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part 4 Billy: Can I put a tape on, miss Miss: All right, if you must. Billy: It’s cush, i

part 4 Billy: Can I put a tape on, miss Miss: All right, if you must. Billy: It’s cush, isn’t it So is there a story then, miss Miss: Of course. It’s about a woman __1__ is captured by an evil magician. Billy: Sounds crap. Miss: And this woman, this beautiful woman... is ___2___ () to marry her and goes off with someone else, of course. Billy: So she has to be a swan for good Miss: She dies. Billy: Cause the prince didn’t love her Miss: Come on. It’s time to go. Billy: It’s only a ghost story.

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听力原文:Interviewer(I): Good morning, Miss

Miss Jones(J): Miss Jones.

I: Miss Jones, yes, right. Hi, Um now, you'd like to join our team, I gather ...

J: Yes, I would.

I: That's very good. Er I'd like to know a little bit about you. Perhaps you could start if you could tell me a little bit about your education.

J: Oh yes, right. Well, I left school at 18 and for the first two years I went to Gibsons, you might know it, it's an engineering firm. Um and after that, I wanted to do a course, so I did a one-year full-time PA course and went back to Gibsona. I was PA to the Export Director. I stayed there for two years and then moved on to my present company. Um that's Europa Marketing um Mr Adair, the marketing director, offered me a job because Gibson had worked quite a lot with Europa Marketing. And I've been with them for three years now Um first working with the Marketing Director and and now I'm with the Sales Director.

I: That's all very interesting, Miss Jones. Um,.- l'd like to know, what did you enjoy most at school'? What was the course that you enjoyed most?

J: Ah foreign languages I liked best. We did French and German. Yes.

I: Mhm. And are you quite fluent in those now?

J: Yes, a bit rusty now, but um obviously the more travel I can do, the more [ can use my languages and I'd like to learn another language. I'd like to add Italian as well.

I: Italian?


J: Very good, very good, that might be very useful Now er tell me a little bit about er the work you're doing at present.

J: Um well er Europa Marketing is a marketing and public relations company and they do consultancy work for companies operating in the UK and European markets. Er our clients come from all over the world um we deal with some of them by post, but most of them come to our offices and at least once during a project. I assist the sales director by arranging these visits, setting up meetings and presentations and I deal with her correspondence. I've not been able to go with her on any of her trips abroad, but I've been to firms in this country, several times on my own to make these arrangements.

I: It sounds as if you're very happy there, Miss Jones. I'm curious why you'd tike to leave them and join our company.

J: Well um I know the reputation of Anglo-European and it has a very good reputation. And I feel I would have more scope and opportunity in your company and that the work will be more challenging for me. I might be able to possibly travel and use my languages because at the moment most of my work is rather routine secretarial-type work and I like the idea of more um challenges in my life really.

?You will hear part of an interview between a Human Resources Manager of a company and Miss Jones.

?For each question 23—30, mark one letter A, B or C for the correct answer.

?You will hear the recording twice.

What did Miss Jones do after she left school?

A.She became a PA (personal assistant).

B.She did a one-year full-time PA Course company.

C.She went to an engineering company.



听力原文:M: Miss Liu Mei, right?

W: Yes, that's right.

M: Please take a seat.

W: Thank you.

M: So you are interested in a job as a waitress.

W: That's right. I saw your sign in the window asking for part-time waitresses.

M: Mnn, have you worked as a waitress before?

W: Yes. I've worked as a waitress for three years at several different restaurants.

M: I see. Are you working now?

W: Yes, at the Park Hotel dining-room on Hill Avenue.

M: They have a very nice dining-room there. Why do you want to leave?

W: Because I can't work full time at the moment. I'm taking some courses at university and need more time for study.

M: I see. What days are you available?

W: I'm free all day Thursday and Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

M: That suits us very well actually. We're looking for someone who can help us late in the week when we get very busy. That's Thursday afternoon, Friday afternoon and evening as well as all day Saturday. The restaurant is close on Sunday.

W: That's fine with me.

M: When can you start?

W: Is the first of next month all right with yon?

M: That's fine. The first of May. Yes, that's good. By the way, you'll get $8.80 an hour, with tips, of course.

W: Good. Thank you very much.

Why did Miss Liu Mei want to change jobs?

A.Because she needed more time to study.

B.Because Park Hotel was too far away from her home.

C.Because the Park Hotel dining-room was closed down.

D.Because she was not satisfied with the pay.



听力原文:M: Pardon me, Miss. I'm new to this area and I'm running low on gas, but I can't seem to find a service station any-where around here. Can you direct me to the nearest one?

W: No problem. This is a small town, so the nearest service station isn't very close. First you take a left at the stop-light. Proceed west for about a mile, and there's one on your left, right next to the post office.

M: I didn't catch all of that. Would you mind going over the directions one more time?

W: Not at all. Take a left at the stoplight and continue on that street until you see the post office on your left. The service station is right next to the post office. You can't miss it.

M: Thanks. Does the service station accept credit cards?

W: No, it doesn't. But there's a bank across the street from it, and you can get money there if you want.

M: That's probably what I'll do.

W: You also might consider buying a map at the service s 'ration. This is a rural area, so it's very easy to get lost.

M: I think I’ll do that. I appreciate all your help.

W: It's been my pleasure. Here in Lintown, we welcome all visitors to our city.


A.The post office.


C.A gas station.

D.A map store.



听力原文:W: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Josh Cooke, please?

M: Speaking.

W: This is Rebecca Carter of" Yours Magazine".

M: What can I do for you, Miss Carter?

W: There'll be an issue next month introducing your newly published book "where the Road Ends", and I'd like to have an interview with you, if possible.

M: An interview? I'd like to, Miss Carter, but I'm afraid my schedule is all full. I can't spare the time.

W: It won't take you long, Mr. Josh. Two hours or less will do.

M: Well, when?

W: When is convenient for you?

M: Hold on, please. Let me check my schedule...Say, how about this Friday morning? Around 10 o'clock?

W: Why don't we meet at 11: 00 and have a talk over lunch? I know a very nice place downtown.

M: Sounds nice. All right.

W: Shall I pick you up at your place?

M: No, no. If we are going downtown, you don't have to pick me up. Let's just meet at the restaurant. Where is it?

W: It's on Fifth Avenue, and it's called Rose Garden.

M: I know that place. I'll be there at 11:00 then. Good-bye, Miss Carter.


A.Ask for a job interview.

B.Talk about the arrangement of a news conference.

C.Make a discussion about the new book.

D.Make an appointment with the man.



听力原文:W: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Josh Cooke, please?

M: Speaking.

W: This is Rebecca Carter of" Yours Magazine".

M: What can I do for you, Miss Carter?

W: There'll be an issue next month introducing your newly published book "where the Road Ends", and I'd like to have an interview with you, if possible.

M: An interview? I'd like to, Miss Carter, but I'm afraid my schedule is all full. I can't spare the time.

W: It won't take you long, Mr. Josh. Two hours or less will do.

M: Well, when?

W: When is convenient for you?

M: Hold on, please. Let me check my schedule...Say, how about this Friday morning? Around 10 o'clock?

W: Why don't we meet at 11: 00 and have a talk over lunch? I know a very nice place downtown.

M: Sounds nice. All right.

W: Shall I pick you up at your place?

M: No, no. If we are going downtown, you don't have to pick me up. Let's just meet at the restaurant. Where is it?

W: It's on Fifth Avenue, and it's called Rose Garden.

M: I know that place. I'll be there at 11:00 then. Good-bye, Miss Carter.


A.Ask for a job interview.

B.Talk about the arrangement of a news conference.

C.Make a discussion about the new book.

D.Make an appointment with the man.



听力原文:W: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Josh Cooke, please?

M: Speaking.

W: This is Rebecca Carter of Yours Magazine.

M: What can I do for you, Miss Carter?

W: [23] There'll be an issue next month introducing your newly published book Where the Road Ends, and I'd like to have an interview with you, if possible.

M: An interview? I'd like to, Miss Carter, but I'm afraid my schedule is all full. I can't spare the time.

W: It won't take you long, Mr. Josh. Two hours or less will do.

M: Well, when?

W: When is convenient for you?

M: Hold on, please. Let me check my schedule... Say, [24] how about this Friday morning? Around 10 o'clock?

W: Why don't we meet at 11:00 and have a talk over lunch? I know a very nice place downtown.

M: Sounds nice. All right.

W: Shall I pick you up at your place?

M: No, no. [25] If we're going downtown, you don't have to pick me up. Let's just meet at the restaurant. Where is it?

W: [25] It's on Fifth Avenue, and it's called Rose Garden.

M: I know that place. I'll be there at 11:00 then. Good-bye, Miss Carter.


A.Ask for a job interview.

B.Talk about the arrangement of a news conference.

C.Make a discussion about the new book.

D.Make an appointment with the man.



Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.

听力原文:M: Now,Miss, do you feel all right now? What happened?

W: Yes, I'm fine now, I was just at the motorway. I was driving along the main road and when suddenly right before the crossroads I met the car came out at the side street. I didn't see it until it hit me.

Q: Where was the other car?


A.In the side street.

B.At the crossroads.

C.On the main road.

D.On the motorway.



Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.

听力原文:M:Now,Miss,do you feel all right now? What happened?

W:Yes,I'm fine now.I was just at the motorway.I was driving along the main road and when suddenly right before the crossroads I met the car came out at the side street.I didn't see it until it hit me.

Q:Where was the other car?


A.In the side street.

B.At the crossroads.

C.On the main road.

D.On the motorway.



Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.

听力原文:M: NOW. Miss, do you feel all right now? What happened?

W: Yes. I'm fine now. I was just at the motorway. I was driving along the main road and when suddenly right he fore the crossroads I met the car came out at the side street. I didn't see it until it hit me.

Q: Where was the other car?


A.In the side street.

B.At the crossroads.

C.On the main road.

D.On the motorway.

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