第1题 The neogrammarians, represented by Hermann Paul, formed the main linguistic basis of the________Method.
第2题 The Natural Approach claims that meaning should receive more atention than________in language teaching.
第3题 According to Chomsky, the_________is sort of mechanism or device which contains the capacity to acquire one's first language.
第4题 Sigmund Freud found many___________problems originated from some disturbing events in people's early childhood.
第5题 We find it hard to present a full picture of the historical development of forcign language teaching because of insuficient________.
第6题 The experts in the Grammar-Translation Method believed that the human minds could be trained by logical_________of the classic language, memorization of complicated rules, and translation between languages.
第7题 Most of the Grammar- Translation teachers believe in the idea that their classrooms serve the_______of mastering grammatical rules.
The Direct Method got its name from the assumption that________are to be connected directly with the target language, without going through the process of translating into the students' native language.
第9题 According to F. Gouin,____expression is intimately linked with thought about real events.
第10题 The Oral Approach aims at developing principles of ___________control.
第11题 Some British linguists laid emphasis on the close________between the structure of a language and the context and situation in which the language was used.
第12题 To the behaviorists, people are conditioned to learm many forms of behavior, including language,through the process of training or________
第13题 Behaviorist psychology holds that________is a vital element in the learming process, because it increases the likelihood that the behavior will occur again and eventually become a habit,
第14题 The Audiolingual Method uses dialogues to present the language. They believe that dialogues can provide a natural________for the language forms.
第15题 J. B.Bruner believes that learning is most effectively achieved when children are encouraged to engage in________discovery.
第16题 With respect to language teaching procedures, Asher emphasizes that________skills should be developed before the learner is taught to speak.
第17题 In practice the Cognitive Approach involves more active use of the students' mental power,which is especially suitable for________language leamers.
第18题 Krashen and Terrell hold the idea that language is a________for communication.
第19题 "Communicative competence" is a term coined by________ in order to contrast a communicative view of language with Chomsky's theory of competence.
第20题 Asher, the advocate of the Total Physical Response method, views the verb, and particularly the verb in the________,as the central element around which language use and leaming are organized.