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A class design requires that a particular member variable must be accesible for direct access by any subclasses of this class, otherwise not by classes which are not members of the same package. What

A、The variable should be marked public

B、The variable should be marked private

C、The variable should be marked protected

D、The variable should have no special access modifier

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By 2010, half the recoverable material in Britain's dustbins will be recycled—that, at least, was the target set by Chris Patten, Secretary of State for the Environment. But he gave no clues as to how Britain should go about achieving it. While recycling enthusiasts debate the relative merits of different collection systems, it will largely be new technology, and the opening up of new markets, that makes Patten's target attainable: a recycling scheme is successful only if manufacturers use the recovered materials in new products that people want to buy.

The first question is how best to separate clean element—glass containers, plastics, and some paper and metal containers that is relatively clean when discarded—from mixed refuse. This clean element is the main target for Britain's recyclers. The method of collection is important because manufacturers will not reuse collected material unless it is clean and available in sufficient quantities. A bewildering assortment of different collection schemes operates in the rest of Europe, and pilot schemes are now under way in many British cities.

A realistic target for recycling mixed refuse is somewhere between 15 and 25 percent by weight, according to researchers at the Department of Trade and Industry's Laboratory. Statistics compiled by researchers at the University of East Anglia show that Britain could almost halve the total weight of domestic waste going to landfill by a combination of "collect” schemes(such as doorstep collections for newspapers),"bring” schemes(such as bottle banks)and plants for extracting metals.

This estimate makes two important assumptions. One is that the government will bring in legislation to encourage the creation, of markets for products made from recycled materials, especially glass, paper and plastics. The other is that industry will continue to introduce new technology that will improve both the products and the techniques used to separate recoverable materials from mixed refuse.

Which of the following can serve as a proper title for the passage?

A.An Impossible Target

B.Government Assumptions

C.Recycling Britain

D.Categories of Britain's Waste



The author cites the biographies of Jesus in the Bible in order to show that

A.the best biographies are meant to transform. their readers

B.biographies are authentic accounts of their subjects' lives

C.the best biographies are those of heroes and famous figures

D.biographies can serve different purposes



A close analogy to a study design is the rough sketch made by an artist before he commits his vision to canvas(画布). The broad outlines are drawn, the proper perspective achieved, and the total impact of the picture-to-be can be partially appreciated in advance. So it is with the design of research: it specifies in advance the kinds of statements that can be made on the basis of its findings and fixes the perspectives against which these findings are to be evaluated.

One major purpose of this study was to demonstrate whether or not the newer social research techniques could help in broadening and deepening knowledge concerning juvenile delinquency(少年犯罪). Construction of the design was guided by this goal of exploring new methods in the analysis of juvenile delinquency. However, research technique developed in one content area can not be mechanically transferred to another. A new application of them requires substantial changes and it is these innovative modifications which this study offers as its contribution.

Juvenile delinquency has been the subject of many previous studies using a variety of research techniques. This study makes an additional contribution by using a design specially planned to permit a comparison of several approaches.

The drawing up of the study design profited greatly from an extensive survey of previous re searches on crime, undertaken during the earliest stage of the project. It was found that most studies could be classified as belonging to one or more of three broadly conceived types: social background study, family background study and personal motivation study.

Each type has its characteristic design and mode of interpretation and each has produced information of considerable importance. Yet not attempt was made in any of the studies to integrate one or more of these three design types. It became apparent that one of the major contributions a pilot study could make to both method and substantive findings would be to bring all three study types together in one design for the purpose of correlating(使相互关联) their findings and evaluating their relative importance in producing data of use to the practitioner.

In the first paragraph, the author draws an analogy between ______.

A.doing research and drawing a picture

B.research finding and pictures perspective

C.designing a research and making a quick drawing

D.a researcher and a painter



A close analogy to a study design is the rough sketch made by an artist before he commits his vision to canvas(画布). The broad outlines are drawn, the proper perspective achieved, and the total impact of the picture-to-be can be partially appreciated in advance. So it is with the design of research: it specifies in advance the kinds of statements that can be made on the basis of its findings and fixes the perspectives against which these findings are to be evaluated.

One major purpose of this study was to demonstrate whether or not the newer social re search techniques could help in broadening and deepening knowledge concerning juvenile delinquency(少年犯罪). Construction of the design was guided by this goal of exploring new methods ill the analysis of juvenile delinquency. However, research technique developed in one content area can not be mechanically transferred to another. A new application of them requires substantial changes and it is these innovative modifications which this study offers as its contribution.

Juvenile delinquency has been the subject of many previous studies using a variety of re search techniques. This study makes an additional contribution by using a design specially planned to permit a comparison of several approaches.

The drawing-up of the study design profited greatly from an extensive survey of previous researches on crime, undertaken during the earliest stage of the project. It was found that most studies could be classified as belonging to one or more of three broadly conceived types: social background study, family background study and personal motivation study.

Each type has its characteristic design and mode of interpretation and each has produced information of considerable importance. Yet no attempt was made in any of the studies to integrate one or more of these three design types. It became apparent that one of the major contributions a pilot study could make to both method and substantive findings would be to bring all three study types together in one design for the purpose of correlating(使相互关联) their find rugs and evaluating their relative importance in producing data of use to the practitioner.

In the first paragraph, the author draws an analogy between ______.

A.doing research and drawing a picture

B.research finding and picture perspective

C.designing a research and making a quick drawing

D.a researcher and a painter



My family and I recently returned from a trip to Alaska; a place that combines supernatural beauty with a breathtaking mount of bear risks. I'll start with some facts at a glance:

WHERE ALASKA IS: Way the hell far from you. Beyond Mars.

HOW YOU. GET THERE: You sit in a variety of airplanes for most of your adult life.


I am quite serious about this. Although Alaska is now an official United States with modem conveniences such as rental' cars and frozen yogurt, it also contains a large number of admitted bears, striding freely about the landscape, and nobody seems to be the least bit alarmed about this. In fact, the Alaskans seem to be pround of it. You walk into a hotel or department store, and the first, thing you see is a glass case containing a stuffed bear the size of a real one. Our hotel had two of these. It was what we travel writers call "a two-bear hotel". Both bears were standing on their hind legs and striking a pose that said:" Welcome to Alaska! I'm going to tear your arms off !"

This struck me as an odd concept, greeting visitors with a showcase containing a major local hazard. It' s as if an anti-drug organization went around setting up glass display cases containing stuffed drug smugglers, with little plaques stating how much they weighed and where they were taken.

Anyway, we decided the best way to deal with our fear of bears was to become well informed about them, so we bought a book, Alaska Bear Tales. Here are some of the chapter rifles, which I am not making up:

"They'll Attack Without Warning"

"They'll Really Attack You"

"They Will Kill"

"Come Quick! I'm Being Eaten by a Bear!"

"They Can Be Funny"

Ha ha ! I bet they can. I bet Mr. and Mrs. Bear and a bundle of hilarity as they fight playfully over the remaining portion of a former tourist plumped up by airline food. But just the same, I' m glad that the only actual, nonstuffed, practicing bears that we saw were in the zoo.

What is the tone of the story?







根据下列文字,回答下列各题: My family and I recently returned from a trip to Alaska, a place that combines supernatural beauty with a breathtaking amount of bear risks. I ll start with some facts at a glance : WHERE ALASKA IS :Way the hell far from you. Beyond Mars. HOW YOU GET THERE:You sit in a variety of airplanes for most of your adult life.WHAT THEY HAVE THERE THAT WILL TRY TO KILL YOU:Bears. I am quite serious about this. Although Alaska is now an official state in the United States withmodem conveniences such as rental cars and frozen yogurt, it also allows a large number of admit-ted bears to stride freely, and nobody seems to be the least bit alarmed about this. In fact, the Alas-kans seem to be proud of it. You walk into a hotel or department store, and the first thing you seeis a glass case containing a stuffed bear the size of a real one. Our hotel had two of these. It waswhat we travel writers call "a two-bear hotel". Both bears were standing on their hind legs and striking a pose that said: "Welcome to Alaska! Im going to tear your arms off!" This struck me as an odd concept, greeting visitors with a showcase containing a major localhazard. Its as if an anti-drug organization went around setting up glass display cases containingstuffed drug smugglers(走私者), with little plaques (胸章)stating how much they weighed andwhere they were taken. Anyway, we decided the best way to deal with our fear of bears was to become well informedabout them, so we bought a book, Alaska Bear Tales. Here are some of the chapter titles, which Iam not making up: "They ll Attack Without Warning""They ll Really Attack You" "They Will Kill" "Come Quick! Im Being Eaten by a Bear!""They Can Be Funny" Ha-ha ! 1 bet they can. I bet Mr. and Mrs. Bear will fight playfully over the remaining portionof a former tourist plumped up by airline food. But just the same, I m glad that the only actualbears that we saw were in the zoo. What is the tone of the story?







The writer says that travel was important in the past because it_____.

A.was a way of spreading ideas

B.broke down political barriers

C.led to economic progress

D.made new ideas less schooling



The government that refuses to meet the needs of its people must bear the ______.







The writer says that travel was important in the past because it______.

A.was a way of spreading ideas

B.broke down political barriers

C.led to economic progress

D.made new ideas less schooling



Text 3

My family and I recently returned from a trip to Alaska, a place that combines supernatural beauty with a breathtaking amount of bear risks. I'll start with some facts at a glance:

WHERE ALASKA IS: Way the hell far from you. Beyond Mars.

HOW YOU GET THERE: You sit in a variety of airplanes for most of your adult life.


I am quite serious about this. Although Alaska is now an official state in the United States with modem conveniences such as rental cars and frozen yogurt, it also allows a large number of admitted bears to stride freely, and nobody seems to be the least bit alarmed about this. In fact, the Alaskans seem to be proud of it. You walk into a hotel or department store, and the first thing you see is a glass case containing a stuffed bear the size of a real one. Our hotel had two of these. It was what we travel writers call "a two-bear hotel". Both bears were standing on their hind legs and striking a pose that said: "Welcome to Alaska! I'm going to tear your arms off!"

This struck me as an odd concept, greeting visitors with a showcase containing a major local hazard. It's as if an anti-drug organization went around setting up glass display cases containing stuffed drug smugglers (走私者), with little plaques (胸章) stating how much they weighed and where they were taken.

Anyway, we decided the best way to deal with our fear of bears was to become well informed about them, so we bought a book, Alaska Bear Tales. Here are some of the chapter titles, which I am not making up:

"They'll Attack Without Warning"

"They'll Really Attack You"

"They Will Kill"

"Come Quick! I'm Being Eaten by a Bear!"

"They Can Be Funny"

Ha-ha! I bet they can. I bet Mr. and Mrs. Bear will fight playfully over the remaining portion of a former tourist plumped up by airline food. But just the same, I'm glad that the only actual bears that we saw were in the zoo.

What is the tone of the story?

[A] Serious.

[B] Complex.

[C] Comic.

[D] Disapproving.

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