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From sacred cow to white elephant is a short jump. Wind power, once seen as the eco-friend

ly cure-all for Britain's energy problems, is attracting unprecedented criticism. The latest campaign, which unites veteran greens and the opposition Tories, opposes a proposed installation of 27 wind turbines next to Romney Marsh in Kent, a noted bird sanctuary and beauty spot. Hundreds more are planned elsewhere—many in beautiful bits of the countryside where some of Britain's richest people happen to live. A bunch of media-savvy local organisations is now lobbying hard to stop them.

The government remains unmoved. It calls wind power "the most proven green source of electricity generation" and cites Denmark as a role model. Renewables (mostly wind) account for 20% of electrical generation capacity there. Renewable energy is needed both to cut CO2 emissions, promised under the Kyoto treaty, and to reach the government's own target of generating 10% of British electricity from renewable sources by 2010. The cost of this to the taxpayer is likely to be £1 billion a year by 2020.

But as well as Tories, toffs and country-lovers, many others think that wind power is seriously flawed. The first big problem is that it is too expensive. Although the British Wind Energy Association puts the cost of electricity from onshore wind farms at 2.5p per kilowatt-hour, only slightly more costly than other power sources, the Royal Academy of Engineering claims that on a more realistic view of construction costs it is much dearer (more expensive): 3.7p when generated onshore and 5.5p offshore.

The government has tried to bridge this gap with tradable certificates. The wind-gatherers gain one of these for each megawatt-hour they generate. Power distribution companies then buy them as an alternative to paying the fines levied for failing to buy a set proportion (currently 4.9%) of renewable energy annually. But a recent House of Lords report noted a big snag: the nearer the industry gets to meeting the government's targets, the less the value of the certificates; once the target is passed, their worth falls abruptly to zero.

So the certificates, which will cost consumers a cool £ 500m this year and will be even more expensive next year, cap the supply of renewable energy instead of encouraging it. In effect, firms will buy only the minimum amount of renewable energy necessary to comply with the law.

Then there are the engineering problems. Too light a breeze means no power; too strong a gale and the turbines shut down to prevent damage. Even the wind-lovers expect that the farms will manage only 30% of their full capacity on average. Worse, that output can fluctuate rapidly—by up to 20% of the total national wind capacity in the space of a single hour, according to Hugh Sherman, an energy consultant, who has studied Denmark's wind industry. Furthermore, in a typical year like 2002, he says, there were 54 days when the air was so still that virtually no wind power was generated at all.

But whereas Denmark can import power from Norway and Germany to keep the lights on during calm periods, Britain's power grid is not set up for imports. So conventional coal-, oil- or gas-fired power stations would have to be kept running, ready to take up the load. That sharply raises the real cost of wind energy and means extra CO2 emissions.

Ministers may be right when they argue that wind power is the only renewable energy source that has even a theoretical chance of meeting the government's targets. Given the costs and technical uncertainties, perhaps it would be better to abandon those targets altogether.

Explain the statement "from sacred cow to white elephant is a short jump". (Para. 1)

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European countries are buffeted by two global forces: One is climate change. The other is

demography. Both prevalent pressures silently transform. societies and the assumptions of public policy.

The two have a lot in common. Both are easily recognized but less easily understood. Both are products of complex forces and unobtrusive influences. Both create huge effects from minuscule changes. A rise in global temperature by one degree or a fall in fertility by one point may sound trivial but, over 100 years, will make the earth unbearably hot, or reshape the size and composition of societies.

Yet though every rich country has a climate-change policy, few have a population one (there are historical reasons for that). And just as everyone whinges about the weather, but does nothing about it, so everyone in Europe complains, but does nothing, about population.

Received opinion holds that "demography is destiny" and that Europe is doomed by its death-spiral population numbers. American observers argue that Europe is fast becoming a barren, ageing, enfeebled place. Vast numbers of old people, they reckon, will be looked after, or neglected, by too few economically active adults, supplemented by restless crowds of migrants. The combination of low fertility, longer life and mass immigration will put intolerable pressure on public health, pensions and social services, probably leading to upheaval.



听力原文: The World Health Organization today accused the tobacco industry of continuing t

o use misleading labels such as light, clean, fresh, cool or mild in order to encourage millions of people to take up the deadly habit of smoking each year. The theme of this year's World No Tobacco Day, "Tobacco: deadly in any form. or disguise", calls attention to the tobacco industry's lies and to the existence of a great variety of deadly tobacco products. The purpose of World No Tobacco Day is to remove the deceit and unveil the truth behind tobacco products. Tobacco products are deadly in any form, whether it be cigarettes, pipes, chewing tobacco. WHO emphasized that the industry's use of misleading descriptors and manufacturing methods do not make tobacco products safer.




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curity and employee benefits.




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On Nov. 21, power company executives from all over the country gathered in the Pit, a spac

ious General Electric auditorium in Crotonville, N. Y. , to meet with GE CEO Jeffrey R. Immelt and his team. The day was overcast and cold, but the discussion was about the warming climate. At one point in the meeting, David J. Slump, GE Energy's chief marketing executive, asked for an informal vote. How many of the 30 or so utility and GE business executives thought that, once President George W. Bush was no longer in office, the U. S. would impose mandatory curbs on the emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases linked to global warming? Four out of five of them agreed. "Forget the science debate," says Cinergy Corp. CEO James E. Rogers, who was at the meeting. "The regulations will change someday. And if we're not ready, we're in trouble."

The world is changing faster than anyone expected. Not only is the earth warming, bringing more intense storms and causing Arctic ice to vanish, but the political and policy landscape is being transformed even more dramatically. Already, certain industries are facing mandatory limits emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in some of the 129 countries that have signed the Kyoto Protocol. This month representatives of those nations are gathering in Montreal to develop post-Kyoto plans. Meanwhile, U. S. cities and states are rushing to impose their own regulations.

A surprising number of companies in old industries such as oil and materials as well as high tech are preparing for this profoundly altered world. They are moving swiftly to measure and slash their greenhouse gas emissions. And they are doing it despite the Bush Administration's opposition to mandatory curbs.

This change isn't being driven by any sudden boardroom conversion to environmentalism. It's all about hard-nosed business calculations. "If we stonewall this thing to five years out, all of a sudden the cost to us and ultimately to our consumers can be gigantic," warns Rogers, who will manage 20 coal-fired power plants if Cinergy's pending merger with Duke Energy is completed next year.

One new twist in the whole discussion of global warming is the arrival of a corps of sharp penciled financiers. Bankers, insurers, and institutional investors have begun to tally the trillions of dollars in financial risks that climate change poses. They are now demanding that companies in which they hold stakes (or insure) add up risks related to climate change and alter their business plans accordingly. For utilities like Cinergy that could mean switching billions in planned investments from the usual coal-fired power plants to new, cleaner facilities.

The pressure is forcing more players to wrestle with environmental risks, even if the coming regulations aren't right around the corner. As the debate over climate change shifts from scientific data t6 business-speak such as "efficiency investment" and "material risk," CEOs are suddenly understanding why climate change is important. "It doesn't matter whether carbon emission reductions are mandated or not," explains David Struhs, vice-president of environmental affairs at International Paper Co. "Everything we' re doing makes sense to our shareholders and to our board, regardless of what direction the government takes." The nation's biggest paper company, with $25.5 billion in sales, IP has upped its use of wood waste to 20% of its fuel mix, from 13% in 2002. That's cut both net CO2 output and energy costs.

What was the conclusion of the meeting of power company executives on Nov. 21?



Introduce briefly the development of RFID and its possible prospects.



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When philanthropist Jeffrey Brewer heard the founder of Appro TEC speak in San Francisco r

ecently, he was intrigued by the nonprofit's high-tech efforts to fight poverty and create jobs in Africa. But he wanted to learn more before shelling out money, so he scheduled a meeting with the founder. "I wasn't sure it was as good as it sounded," says Brewer, who lives in New York. Six months later, he boarded a plane for Kenya—at ApproTEC's behest—to check out their programs in person. "It turned out to be better."

Forget slide shows or annual reports. Charitable organizations are finding that field visits are far more effective marketing tools for deep-pocket donors looking for new experiences. The invitation—only travel programs allow donors, who typically don't mind paying their own way, to see firsthand what their money can accomplish. Such field trips—whether to AIDS orphanages in China, famine-relief programs in Sudan or earthquake-proof building sites in Indonesia—almost always result in increased awareness and bigger checks. Some donors become more active in the aid organization—Brewer now chairs ApproTEC's boardd—or throw fund-raising parties. "Lifetime passionate supporters means first they fall in love with the people and places that they meet," says Sherry Villanueva, Who started organizing trips two years ago as a board member of Direct Relief International, which supplies medical and financial aid to locally run health programs. "We're not sitting around on a fancy deck somewhere with waiters in white gloves."

Indeed, donor trips tend to mix fun with the fund-raising. Miracle Comers of the World, which provides small-business training and housing for young adults in Tanzania, will host its first donor trip in August, with a safari in addition to the ribbon—cutting ceremony at its new housing project. Last month, the London-based International Childcare Trust cycled 300 kilometers in southern India to raise money for children orphaned by the tsunami. The Philanthropy Workshop, a program cosponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation that acts as a boot camp for new donors, recently sent 14 participants to Uganda for a week to look at innovative school reform. for girls and sustainable farming—as well as some gorillas in the bush.

While some critics argue that charities should focus on honing their mission statements instead of organizing adventure trips, others say only a field visit can change a donor's view of the world. "I had a lot of ideas of how to fix Africa before I went over—and all of them were wrong," says Brewer. "I felt very humbled." Roderic Mast, the founder of Conservation International's donor travel program, CI-Sojourns, which enables top supporters to investigate endangered ecosystems around the globe, says he owes the rise in million-dollar-plus contributions to the growing popularity of his nature trips, up from three in 2000 to 13 this year. On one recent trip, Mast recalls how he left a donor and his wife on a beach in Michoacan, Mexico, at night to watch a nesting sea turtle. At breakfast the next morning, they marveled over how the mother gently covered her eggs and then spread sand over a wide area to obscure their location. "The experience was so moving, he cried," says Mast, a marine biologist, of the donor. "No amount of direct mail is ever going to achieve that."

What does the author want to tell us from the example of Jeffrey Brewer, the philanthropist?



A future of temporary networks would seem to run counter to the wave of mergers sweeping t

he global economy. The headlines of the business press tell the story, "Compaq buys Digital"; "WorldCom buys MC1"; "Citibank merges with Travelers"; "Daimler-Benz acquires Chrysler" Yet when we look beneath the surface of all merger and acquisition activity, we see signs of a counter-phenomenon: the disintegration of the large corporation.

Twenty-five years ago, one in five US workers was employed by a Fortune 500 company. Today, the ratio has dropped to less than one in 10. Large companies are far less vertically integrated than they were in the past and rely more and more on outside suppliers to produce components and provide services. While big companies control ever larger flows of cash, they are exerting less and less direct control over actual business activity. They are, you might say, growing hollow.

Even within large corporations, decisions are increasingly being pushed to lower levels. Workers are rewarded not for efficiently carrying out orders but for figuring out what needs to be done and doing it. Many large industrial companies have broken themselves up into numerous independent units that transact business with one another almost as if they were separate companies.

What underlies this trend? The answers lie in the basic economics of organizations. Business organizations are, in essence, mechanisms for co-ordination. They exist to guide the flow of work, materials, ideas and money, and the form. they take is strongly affected by the co-ordination technologies available. When it is cheaper to conduct transactions internally, within the bounds of a corporation, organizations grow larger, but when it is cheaper to conduct them externally, with independent entities in the open market, organizations stay small or shrink.

The co-ordination technologies of the industrial era—the train and the telegraph, the car and the telephone, the mainframe. computer and the fax machine—made internal transactions not only possible but advantageous. Companies were able to manage large organizations centrally, which provided them with economies of scale in manufacturing, marketing, distribution and other activities. It made economic sense to control many different functions and businesses directly and to hire the legions of administrators and supervisors needed to manage them. Big was good.

But with the introduction of powerful personal computers and broad electronic networks— the coordination technologies of the 21st century—the economic equation changes. Because information can be shared instantly and inexpensively among many people in many locations, the value of centralized decision-making and bureaucracy decreases. Individuals can manage themselves, co-ordinating their efforts through electronic links with other independent parties. Small becomes good.

In one sense, the new co-ordination technologies enable us to return to the pre-industrial organizational model of small, autonomous businesses. But there is one crucial difference: electronic networks enable these microbusinesses to tap into the global reservoirs of information, expertise and financing that used to be available only to large companies. The small companies enjoy many of the benefits of the big without sacrificing the leanness, flexibility and creativity of the small.

In the future, as communications technologies advance and networks become more efficient, the shift to e-lancing promises to accelerate. Should this happen, the dominant business organization of the future may not be a stable, permanent corporation but rather an elastic network that might sometimes exist for no more than a day or two. We will enter the age of the temporary company.

Why does the author say "the big companies are growing hollow" ?



According to the author, what are the "split messages" sent by the academia and corporatio

ns? (para. 5)

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