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Chinese sentence structure is much different from English. Chinese sentences unite each other by meaning, whereas the English uses _______to link the sentence components.

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听力原文: There is one foreign product the Japanese are buying faster than others and its popularity has caused an uneasy feeling among many Japanese.

That product is foreign words. Gairaigo -- words that come from outside -- have been pan of the Japanese language for centuries. Mostly borrowed from English and Chinese, these terms are often changed into forms no longer understood by native speakers.

But in the last few years the trickle of foreign words has become a flood, and people fear the increasing use of foreign words is making it hard for the Japanese to understand each other and could lead to many people forgetting the good qualities of traditional Japanese.

"The popularity of foreign words is part of the Japanese interest in anything new," says university lecturer and writer Takashi Saito. "By using a foreign word you can make a subject seem new, which makes it easier for the media to pick up."

"Experts often study abroad and use English terms when they speak with people in their own fields. Those terms are then included in government white papers," said Muturo Kai, president of the National Language Research Institute. "Foreign words find their way easily into announcements made to axe general public, when they should really be explained in Japanese."

Against the flow of new words, many Japanese are turning back to the study of their own language. Saito's Japanese to Be Read Aloud is one of many language books that are now flying off booksellers' shelves.

"We were expecting to sell the books to young people, " said the writer, "but it turns out they are more popular with the older generation, who seem uneasy about the future of Japanese."


A.Foreign words are best suited for announcements.

B.The ideas expressed in foreign words sound new.

C.Foreign words make new subjects easier to understand.

D.The use of foreign words makes the media more popular.



Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

December 25 is celebrated as the birthday of Christ. No one is certain why this day was chosen. It was chosen probably because, according to the calendar then in use, December 25 was the time of the year when winter days begin to grow longer in the Northern Hemisphere. The sun-worshippers had celebrated this day as the promise of spring.

Over the years, a number of special customs associated with Christmas have grown up. Many of these have been introduced from Europe, while others have their origin in America.

Christmas music is loved by all who hear and sing it every year. Christmas songs, bells, and merry music have been a part of Christmas for centuries. The Christmas tree is the symbol of the spirit of Christmas in many homes. Trees were not used in English homes until a German prince married Queen Victoria. The prince had the first decorated Christmas tree set up at Windsor Castle in 1841. The first Christmas trees in the New World were introduced by Hessian soldiers in 1776, during the Revolutionary War. Later German immigrants brought the tradition into wider use in the United States.

The custom of decorating a community tree for outdoor display began in the early 1900's and is a favorite custom all over America today. Since 1933, Rockerfeller Plaza, in New York City, has put up a giant tree, beautifully decorated with lights. The trees are about 30 meters tall. Some 7,000 colored lights have been used to light them. Each year at Washington, D.C., there is a national tree lighting ceremony. The President of the United States pulls the switch that lights the brightly decorated new community Christmas tree on the White House lawn.

Some families open their presents on Christmas Eve; others wait for the next morning. Some boys' and girls' presents are placed in stockings and hung at the foot of their beds; others find their gifts under the Christmas tree.

Greeting cards began in England. One of the first artists to design and send a Christmas card in 1843 was John C. Horsley. The cards were printed in black and white and colored by hand. About 1000 of them were sold in London that year. At about the same time, another English artist, William Egley, designed a card and had it printed. He sent it to his friend with the now familiar message "A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year".

A German immigrant, Louis Prang, designed and sold colored Christmas cards in 1874. In less than 10 years his shop was turning out 5,000,000 cards a year.

Today greeting cards have become a big industry and billions of cards are sent all over the world every Christmas. Whatever language the greetings are written in, the message is the same—a wish for peace and goodwill among all people.

A number of special customs associated with Christmas have been introduced ______.

A.from Germany

B.from Europe

C.from America

D.from both Europe and America



?Read the article below about sales promotion, and the questions.

?Choose the correct word or phrase to fill each gap from A, B, C, or D.

?For each question 21—30, mark one letter (A, B, C, or D) on your Answer Sheet.

Sales Promotion

Promotion is any activity that encourages the purchase of a good or service. Managers must determine how much they are going to (21) promotion and what tools they will use. The promotional mix, or plan, utilizes personal selling, advertising, and sales promotion to deliver the message. Public relations and all types of (22) that attract customer attention to the product also become part of the mix.

Promotion is most important in the product's introduction and maturity stages. In introduction, the market is unaware of the product and therefore uninterested; promotion must overcome (23) and generate interest. In the maturity stage, competition is stiff, and the promotion must show how a product is different or (24) . Promotional mix policies are affected by promotional program objectives, implementation strategies, (25) of program effectiveness, and the promotional budget.

The key (26) of promotion are to provide information, stimulate demand, highlight values and stabilize sales. Promotion must (27) the market about what is available, the characteristics of the product or service, and how to use it. Increasing demand for a product is probably the most typical objective of promotion. Promotion tries to get consumers to (28) look for, examine, try, and purchase the product. Status-oriented advertising to highlight values makes sure customers are aware of what the company considers to be a real value.

Another goal of promotion is to stabilize sales by (29) the status quo that is, the current sales level of the product. During periods of slack or decreasing sales, contests, prizes, vacations and other incentives are sometimes (30) to customers to maintain sales goals. A stable sales pattern allows the firm to run smoothly by maintaining a consistent level of production and storage.


A.deal with

B.spend in

C.benefit from

D.invest in



For several years,scientists have been testing a substance called interferon(干扰素),a potential wonder drug that is proving to be effective in treating a variety of ailments,including virus infections,bacteria infections,and tumors. To date,the new drug has provoked no negative reaction of sufficient significance to discourage its use. But in spite of its success,last year only one gram Was produced in the entire world. The reason for the scarcity lies in the structure of interferon. A species of specific protein,the interferon produced from one animal species cannot be used in treating another animal species. In other words, to treat human beings,only interferon produced by human beings may be used. The drug is produced by infecting white blood cells with a virus. Fortunately.it is so powerful that the amount given each patient per injection is very small. Unlike antibiotics, interferon does not attack germs directly. Instead.it makes unaffected cells resistant to infection,and prevents the multiplication of viruses within cells. As you might conclude,one of the most dramatic uses of interferon has been in the treatment of cancer. Dr. Hans Strander,research physician at Swedens famous Karolinska Institute,has treated more than one hundred cancer patients with the new drug. Among a group of selected patients who has undergone surgical procedures for advanced cancer, half were given interferon. The survival rate over a three-year period was 70 percent among those who were treated with interferon as compared with only 10 to 30 percent among those who have received the conventional treatments. In the United States,a large-scale project supported by the American Cancer Society is now underway. If the experiment is successful,interferon could become one of the greatest medical discoveries of our time.

In what does interferon differ from antibiotics?

A.Interferon has serious side effects,whereas antibiotics do not.

B.Interferon is available in large supply, whereas antibiotics are not.

C.Antibiotics are very effective,while interferon is not.

D.Antibiotics kill germs by attacking them directly, while interferon does not.

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