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6. Easter It’s Easter in the UK and the shops are ...

6. Easter It’s Easter in the UK and the shops are full of Easter eggs, hot-cross buns and Easter bunnies. Easter is a holiday celebrated in early spring. The date of the festival is not fixed. It is celebrated on the first Sunday of a full moon day after March 21. It usually falls between March 21 and April 25. It started as a Christian holiday, created by the early Christians to celebrate the rebirth of Jesus from the dead. It is a religious holiday celebrated by Christians, but non-religious people often mark the day, too. Over time it became a holiday meant to celebrate spring and the rebirth of the earth after a long, cold winter. Symbols of Easter are eggs, rabbits, lambs, flowers, especially tulips and the religious symbols of the cross, and the virgin Mary. Children around the world have fun on Easter by painting eggs, hunting for chocolate eggs, making rabbit and flower crafts and enjoying a delicious lamb dinner. Although Easter is widely seen as a Christian festival which celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, its origins pre-date Christianity and many of its symbols come from the earliest civilizations. Our modern festival’s roots lie in ancient seasonal rituals which marked the transition from the "death" of winter to the new life and rebirth of spring. These days we give chocolate eggs as gifts at Easter but eggs have been symbols of fertility for thousands of years. The ancient Persians gave each other painted eggs for the festival of Nowrooz, a celebration held at the spring equinox which marked the start of Persian New Year. The tradition continues to this day. Centuries ago, the early Saxon people marked buns with a cross to honour their goddess Eostre, whose name some people believe to be the origin of the word Easter. It is believed that early Christians incorporated such pagan festivals into their religion. Some experts say the Easter bunny was originally a hare as this animal represented fertility and growth in pagan mythology due to its capacity for reproduction. Moreover, in some ancient cultures the hare was also a symbol of the moon, which is significant as the date of Easter changes each year depending on the lunar cycle. The Easter bunny has become an important symbol of Easter all over the world. But nowadays not everybody treats such symbols with respect. Pranksters in the Austrian town of Villach have stolen a giant Easter Bunny from the town square. Local police say it should not be too difficult to spot as it is two meters tall and weighs 60kg. 11. Why is the bunny regarded as an important symbol of Easter according to the passage?

A、It is notable for its capacity of abundant production.

B、Because it is born only in spring.

C、Because it is the symbol of love.

D、It is notable for their cleverness and loveliness.

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In the United States, the fall holiday season begins on Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in November. Originally(最初) a day of thanks for good harvests, it is celebrated with a big dinner, and turkey(火鸡) is the traditional main course. Christmas comes on December 25, about a month after Thanksgiving. At Christmas time, people give each other gifts and send Christmas cards. Children especially look forward to this season. New Year's Eve, December 31, comes a week after Christmas. On New Year's Eve, people have gay parties to celebrate the end of the old year and the beginning of the new. This is the end of the holiday season. Easter comes in March or April. This is a religious holiday, and it also celebrates the coming of spring. At Easter, children receive gifts of baskets containing toy rabbits or chickens and eggs. On Easter Sunday, many people go to church. It is also a traditional time for woman to buy new clothes.

When does the fall holiday season begin in the United States?

A.At Christmas.

B.On New Year's Eve.

C.On Thanksgiving Day.

D.On Easter Sunday.



Living standards soared during the twentieth century, and economists expect them to continue rising in the decades ahead. Does that mean that we humans can look forward to increasing happiness?

Easterlin admits that richer people are more likely to report themselves as being happier than poorer people are. But steady improvements in the American economy have not been accompanied by steady increases in people's self-assessments of their own happiness. "There has been not improvement in average happiness in the United States over almost a half century—a period in which real GDP (gross domestic product) per capital more than doubled," Easterlin reports.

The explanation for this paradox may be that people become less satisfied over time with a given level of income. In Easterlin's word: "As incomes rise, the aspiration level does too, and the effect of this increase in aspirations is to invalidate the expected growth in happiness due to higher income."

Money can buy happiness, Easterlin seems to be saying, but only if one's amounts get bigger and other people aren't getting more. His analysis helps to explain sociologist Lee Rainwater's finding that Americans' perception of the income "necessary to get along" rose between 1950 and 1986 in the same proportion as actual per capital income. We feel rich if we have more than our neighbors, poor if we have less, and feeling relatively well off is equated with being happy.

Easterlin's findings challenge psychologist Abraham Maslow's "hierarchy of wants" as a reliable guide to future human motivation. Maslow suggested that as people's basic material wants are satisfied they seek to achieve nonmaterial or spiritual goals. But Easterlin's evidence points to the persistence of materialism.

Science has developed no cure for envy, so our wealth boosts our happiness only briefly while shrinking that of our neighbors. Thus the outlook for the future is gloomy in Easterlin's view:

"The future, then, to which the era of modem economic growth is leading is one of never ending economic growth, a world in which ever growing abundance is matched by ever rising aspirations, a world in which cultural difference is leveled in the constant race to achieve the good life of material plenty, it is a world founded on belief in science and the power of rational inquiry and in the ultimate capacity of humanity to shape its own destiny. The irony is that in this last respect the lesson of history appears to be otherwise: that there is no choice. In the end, it is not the triumph of humanity over material wants; rather, it is the triumph of material wants over humanity."

Easterlin seems to suggest that

A.the richer people become, the happier they feel.

B.people feel unhappy just because they are not rich enough.

C.the increase of wealth certainly results in the increase of happiness.

D.the increase of wealth does not necessarily result in the increase of happiness.



Easter is probably the most important Christian holiday on the calendar because it commemorates Christ’s resurrection from the dead. Like many other religious holidays, though, Easter has incorporated many traditions from pagan beliefs and pre-Christian rites of seasonal regeneration. The word Easter has Indo-European roots and means “dawn”. This is a direct reference to the pagan goddess of dawn and new life.

The egg, a symbol of Easter, is a sign of fertility which reflects ancient spring renewal rites and beliefs that have been absorbed into the Christian tradition. Even the Easter bunny who brings the eggs was the escort of the Germanic goddess Ostara, who had a holiday named after her that fell on the vernal equinox. This serves to underscore the pagan elements that still remain a part of this quintessential Christian holy day. In the United States, Easter is celebrated in several ways.

On Easter morning children usually begin their day by looking for Easter eggs that the Easter bunny has hidden for them. Of course, most children know that the eggs were hidden by their parents, not the Easter bunny. In fact, many children help their parents color the Easter eggs, knowing that soon they will be eating them as a snack on Easter day. Some cities have Easter egg hunts at the local parks. Since Easter is always celebrated on Sunday, many people attend “Sunrise services” at their local church.

In fact, more people go to church on Easter Sunday than at any other time of the year. Sunrise services begin very early in the morning, usually right about the same time as when the sun begins to rise, and last until almost noon. After church families gather and have a big holiday feast. Easter also marks the coming of spring. People are usually happy that winter is over, so parks are usually full of people who want to get outside and enjoy the fresh air.

Which of the following best defines Easter?

A.It is partially religious.

B.It is a Christian holiday.

C.It is purely a religious tradition.

D.It is the most important Christian holiday.

The Easter egg represents __________.A.spring

B.new life



What is the main point of the third paragraph?A.Children like eating eggs on Easter.

B.Children help their parents on Easter.

C.People participate in many activities on Easter.

D.A lot of people go to church on Easter.

The celebration of Easter does not include __________.A.eating Easter eggs

B.hunting Easter eggs

C.buying gifts for children

D.having religious ceremonies

Why do people go to parks on Easter?A.Because spring is coming.

B.Because it is part of the celebration.

C.Because the air is fresh on that day.

D.Because they feel free on that day.




What Easter's all about

Easter is the most important festival in the Christian calendar. It is the commemoration of Jesus' death and his rising from the dead, also known as the resurrection. It comes at the end of Lent. The week leading up to it is called Holy Week. Palm Sunday is the first day of Holy Week and celebrates Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem riding on a donkey. Crowds of people came out of the city to greet him, throwing down palm branches on the road. Many churches give out small crosses made from palm leaves, as a reminder of Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem and his death on the cross. On Thursday Christians remember when Jesus ate the Passover meal with his disciples, breaking bread and drinking wine, which is now known as the Last Supper. Since then this meal has been symbolically re-enacted by many Christians as a way of drawing closer to God. This is called the Eucharist, which means "thanksgiving". It is a reminder that Jesus sacrificed his life for mankind.

The Bible tells us that, later that night, Jesus was betrayed by Judas Iscariot. After his arrest, Jesus was brought before the Jewish high priests who found him guilty of blasphemy because he called himself the Son of God. They handed him over to the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate. As was the custom at the time of the Feast of Passover, Pilate gave the crowds the choice as to which of the two prisoners should be freed: Jesus, or Barrabas, a notorious criminal. Ironically, the same crowd who had welcomed Jesus with palm branches a few days earlier now chose Barrabas to be released, and Pilate condemned Jesus to death by crucifixion. On Good Friday, many churches hold 3 hour services meditating on the events leading up to Christ's death: his interrogation, flogging, the mocking by the Roman soldiers, and his journey with the cross to Golgotha, the place of his death. Finally he was stripped naked and nailed to the cross, where he hung in agony for three hours, jeered at by the crowds, before he died. This is the day when people traditionally eat hot cross buns, because the cross on the bun is a reminder of the cross Jesus died on, and a reminder of the Christian belief that Jesus died to save us all.

Easter Sunday marks Jesus' resurrection. The Bible tells us that Mary Magdalene went to the tomb, followed later by some of Jesus' disciples. They discovered Jesus' body had gone and that the tomb was empty. Jesus then appeared to Mary and many of his disciples, speaking with them on separate occasions during the following forty days. As he left them for the last time, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit so the disciples would know God would never leave them. He then ascended into heaven. The Church celebrates this on Ascension Day.

Why do we eat Easter eggs at Easter?

For Christians, Easter eggs symbolize new life. They believe that, through his resurrection, Jesus defeated death and sin and offers people the promise of eternal life if they follow his teachings. This is why there is a tradition for Christians to be baptized at Easter, which celebrates new life in God. However, the festival of Easter stretches back to pre-Christian times, too. It gets its name and some symbols, including the Easter Bunny, from the Pagan Spring Equinox festival, which is a celebration of spring and also of new life.

Where are the accounts of Easter in the Bible?

The account of the Easter story can be read in Mark, Chapters 14 to 16, or Luke, Chapters 22 to 24, and elements of it can be found in the other gospels too. Many of the events in the Easter story are foretold in the Old Testament in Isaiah chapter 53.

Why does the date of Easter change from year to year?

The date of Easter Sunday varies from year to year because it is based on the lunar calendar. It is celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon, on or after March 21st.







Easter is the oldest and the most important Christian Festival, the celebration of the ________ of Jesus Christ.




D.death and coming to life again



Which of the following IS true?

A.Pumpkins are used to decorate homes at Easter.

B.Markers can be used to make funny or scary faces for carving.

C.You can leave the pulp and seeds inside the pumpkin before carving.

D.An adult is needed to cut the pumpkin into desired pieces.



Cosmetic Surgery

Surgery that can improve the way a person looks is becoming more and more

popular in the United States. This kind of surgery is, called cosmetic surgery, and both men and women are turning to this treatment as a way of keeping their appearance young as well as keeping competitive (有竞争力的) in their jobs. Men especially are beginning to turn to face-lifts (面部拉皮手术), liposuction (taking fat out of the body), and implants (putting artificial parts into their bodies) to help them look younger. As companies downsize (缩编) and move younger employees into higher positions, older employees in their late forties and early fifties feel the need to look and act younger in order to stay competitive. These operations are not without dangers, however.

One young woman had an eye operation to get rid of the bags under her eyes. She described her experience as terrible. She said, "When he started cutting, I was fully awake. Even though he'd given me an injection near my eyes, I saw everything." She went on to explain, "1 knew I had to keep still because of what he was doing. He was scraping (刮) away fat underneath my eyes. It took about ten minutes. After he finished, I felt I couldn't walk. I was so faint." Her troubles did not end after the operation for two Weeks. Her eyes were swollen (肿胀的) and almost completely closed, and even dark glasses could not hide the side effects of the operation.

Liposuction, taking fat out of the body, is probably the most popular cosmetic operation in the United States. It seems simple enough. First, a small cut is made over the place where the patient wants the fat removed. Next, a small pipe is put into the cut. A machine like a vacuum cleaner is then used to suck the fat out of the body. However, as one doctor explained, some problems can happen after the operation. He warned, "Irregular lumps and loose skin can result from this operation. If it is not evenly done, liposuction can produce a very lumpy result." Patients often must have more liposuction to correct the problem.

第 16 题 Cosmetic surgery is more popular in the US than anywhere else.



C.Not mentioned



Cosmetic Surgery

Surgery that can improve the way a person looks is becoming more and more popular in the United States. This kind of surgery is called cosmetic surgery, and both men and women are turning to this treatment as a way of keeping their appearance young as well as keeping competitive (有竞争力的)in their jobs. Men especially are beginning to turn to face-lifts(面部拉皮手术), liposuction (taking fat out of the body), and implants(putting artificial parts into their bodies )to help them look younger. As companies downsize(缩编)and move younger employees into higher positions, older employees in their late forties and early fifties feel the need to look and act younger in order to stay competitive. These operations are not without dangers, however.

One young woman had an eye operation to get rid of the bags under her eyes. She described, her experience as terrible. She said, "When he started cutting, I was fully awake. Even though he'd given me an injection near my eyes, I saw everthing." She went on to explain, "I knew I had to keep still because of what he was doing. He was scraping(刮)away fat underneath my eyes. It took about ten minutes. After he finished, I felt I couldn't walk. I was so faint. "Her troubles did not end after the operation for two weeks. Her eyes were swollen (肿胀的)and almost completely closed, and even dark glasses could not hide the side effects of the operation.

Liposuction, taking fat out of the body, is probably the most popular cosmetic operation in the United States. It seems simple enough. First, a small cut is made over the place where the patient wants the fat removed. Next, a small pipe is put into the cut. A machine like a vacuum cleaner is then used to suck the fat out of the body. However, as one doctor explained, some problems can happen after the operation. He warned, "Irregular lumps and loose skin can result from this operation. If it is not evenly done, liposuction can produce a very lumpy result." Patients often must have more liposuction to correct the problem.

Cosmetic surgery is more popular in the US than anywhere else.



C.Not mentioned

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