of string, some salt, a glass of water and an ice Cube ( 冰块 ) . Tell her to put the ice in the water, and then put one end of the string on the ice, leaving the other end over the side of the glass. Put a lime salt on the ice, wait a minute, and then pull the string, it should be attached to the ice. Ask the child : "what has happened?"

4. Probably she won&39;t know. Ask her whether fresh water or salt water freezes into ice first. If you live near the sea and have a cold winter, she should know fresh water freezes first as she will have seen that happen. Show her how to test the idea by half-filling two paper cups with water. Then put them in the icebox and check

every three minutes. Write the results in a table. The conclusion will be that salt changes the behavior. of water,thinking about the string, we see the salt turned some of the ice into water. Then the salt went away into the water and the ice froze again leaving the string attached.

5. Then you can ask, "Will water with salt boil at the same temperature as water without salt?" She can think, tell you her idea and ( taking care the heat ) you can test it in the kitchen.

Paragraph 1 __________? 查看材料

A.What exactly is science.

B.How do you find an explanation.

C.What topics do you need.

D.How do you answer your child"s questions.

E.Where does your child study science.

F.How do you set up the experiment on salt and water,



People who eat breakfast are seldom in a bad mood. 查看




C.Not mentioned

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