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One of the great advances in modern technology has...

One of the great advances in modern technology has been the invention of computers. They are already widely used in industry and in universities and the time may come when it will be possible for ordinary people to use them as well. Computers are capable of doing extremely complicated work in all branches of learning. They can solve the most complex mathematical problems or put thousands of unrelated facts in order. These machines can be put to varied uses. For instance, they can provide information on the best way to prevent traffic accidents, or they can count the number of times the word "and" has been used in the Bible. Because they work accurately and at high speed, they save research workers years of hard work. This whole process by which machines can be used to work for us has been called automation. In the future, automation may enable human beings to enjoy far more leisure than they do today. The coming of automation is bound to have important social consequences. Some time ago an expert on automation, Sir Leon Bagrit, pointed out that it was a mistake to believe that these machines could "think". There is no possibility that human beings will be "controlled by machines". Though computers are capable of learning from their mistakes and improving on their performance, they need detailed instructions from human beings in order to be able to operate. They can never, as it were, lead independent lives, or "rule the world" by making decisions of their own. Sir Leon said that in the future, computers would be developed which would be small enough to carry in the pocket. Ordinary people would then be able to use them to obtain valuable information. Computers could be plunged into a national network and be used like radios. For instance, people going on holiday could be informed about weather conditions; car drivers could be given alternative routes when there are traffic jams. It will also be possible to make tiny translating machines. This will enable people who do not share a common language to talk to each other without any difficulty or to read foreign publications, It is impossible to assess the importance of a machine of this sort, for many international misunderstandings are caused simply through our failure to understand each other. Computers will also be used in hospitals. By providing a machine with a patients symptoms, a doctor will be able to diagnose the nature of his illness. Similarly, machines could be used to keep a check on a patients health record and bring it up to date. Doctors will therefore have immediate access to a great many facts which will help them in their work. Book-keepers and accountants, too, could be relieved of dull clerical work, for the tedious task of compiling and checking lists of figures could be done entirely by machines. Computers are the most efficient servants man has ever had and there is no limit to the way they can be used to improve our lives. Questions:

According to the author, computers can be used in______.



C.medical sciences

D.all of the above

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The development of writing was one of the great human inventions. It is difficult【36】many people to imagine language without writing; the spoken word seems intricately tied to the written【37】. But children speak【38】they learn to write. And millions of people in the world speak languages with【39】written form. Among these people oral literature abounds, and crucial knowledge【40】memorized and passed【41】generations. But human memory is short-lived, and the brain's storage capacity is finite.【42】overcame such problems and allowed communication across the miles【43】through the years and centuries. Writing permits a society【44】permanently record its poetry, its history and its technology.

It might be argued【45】today we have electronic means of recording sound and【46】to produce films and television, and thus writing is becoming obsolete.【47】writing became extinct, there would be no knowledge of electronics【48】TV technicians to study; there would be, in fact, little technology in years to【49】There would be no film or TV scripts, no literature, no books, no mail, no newspapers, no science. There would be【50】advantages: no bad novels, junk mail, poison-pen letters, or "unreadable" income-tax forms, but the losses would outweigh the【51】.

There are almost as【52】legends and stories on the invention of writing as there are【53】the origin of language. Legend has it that Cadmus, Prince of Phoenicia and founder of the city of Thebes,【54】the alphabet and brought it with him to Greece. In one Chinese fable the four-eyed dragon-god T'sang Chien invented writing. In【55】myths, the Babylonian god Nebo and the Egyptian god Thoth gave humans writing as well as speech.




The development of writing was one of the great human inventions. It is difficult 【C1】______ many people to imagine language without writing; the spoken word seems intricately tied to the written 【C2】______ . But children speak 【C3】______ they learn to write. And millions of people in the world speak languages with 【C4】______ written form. Among these people oral literature abounds, and crucial knowledge 【C5】______ memorized and passed 【C6】______ generations. But human memory is short-lived, and the brain's storage capacity is finite. 【C7】______ overcame such problems and allowed communication across the miles 【C8】______ through the years and centuries. Writing permits a society 【C9】______ permanently record its poetry, its history and its technology.

It might be argued 【C10】______ today we have electronic means of recording sound and 【C11】______ to produce films and television, and thus writing is becoming obsolete. 【C12】______ writing became extinct, there would be no knowledge of electronics 【C13】______ TV technicians to study; there would be, in fact, little technology in years to 【C14】______ . There would be no film or TV scripts, no literature, no books, no mail, no newspapers, no science. There would be 【C15】______ advantages: no bad novels, junk mail, poison-pen letters, or "unreadable" income-tax forms, but the losses would outweigh the 【C16】______ .

There are almost as 【C17】______ legends and stories on the invention of writing as there are 【C18】______ the origin of language. Legend has it that Cadmus, Prince of Phoenicia and founder of the city of Thebes, 【C19】______ the alphabet and brought it with him to Greece. In one Chinese fable the four eyed dragon-god T' sang Chien invented writing. In (70)

myths, the Babylonian god Nebo and the Egyptian god Nebo gave humans writing as well as speech.




One of the great mystery of modern biology is how 【M1】______

proteins—the strings of amino acids that are the substance

of all living things—fold into precise and complex shapes

when they created inside living cells. 【M2】______

Proteins snap into their predestined shape within

microseconds, but the multistep process by which they do

so is so complicated that this would take a powerful computer【M3】______

centuries to come up a model for how it is done. 【M4】______

Recently, however, some very smart chemists at

Stanford University and the University of Illinois borrowed

an idea from the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial

Intelligence) project to find an alternate solution. 【M5】______

The SETl @ home project divvies out to 4 million PC

owners chunks of raw data from the giant Arecibo radio

telescope in Puerto Rico. Those PCs, in its idle moments, 【M6】______

filter this electronic noise for telltale signs of another civilization

in the cosmos, and then ship the results back to SETI. Folding

@ home, the brainchild of Stanford biophysics Professor

Vijay Pende, similar parcels out the protein folding 【M7】______

computations among 43,000 active PC-owning volunteers.

In Sunday's online version of the British journal Nature,

Pende reported success. The "distributed computing"

system has modeled how a man-made chain of 23 amino

acids called BBA5 snap into shape over the course of 6 【M8】______

microseconds matched the time it takes the protein to 【M9】______

form. and fold in the lab.

The PC network already is at work deciphering the

folding of real human proteins and may one day ravel 【M10】______

just what goes wrong in misshapen proteins believed

responsible for afflictions such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob and

Alzheimer's disease.




【填空题】One of the great advantages of going in-store shopping is we can try the clothes on.


_____?is?NOT one of the great four comedies of Shakespeare.

A、A Midsummer Night’s Dream

B、The Merchant of Venice

C、The Comedy of Errors

D、Twelfth Night.



Which one of the following inventions in modern China has been branded as a "name card" of China?

A、High-speed rail

B、Dockless shared bicycle





Let [图]. Which one is the greatest lower bound of...

Let. Which one is the greatest lower bound of.







( ) who was "not just the greatest Briton, but one of the greatest rulers of any time or place".

A、Alfred's son

B、Alfred's daughter

C、Alfred's mother


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