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Incredible changes have taken place in the short _of three years.

Incredible changes have taken place in the short __________ of three years.

A while

B span

C stretch

D duration

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更多“Incredible changes have taken …”相关的问题


Under the conditions existing in biological systems (), changes in free energy, enthalpy, and entropy are related to each other quantitatively by the equation: △ G = __________ in which Δ G is the cha

A.△ H – T ÷ △ S

B.△ H – T △ S

C.△ S – T ÷ △H

D.△ S – T △ H



Changes in residence and jobs place a tremendous amount of stress and pressure on people【1
】they try to adjust themselves to new people and places. Yet transient relationships are not【2】only to people and places. Objects move in and out of our lives at an astonishing rate. America, the "consumer society", has also【3】the name "the throw away society". Every year we throw away incredible quantities of bottles, cans, paper, and on and on. Buildings are torn【4】around us, and new ones take their places; they are cheaper to replace than to repair. With every major change, our places feel less familiar. Our lives become filled with a sense of impermanence and uncertainty.

The rate at which new and sometimes contradictory information comes at us【5】contributes to our feelings of instability and transience. It's estimated that 90 percent of all scientists who ever lived are alive today. New scientific discoveries are being made every day of the week,【6】unlike in other ages, new ideas are quickly applied in practical ways. The【7】of new technology on our lives is felt almost immediately.

As we look back on history, we think in terms of large periods of time, from the ten thousand years of the agricultural revolution to the three hundred years of the industrial【8】. Today time feels like it's accelerating. We now【9】to think of change in terms of centuries, or rather in terms of decades: the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. The day may come when we think of great【10】of historical change in terms of years, even months.


A.so that






Common causes of payouts exclude that______.A.caterers go bankruptB.a spouse changes the h

Common causes of payouts exclude that______.

A.caterers go bankrupt

B.a spouse changes the heart

C.the priest is not present

D.the photographer vanishes



Comparing with UCP 500, the major changes introduced by the UCP 600 include(). A. the banks now h

Comparing with UCP 500, the major changes introduced by the UCP 600 include( ).

A. the banks now have a maximum of five banking days for the examination of documents

B. the banks now have a maximum of seven banking days for the examination of documents

C. Bs/L may now allow transshipment

D. Bs/L may not allow transshipment



听力原文:W: Hello, nice to meet you, Dr. Griffin. I'm Nancy Wang with China Daily.M: Nice

听力原文:W: Hello, nice to meet you, Dr. Griffin. I'm Nancy Wang with China Daily.

M: Nice to meet you, Miss Wang. I've been to China twice.

W: Really? When?

M: I visited China first in 1996 and then in 2000. I believe everyone who bas been to China is impressed with the dramatic changes there.

W: Thank you, Dr. Griffin. I heard it is your institute that first cloned an adult mammal—Dolly the sheep in July 1996.

M: That's right. Ever since it was born, Dolly has been the center of attention because its appearance marked the beginning of a new era.

W: It's reported that Dolly gave birth to a lamb in April last year. How are Dolly and the little lamb doing?

M: The lamb is called Bonnie. They are both doing Well. This has proved that Dolly, a cloned animal, is able to breed normally and produce healthy offspring.

W: It is indeed exciting. Will Dolly give birth again?

M: She has already. On March 24 this year, Dolly gave birth to three healthy lambs, two males and one female.

W: les incredible! Dolly must have made world headlines again!

M: This has further demonstrated that cloned animals can lead a normal life.

W: How will human beings benefit from this new progress in science?

M: Dolly and her offspring are part of a research program aimed to produce treatment for a kind of chronic lung disease.

W: I Wish you success, Dr. Griffin!

M: Thank you, Miss Wang.


A.April this year, 3.

B.March this year, 3.

C.April this year, 4.

D.March this year, 4.



Black death that drove Newton from his college and into a momentous discovery,【C1】______En

Black death that drove Newton from his college and into a momentous discovery,【C1】______ England in 1665. Astronomical records of the time show that 【C2】______ was a year of intense sun-spot activity, and studies of annual tree 【C3】______ , which are wider when the sun is disturbed,【C4】______ that the terrible plague of 1348 was【C5】______ accompanied by an. active sun.

This sounds incredible,【C6】______ we now have evidence that the sun has a direct effect on some of our body【C7】______ . Over 120 ,000 tests made on people in a Black Sea 【C8】______ to measure the number of lymphocytes in their blood. These small cells normally【C9】______ between 20 and 25 percent of man's white blood cells, but in years of great solar activity this【C10】______ decreases. There was a big drop during the sunspot years of 1986 and 1987, and number of people【C11】______ from diseases caused by a lymphocyte deficiency【C12】______ doubled during the tremendous solar explosion of February 1986.

Many of the body's 【C13】______ seem to be influenced by sun-induced changes in the earth's magnetic 【C14】______ If this is so, one【C15】______ to find that the nervous system, which depends on electrical stimuli, would be the most【C16】______ . A study of 5 580 coal-mine accidents【C17】______ the Ruhr river shows that most occurred on the day following solar activity. Studies of traffic accidents in Russia and in Germany show that these increase, by as much as four【C18】______ the average, on days after the【C19】______ of a solar flare. This suggests that accidents may be【C20】______ a disturbance deeper than a simple decrease in reaction time. These results make it clear that man is, among other things, a remarkably sensitive living sundial.








Psychologists say the one factor that differentiates people who are creative from those wh
o aren't is belief-creative people believe they are creative. To be creative, you simply have to believe and act as it you are. Once you believe you are creative, you begin to find ideas and to imagine all kinds of probable and improbable solutions.

Here are a few techniques to help you get started looking for ideas you may already have in your mind.

Play a different role. Suppose you want to improve your company's training program. Play the role of another person: Write, from the perspective of that role. What changes that person would make. Record any interesting thoughts or new ideas.

Randomly pick something and compare it with your problem. Open a dictionary and randomly, without looking, pick a word. Force yourself to make a comparison between the problem and the word.

Suppose you are having a problem with a manager and you randomly pick the word “pencil”. You might list the characteristics of the pencil and determine how those characteristics are like your problem.

Imagine you have a magic wand (魔杖) . Consider what changes or actions you will use the wand to create, especially those that wouldn't normally be possible. After letting your imagination run, ask yourself what specific features of those wishes particularly appeal to you. Think of some feasible changes of actions that embody some of those specific features.

Think outrageously. The more incredible and divergent from conventional thinking an idea is, the greater the possibilities for new twists. A frozen- fish processor used this technique. A line of his frozen fish tasted bland and boring. He tried everything to improve the taste, including keeping the fish alive in holding tanks until he put a predator (食肉动物)in the holding tank with fish. The fish kept moving to escape the predator and they retained their vitality and flavor.

Challenge assumptions. Reserve the assumptions you make about problems. List the assumptions write the opposite. Henry Ford challenged the practice of having workers go to where building materials were kept. In order to build cars, by creating a system that brought the materials to the workers instead. With this reversal, the assembly line was born.

Be an artist. Write a poem about your job. Poetry helps give a voice to your wildest imagination, which may lead to new ideas.

Try the above methods and test if your creativity might be somewhat improved.

What does one have to be if he wants to make himself creative according to the author?

A.He should try to be as creative as possible.

B.He may set up a problem and then try to conceive all the possible solutions to it.

C.He should study all the techniques mentioned in the passage and try to use them.

D.He should play a different role from the one he plays now



Paragraph 1 mainly tells as that______.A.the relation between technology and social life h

Paragraph 1 mainly tells as that______.

A.the relation between technology and social life has changed

B.modes of online communication are now changing rapidly

C.interpersonal contacts are pushing digital technology forward

D.digital technology brings significant changes to social relations



Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and m

Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A ,B,t2 or D on ANSWER SHEET I. (10 points)

Black death that drove Newton from his college and into a momentous discovery, (1) England in 1665. Astronomical records of the time show that (2) was a year of intense sun-spot activity, and studies of annual tree (3) , which are wider when the sun is disturbed (4) that the terrible plague of 1348 was (5) accompanied by an active sun.

This sounds incredible, (6) we now have evidence that the sun has a direct effect on some of our body (7) . Over 120 ,000 tests made on people in a Black Sea (8) to measure the number of lymphocytes in their blood. These small cells normally (9) between 20 and 25 percent of man's white blood cells, but in years of great solar activity this (10) decreases. There was a biff drop during the sunspot years of 1986 and 1987, and number of people (11) from diseases caused by a lymphocyte deficiency (12) doubled during the tremendous solar explosion of February 1986.

Many of the body's (13) seem to be influenced by sun-induced changes in the earth' s magnetic (14) . If this is so, one (15) to find that the nervous system, which depends on electrical stimuli, would be the most (16) . A study of 5,580 coal—mine accidents (17) the Ruhr river shows that most occurred on the day following solar activity. Studies of traffic accidents in Russia and in Germany show that these increase, by as much as four (18) the average, on days after the (19) of a solar flare. This suggests that accidents may be (20) a disturbance deeper than a simple decrease in reaction time. These results make it clear that man is, among other things, a remarkably sensitive living. sundial.

1. A) blanketed

B) swept

C) covered

D) spread

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