题目内容 (请给出正确答案)

A letter Dear Amy , We (1)(finally) went on the trip to the Middle East that I told you about! Daphne and the Lees came along. We travelled first by plane to Cairo and then (2) (by ) bus to the site


1. Can you replace this by ‘ final' ?

2. Can you replace this by ‘ on'?

3. Can you use the word ‘ go' here?

4. Can you replace this by ‘ enjoyed'?

5. Can you use the word ‘ a' here?

6. Can you replace this by ‘ cooking'?

7. Can you replace this by ‘ which'?

8. Can you leave out the word ‘ that' here?

9. Can you replace this by ‘ I tried'?

10. What does ‘ that' refer to in this sentence?

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更多“A letter Dear Amy , We (1)(fin…”相关的问题


What would you call your baby? Recently , 8 couple in New Zealand were forbidden from naming their baby son 4Real. Even though New Zealand has quite liberal rules about naming children, names beginni

31. Why was the baby boy in New Zealand not allowed to be named 4Real?

32. In Britain, what kind of names are forbidden?

33. Who is Gandalf?

34. What are the rules in China about naming a child? (give one example)

35. What are the most popular names for boys in Britain? (give at least two examples)



CAN ANIMALS BE MADE TO WORK FOR US? Can animals be made to work for us? Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained to do a number of simple jobs that are now done by human beings. The

21. Now many animals can do some simple jobs that are done by human beings.

22. The writer says that 8t a circus we can see animals doing cIever tricks.

23. The trainer usually gives the animal a piece of candy or fruit after it has done the trick.

24. The reward in the passage means "attention paid to a good behavior".

25. Many animals may be trained to do simple jobs if they know who their trainers are.

26. Geese can be used to guard a house.

27. When the pigeon sees a ball which looks different from the others , it makes a noise.

28. Trainer usually spends 40 days or so training a pigeon to inspect sm811 steel balls.

29. An ape is a large monkey.

30. Scientists believe apes may drive buses one day.



Test-tube baby bom in Chongqing Chongqing, China' s newest municipality. with a population of 30 million. has welcomed its first test-tube baby; three more are expected to be born this year. The boy

11. Question: ()

Answer: lt weighs three kilograms.

12. Question: ()

Answer: It has a population of 30 million.

13. Question: ()

Answer: Seven.

14. Question: ()

Answer: On 9 April , 1997.

15. Question: ()

Answer: Four.



Questions 1- 10 are based on Passage 1. Passage 1

Passage 1

1. The first fax message is sent by ().

2. The first fax message is sent to the ()of Phillips and Sons.

3. The first fax message is sent at ()on Thursday.

Mistakes with the order:

Jackson Accountants ordered best quality computer paper. but they received(4)computer paper.

Jackson Accountants ordered 10 pads of (5) , but they received none.

6. The second fax message is sent by ().

7. The second fax message is sent to ().

Problems with the order:

The Reference Number on the order was (8).

The number on the Delivery Note is (9).

The order has been delivered to another client.

Solutions( 解决办法):

There will be a (10) tomorrow morning.



Write a note based on the given facts:


时间:6 月 6 日


内 容:很抱歉我无法参加今天下午的教学例会,因为我岳母感冒发烧,急需送医院.请将紧急和重要的信息传达给我,我会尽可能尽快处理。



Write a notice according to the following facts

6 月 15 日周六上午 9 点,中央电大英语学院的刘教授在阶梯教室将有一场题为"如何准备应聘面试"的演讲,欢迎参加!



Language: Is It Always Spoken? 1 Most of us know a little about how babies learn to talk. From the time infants are born , they hear language because their parents talk to them all the time. Between

31. What is babbling?

32. At what age do most infants babble?

33. What is the full name for ASL?

34. What theory does Dr. Petitto believe about language learning?

35. Who does Dr. Petitto want to study to prove the theory?



Sociobiology 1 The tightly organized societies of bees and ants...the hunting tactics of lion prides( 狮群)… the social hierarchies of monkey troops… These and dozens of other examples of animal behavi

21. According to the passage , all monkey troops are equal.

22. People have long been interested in animal behavior.

23. The last sentence of Para. I means that they are only regarded as evidence for the remarkable variety of nature.

24. The second paragraph mainly tells about the superficial aspects of social behavior.

25. The third paragraph mainly tells about what affects the formation of one' s behavior. towards one' s fellows.

26. More and more scientists participating in the study of sociobiology arc convinced that human behavior. arises almost entirely from unique intellectual and emotional capacities.

27. Some scientists believe sociobiology would affect their theories and practices.

28. Sociobiology mainly studies modem human society.

29. Scientists believe that animals have similar behavioral patterns.

30. Darwinian theory plays a key role in the study of animal behavior.according to the passage.



Change Is Brewing 1 The blackboard over the counter lists a host of specials , from milk coffee to cappuccino to espresso. Latin music plays quietly in the background. and on weekends there is a live

11. Johnny' s Coffee Shop mentioned in the passage is in ().

A. New York

B. Tokyo

C. Beijing

12. Four years ago , you needed to go to() if you wanted a decent cup of real coffee.

A. Beijing

B. international hotels

C. Hong Kong

13. Jonny Odom ().

A. started coffee business at the age of 28

B. owns a coffee shop

C. started selling fresh beans to China four years ago

14. Stuart Eunson is a student at ().

A. Beijing University

B. a U. S. university

C. Denver University

15. The older generation in China now meets in ().

A. coffee shops

B. tea houses

C. restaurants

16. Director of the Daily Grind shop is ().

A. Michael Liao

B. Patrick Parson

C. Ray Sun

17. Many coffee shops in Beijing are located in ().

A. Lan Kwai Fong neighborhood

B. the Sanlitun area

C. on the second ring road

18. Now the customers of smal1 coffee bars are mostly ().

A. Chinese

B. non-Chinese working in Beijing

C. foreign visitors

19. The Daily Grind's Parsons is going to open a new cafe ().

A. in six months

B. within ten months

C. every six months

20. Tom O'Keefe ().

A. was not sure about his trip to China a year ago

B. is Daily Grind' s Parsons' chief executive

C. regrets coming to China a year ago



Bargain Fashion 1 Scavenging for hand-me-downs is a way of life for those who have few resources and need to put clothes on their backs. For others on the high consumer end , even though they have mo

1. comb (paragraph 1)

A. to tidy or straighten (esp. the hair) with the comb

B. to search a place thoroughly

c. to find and get rid of (unnecessary people or things)

2. boast (paragraph 2)

A. to have or contain (something that is unusual or a cause of reasonable pride)

B. to talk or state with unpleasant or unreasonable pride

C. to talk nonsense

3. stand out (paragraph 2)

A. to be firm in opposition

B. to be much better or the best

C. to be very noticeable

4. cater to (paragraph 3)

A. to try to satisfy (desires or needs. esp. of a bad kind)

B. to provide and serve food and drinks. usually for payment

C. to provide what is needed or wanted by

5. vintage (paragraph 4)

A. of high quality and lasting value

B. showing all the best qualities of the work of (the stated person)

C. made between 1919 and 1030

6. craze (paragraph 5)

A. madness

B. a very popular fashion that usual1y only lasts for a very short time

C. wild excitement

7. wizard (paragraph 5)

A. (esp. in stories) a man who has magic powers

B. a very strange person

C. a person with unusual. almost magical , abilities

8. copy (paragraph 5)

A. to follow (someone or something) as a standard or pattern

B. to make a copy of

C. to cheat by writing (exactly the same thing) as someone else

9. set off (paragraph 6)

A. to begin a journey

B. to cause ( sudden activity)

C. to cause to explode

10. chunky (paragraph 6)

A. (of a person. esp. a man) having a broad chest and strong-looking body. and not very tall

B. short. thick. and solid

C. (of materials. clothes. etc. ) thick and heavy

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