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The professor suggests that headings are ______.

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更多“The professor suggests that he…”相关的问题


Which facilities might influence housing prices?



Questions 28-30Decide which THREE of the following statements are true, according to the s

Questions 28-30

Decide which THREE of the following statements are true, according to the speakers, and write the appropriate letters on your answer sheet in any order.

A. People with high blood pressure should consult doctors before starting fitness routines.

B. An aerobic fitness assessment is done while a person is exercising.

C. An aerobic fitness assessment measures lung capacity.

D. Health club employees are better at assessing physical fitness than doctors.

E. Doctors might recommend changing fitness routines according to test results.

F. People shouldn't exercise at all whilst injured.



Questions 14-16Match the correct event with the 3 places below.A. Caribbean WeekB. Fringe

Questions 14-16

Match the correct event with the 3 places below.

A. Caribbean Week

B. Fringe Festival

C. Festival of Literature

D. Festival of Welsh Culture

E. Highland Games

F. Notting Hill Carnival




听力原文:Speaker: Welcome to this presentation on travel opportunities within theUK. If, l

听力原文: Speaker: Welcome to this presentation on travel opportunities within the

UK. If, like most international students, you want to take some time to travel

around the UK while you are here, there is a lot to see and explore, such as

the capital cities of London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast; other major cities, Q11

such as Birmingham and Manchester; historic cities, such as Oxford,

Cambridge, York, and Bath; famous natural sites, such as the white cliffs of

Dover in England, the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland, Loch Ness in

Scotland and the mountainous scenery in Wales, Scotland, and England's

Lake District and Peak District. There are also hundreds of miles of coastal

paths all around the UK, as well as hundreds of national parks, historical Q12

sites, stately homes and other attractions. Q13

There are also numerous special events and seasonal attractions that

are well worth a visit. In February, for example, look for Chinese New Year

celebrations in London and other cities with large Chinese communities. If

you are thinking of going walking in the Welsh border area, go in late May

or early June and you can also take in the Hay-on-Wye Festival of Literatrue. Q14

Travel to London on the August Bank Holiday to join in the revelry Q15

at the Notting Hill Carnival, a celebration of Caribbean culture. Or head in

the opposite direction, to Edinburgh, in August or September to experience

the superb musical and theatrical performances of the renowned Edinburgh Q16

Festival—and the cutting-edge comedy of the Fringe Festival. Then carry on

up to Braemar in early September to watch the Highland Games: displays of

Scottish Highland dancing and bagpipe-playing together with some very un-

usual and strenuous athletic events.

For further information about the wealth of sights awaiting you in the

UK, search on the Internet, especially www. visitbritain.com, or consult the

travel guides that are available in the library. Also, check with the students'

union to see whether there are any special trips being organised. There is also

a Tourist Information Centre in this city. The address is 13 Wardrock Place. Q17

Now, a few words about getting around. Because the UK is relatively

compact, the national railway network, national coach network and local bus

services link most locations. In addition to the usual range of ticket options, a

variety of special travel passes are available. These can be economical if you

want to do quite a lot of travel within a limited time period—for example,

unlimited coach travel in Wales over an eight-day period. For further information,

see the websites and contact details given on page 5 of the notes you Q18

received as you came in. A word of advice: hitchhiking is legal in the UK, Q19

but it is a risky way to travel and we recommend you avoid it. If you must

hitchhike, then never hitchhike alone—take a friend with you. As a precaution,

leave details of your destination and itinerary with a friend or someone

at your institution.

Now, let's turn to travel accommodation. The following are all fairly

inexpensive places to stay when you are travelling around the UK. First,

there are youth hostels. They are good value for money, although the facilities

can be fairly basic and you usually have to share a room with several

other people. Second, it's worth bearing in mind that university and college

halls of residence rooms are often available to tourists



Mike says you should ______ your selections if you buy configure-to-order.



听力原文:Tutor: So, you have all told me that you have been having difficulties with takin

g part in seminar discussions. I've invited you here to see if we can come up with some suggestions and solutions. Some- times talking about these things can be helpful. Mika, you said that you think speaking and listening abilities are related.

Mika: Yes, it was really difficult because basically I ... I wasn't good at listening during discussions. You know, you need to understand what is going on so if you miss some things that people say it's very difficult to catch up with the topic. Also, when the tutor asked me a question sometimes I couldn't understand the question and I was answering by making a guess about what he was asking. Usually, the result was that he said something like 'I think you didn't understand my question', which was quite embarrassing for me.

Tutor: Martina, have you personally had many difficulties taking part in discussions?

Martina: Oh, yes. Definitely. Especially at the very beginning of the course. In terms of speaking, I think I feel that the students, when they talk in class, there is no end to the conversation. They sometimes talk continuously regardless of whether you raise a hand. However, they will usually stop and let you speak if you just interrupt someone. At the beginning I think I was trying to adapt to this kind of environment or classroom chemistry. It was also difficult because of my language ability. At the beginning, students, especially native speaker students, well, their English is, well I don't need to comment about their English, but the speed and the fluency of their English made interaction or intervention, ... I mean interruption, very difficult for students like me, like us, non-native speakers. One thing I learnt to try and do is to think and try to anticipate where the discussion might go, so that when, for example, they talk about something, you know, like, ... when they talk about for example how children think, I can get some ideas in my mind and then I can join in. Before, by the time I had collected all my thoughts and was ready to join in, the discussion had moved on. So, basically, I think it requires you to think quickly and think ahead if you want to join in.

Tutor: Michal, have you done anything to try and improve and to participate in such discussions?

Michal: I think I have. For example, now, I have more discussions with my classmates outside the classroom and talk with them about some of the questions raised in the seminars. If you ask tutors about your concerns, they listen to you very carefully and they pay attention to the issue in future seminars. They also try to, how do you say it in English? ... catch your eye and see if you are ready to make a comment. If you are, they interrupt the native speakers and ... what's the other idiom? ... give you the floor. That's it. Tutors are very good at accommodating all people in the room, but you have to let them know you want to speak. Eye contact and body language can be useful.

Tutor: Martina, with regards to speaking in discussions what advice would you give to another student coming to study in England?

Martina: Be polite when you discuss something or argue something. Don't be aggressive. Just be polite and argue in a polite way and if you say something wrong, just admit it. English students don't mind if you make a mistake, and you should admit it and then continue the argument or discussion. If I have really good idea or previous knowledge about the subject under discussion, my view is respect- ed, but if I don't have anything to say about the topic, that's not good, so I advise the students from overseas to be prepared and to be polite. It's a good chance for you to talk and share. Take it.

Tutor: Mika, what advice would you give to international students about how to prepare for discussion activities?

Mika: If you ... if you want to improve your English abilities it takes some time. You must be



Michal points out that non-native speaker students can use ______ and body language to ind

icate when they are ready to add to a discussion.



Before leaving, the speaker and his family got information from the Internet and a ______.



Questions 29-30Circle TWO letters A-F.Which TWO reasons are given for the low popularity o

Questions 29-30

Circle TWO letters A-F.

Which TWO reasons are given for the low popularity of public transport?

A——buses slower than cars

B——low use means reduced service

C——private cars safer

D——public transport expensive

E——frequent stopping inconvenient

F——making connections takes time




What 2 methods can an alumni association use to keep you up-to-date?

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