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Which are included in social and affective strategies?()

A.Questioning for clarification



D.selective attention

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听力原文:F:These days more and more people are employed in multinational companies which require higher awareness of cultural diversity.ABD is a multinational car manufacturer that has been very successful in dealing with cross-cultural problems.Steve Denison,an internal business consultant,is in the studio today.Steve,could you explain why your company has been such a success in that field?

M:Well,with the increased globalization of the economy and interaction of different cultures,the future of any organization depends on whether the employees can accept the differences and learn from each other.But we do have our‘secret weapon’.

F:Interesting!What is it then?

M:Our secret weapon is‘glocalization’.

F:‘GIobalization’you mean?

M:No,GLOCALIZATIONO The conflict between globalization and localization has led to the invention of this concept‘glocalization’.You know,companies that want to be successful in foreign markets have to be aware of the local cultural characteristics that affect the way business is done.

F:I see.So could you give us some examples about those local cultural characteristics?

M:Sure.Take Latin and Asian cultures for example.Their status is not based on analysis or systems,but is automatically accorded to the boss,who is more likely to be in his fifties or sixties than in his thirties.This is particularly true in Japan,where companies traditionally have a policy of promotion by seniority.A 50-year-old Japanese manager,or a Greek or Italian one,would quite simply be offended by having to report to an aggressive,well-educated,but inexperienced American or German 20 years his junior.

F:OK,What about the performance evaluation then?Would that be different as well?

M:Sure.I'll use the salespeople to illustrate the difference.In countries like USA or Britain,the principle of pay-for-performance often successfully motivates them.The more you sell.the more you get paid.But the principle might well be resisted in countries where rewards and promotion are expected to come with age and experience.There was an example of a sales rep in an Italian subsidiary of a US multinational company who was given a huge quarterly bonus under a new policy imposed by head office.His sales—which had been high for years—declined dramatically during the following three months.It was later discovered that he was deliberately trying not to sell more than any of his colleagues,so as not to reveal their inadequacies.He was also desperate not to earn more than his boss,which he thought would be an unthinkable humiliation that would force the boss to resign immediately.

F:What about the differences in management structures?

M:Yes,I was just about to come to that.Another example of an American idea that doesn't work well in Latin countries is matrix management.The task-oriented logic of matrix management conflicts with the principle of loyalty to the all-important line supewisor,you know,the functional boss.And without the awareness and understanding of the other culture,each would think of the other as being ‘corrupt’。

F:So how do we tackle these misunderstandings?Are there any strategies to be applied?

M:OK.Experience and knowledge will surely help us accommodate to another culture,but some key strategies may quicken the process.To begin with,the understanding and acceptance of differences;and that is followed by developing culture sensitivity and shared decision-making.Then organizational resources should be distributed equally.And er…

F:Wow,that's already a whole lot of strategies.And there's more?

M:Yes.And er,yes,flexible institutional policies,practices,and procedures should be applied.

F:OK.So what kind of training programs or proposals would you offer your company,you know,to get all these ideas to really sink in?

M:well,there are many different types of cross-cultural training to make sure that we can all get along in the work place,like conflict resolution;conducting cultur

A.recognizing the increasing impacts of globalization.

B.operating all over the world while taking account of local cultural diversities.

C.the conflict between globalization and localization.



Which of the following is NOT included in the plans for a career?

A.To make an appointment at the Office of Career Development.

B.To exchange ideas with your counselor.

C.To take some tests.

D.To go to seminars with your counselor.



A.Many children are no longer placed in schools according to their academic abilities.

B.Many children can afford to study in private schools, as they become part of the state system.

C.Children from wealthy families no longer choose to go and study in public schools.

D.Cleverer children will be sent to the best private schools in the country for a better development.



The author is concerned about the fact that American kids

A.are engaged in more and more structured activities.

B.are increasingly neglected by their working mothers.

C.are spending more and more time watching TV.

D.are involved less and less in household work.



听力原文: Sex education is a serious scientific subject, which is as important as the other sciences and arts subjects, even if it is not included in the exams, especially the college entrance examination. It shouldnt be overlooked or banned in school curriculums. Instead of being regarded as a sinful subject, it should be treated with the right attitude. In China, for thousands of years, people have felt shy and embarrassed when talking about sex, which becomes a mysterious thing in peoples view. Affected by this cultural tradition and social customs, people hold a negative attitude towards it. That is why sex education is never allowed to enter schools in an open and broad manner. As a result, few people have a correct and scientific knowledge about sex. Many teenagers know very little about sex. Driven by the forces of instinct or curiosity, they commit many crimes because of ignorance, e.g. illegal teen pregnancy, taking drugs, contracting sexual diseases. They become the innocent victims due to lack of sex education. Cant this be said to be the tragedy of our education and nation? Sex education is not new in the schools of Western countries, beginning as early as kindergarten and continuing into high school. Comprehensive sex education programmes generally cover the biology of reproduction, the psychology of relationships, and the sociology of the family. These courses leading to straight talk about a variety of subject have neither produced many negative impacts on the mental, physical and psychological development of the teenagers, nor resulted in many social troubles. It is clear that the teachers and parents cant perpetuate myths that could prevent childrens healthy sexual development. Under the proper guidance of the teachers and experts, students will grow into healthy-minded citisens and decrease the chances to see psychological doctors. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard. 23. Why do Chinese people hold a negative attitude towards sex education? 24. What can we infer from the passage? 25. What is the main topic of the passage?23.

A.Many people will still regard sex education as embarrassing.

B.Proper sex education is mentally helpful for teenagers" growth.

C.Teenagers" chances to see psychological doctors have increased.

D.Without the proper guidance of the teachers, no teenagers will grow healthily.











Which of the following is NOT included in Dr. Eli6t's reform. program?

A.Diversification of the courses offered.

B.Elevation of the admissions standards.

C.Enlargement of the enrollment.

D.Enforced professional training in some field.



All of the following are included in the bonfire guidelines offered in the passage EXCEPT______.

A.avoiding burning when air pollution is very serious

B.only burning dry material

C.never using old engine oil, meths or petrol to light the fire

D.only burning in a place that is far away from the neighbourhood



听力原文: A recent study reveals higher education tends to speed up mental decline and leave elderly people at a loss for words.

Participants in the study were all more than 70 years old. They were tested up to four times between 1993 and 2000 on their ability to remember 10 common words read aloud to them. The most educated test subjects were found to experience a steeper decline during the years in remembering the list.

Individuals with a better education seem to have a higher starting point in their word memory, and so may initially remember more total words than their less educated peers.

The more education one has, the more words one will know to begin with. It appears the more you know, the more you have to lose.

The explanation for the faster decline of more educated individuals could possibly be they were unable to access memory tricks they once relied on to help them remember things. For a while, these strategies can help them compensate, but as they get older, their brains become overwhelmed and they can no longer use those strategies.

Because the study didn't follow people across their entire life spans, there could be other unseen factors. For example, those with less education may start their cognitive decline earlier.

The possibly protective nature against conditions like dementia could be due to a correlation between higher education and generally higher living standards, like access to better health care and better eating habits. The things that make a healthy body make a healthy mind.


A.The older people get, the more they lose.

B.The lower education old people have received, the more they will forget.

C.Elderly people tend to forget despite their education background.

D.The elderly people with higher education are more likely to lose memory.

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