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SECTION 2Optional Translation(20 points) 今年三月,中国杂技芭蕾舞《天鹅湖》开始了为期一年的国

SECTION 2 Optional Translation (20 points)




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SECTION 1Compulsory Translation(20 points)自20世纪90年代以来,中国政府积极探索借鉴国际反贫

SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points)


在扶贫领域,世界银行与中国的合作最早,投入规模最大。世界银行与中国目前已经开展的西南、秦巴、西部三期扶贫贷款项目,援助总规模达6.1亿美元,覆盖九个省区;91个贫困县、800多万贫困人口。其中中国西南世界银行贷款项目于1995年 7月开始在云南、贵州、广西三省(区)最贫困的35个国家级贫困县实施。项目总投资42.3亿元,其中利用世行贷款2.475亿美元,国内相应的配套资金为21.8亿元。项目建设主要包括大农业、基础设施建设、第二、三产业开发、劳务输出、教育卫生和贫困监测等方面。项目建成后将使项目区350万贫困人口稳定解决温饱问题。这一项目是中国第一个跨省区、跨行业、综合性的扶贫开发项目,也是迄今为止利用外资规模最大的扶贫项目。目前项目进展顺利,并已进入收尾阶段。



SECTION 1Compulsory Translation(20 points) 中国等发展中国家向美国提了大量价廉物美的商品,是

SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points)

中国等发展中国家向美国提了大量价廉物美的商品,是美国传统制造业腾出财 力物力用于发展高新技术。这加快了美国工业的升级换代,推进了美国产业结构的优化,使美国及时摆脱传统工业的束缚,保持了它在世界经济中的领先地位。因此,中国的出口不会威胁美国的经济。





SECTION 2Optional Translation(30 points)Eurasians: The New Face of AsiaFusion is in, not o

SECTION 2 Optional Translation (30 points)

Eurasians: The New Face of Asia

Fusion is in, not only as an abstract fashion concept, but in that most grounded of realities: mixed-blood people who walk, talk, and produce even more multiracial progeny. Most strange of all, these hybrids are finding themselves hailed as role models for vast masses in Asia with no mixed blood at all. "When I think of Asia, I don't necessarily think of people who look like me," says Declan Wong, a Chinese-Dutch-American actor and producer, "But somehow we've become the face that sells the new Asia."

So maybe Asia's Eurasian craze is driven by the theories of that whitest of white men, economist Adam Smith. As the world gets smaller, we look for a global marketing mien, a one-size-fits-all face that helps us sell Nokia cell phones and Palmolive shampoo across the world.

"For any business, you can't think locally anymore," says Paul Lau, general manager at Elite Model Management in Hong Kong, who has built up a stable of Eurasians for his internationally minded clients. "At the very least, you need to think regionally. Ideally, you should think globally." A global image helps sell products, even if no one but Filipinos would ever want to buy duck-fetus eggs or Thais the most pungent variety of shrimp paste. Yanto Zainal, president of Macsg09, a boutique ad agency in Jakarta, used all indos for a campaign for the local Matahari department store chain. "The store wanted to promote a more cosmopolitan image," he says. "Indos have an international look can still be accepted as Indonesian."

Channel V, the Asia-wide music television channel, was one of the first to broadcast the message of homogenized hybridism. "We needed a messenger that would fit in from Tokyo to the Middle East." Says Jonnifer Seeto, regional sales marketing manager for the channel, which began beaming its border-busting images in 1994. Star Veejay Asha Gill personifies the global look. When asked what her ethnic heritage is, Gill, a Malaysian citizen, simply shrugs. "Oh, who knows," she says. "I'm half Punjabi, mixed with some English, a little French and dribs and drabs of God knows what else." The 29-year-old speaks crisp British English, fluent Malay, and a smidgen of Punjabi. She grew up in a Kuala Lumpur neighborhood that was mostly Chinese, attended an English-speaking school and was pals with Malay and Indian kids. Gill's Channel V show, broadcast in English, has a strong following in Malaysia, Japan and the United Arab Emirates. "I'm Hitler's worst nightmare," she says. "My ethnicity and profession make me a global person who can't be defined in just one category."











If you have never seen a power plant, you might find it hard to imagine how enormously com

plex the equipment is or how much heat is generated by the boilers or how much coal it takes to fuel the furnaces for just one day.

During the course of a day, the boilers at one of our power plants, Morgantown, for example, can turn 24 million gallons of water into steam. That generating plant alone uses 9,900 tons of coal in its furnaces in just one day. Potomac Electric Power Company (PEPCO) uses so much coal that we have purchased two 80-car unit trains to facilitate the delivery process. And Morgantown alone can produce over 25 million kilowatthours of electricity in a single day's operation.

Electricity is produced by spinning large magnets inside a coil of wire within the generator. The faster we spin the magnets, the higher will be the voltage of the electricity produced. Electricity leaves a PEPCO generator at between 13,800 and 24,000 volts.

The next step in the process occurs when electricity passes through a transformer where the voltage is stepped up to continue on its journey. A transmission wire is like a small diameter pipe. Stepping up the voltage is like increasing water pressure, thus speeding the flow of energy through the system.



The theory of evolution by natural selection was put forward in the 1850s independently by

two men. One was Charles Darwin; the other was Alfred Russel Wallace. Both men had some scientific background, of course, but at heart both men were naturalists. Darwin had been a medical student at Edinburgh University for two years, before his father who was a wealthy doctor proposed that he might become a clergyman and sent him to Cambridge.

Wallace, whose parents were poor and who had left school at 14, had followed courses at Working Men's Institutes in London and Leicester as a surveyor's apprentice and pupil teacher.

The fact is that there are two traditions of explanation that march side by side in the ascent of man. One is the analysis of the physical structure of the world. The other is the study of the processes of life: their delicacy, their diversity, the wavering cycles from life to death in the individual and in the species. And these traditions do not come together until the theory of evolution; because until then there is a paradox which cannot be resolved, which cannot be begun, about life.

The paradox of the life sciences, which makes them different in kind from physical science, is in the detail of nature everywhere. We see it about us in the birds, the trees, the grass, the snails, in every living thing. It is this, the manifestations of life, its expressions, its forms, are so diverse that they must contain a large element of the accidental. And yet the nature of life is so uniform. that it must be constrained by many necessities.

So it is not surprising that biology as we understand it begins with naturalists in the 18th and 19th centuries: observers of the countryside, bird-watchers, clergymen, doctors, gentlemen of leisure in country houses. I am tempted to call them, simply, "gentlemen in Victorian England", because it cannot be an accident that the theory of evolution is conceived twice by two men living at the same time in the same culture — the culture of Queen Victoria in England.













I would like to comment on the relationship between the growth of the world economy and th

e role of macroeconomic policies. Let me begin with a review of the world economy. The world economy has performed much better than many feared a year ago. Current projections are that global growth will reach 4.5% this year, the highest rate of the last five years. Once again the major impetus has come from the United States. But the extremely rapid industrialization of China has also stimulated global growth.

Why has it turned out better than expected? Two broad explanations might be ventured. The first explanation is simply the globalization of market forces. An increasing proportion of economic activity is being governed by the market. In the space of only 15 years, some large command economies have undergone economic reform. and become market economies. All this has unleashed a dynamic for growth that remains very strong, especially in China, India and Russia.

However, the second explanation is not so reassuring. We realize that growth over the past few years has been brought about in no small measure by, very expansionary macroeconomic policies. These have included massive fiscal stimulus in the United States, policy interest rates in the major countries held at or near postwar lows for some time, and an unprecedented amount of foreign exchange intervention by monetary authorities in Asia. Unlike structural reforms, the effects of such policy stimulus are only temporary, and the current stance of policies cannot continue indefinitely.

I think we need to take some effective measures to ensure the stable growth of the world economy. Evidence accumulates that macroeconomic policies will need to be tightened. Without putting what has been achieved at risk, of course. Fiscal policy, monetary policy and exchange rate policy ail need to be considered in this light.

Let me start with the industrial world. The US government budget, which was in surplus to the equivalent of 1% of GDP in 2000, is likely to register a deficit 9f 5% of GDP this year, a deterioration of the US fiscal position without precedent since the Second World War. Japan's general government deficit remains at around 8% of GDP. Deficits in some large economies in the euro area are also disturbing. Therefore, early action to curb such deficits is all the more important.

Although comparatively high unemployment is limiting nominal wage increases and spare capacity in manufacturing worldwide reinforces the competitive pressure on prices, there are signs that inflation is edging higher. Japan is slowly emerging from deflation. The pace of consumer price inflation in China has increased sharply in recent months, and there is evidence that prices are beginning to rise faster in some other Asian economies.

I think positively of recent macroeconomic policies that allow exchange rate to appreciate. The eventual movement in exchange rates could be more abrupt than if a greater degree of flexibility had not been allowed earlier. The expansion in domestic liquidity associated with the foreign exchange intervention policy could ultimately lead to inflation. Markets could become too dependent on the continued intervention, and could then be seriously destabilized by even a hint of a change in policy. My last word of advice is this: The stance of macroeconomic policies cannot remain as expansionary if stability is to be maintained in the medium term. We should avoid the two extremes of either putting the entire burden on exchange rates or not allowing exchange rates to move at all.









进一步加强中马友好合作,符合两国根本利益。扩大中马互利经贸合作将为中马友好注入更多的实质性内容,为两国人民创造更多的福祉。我们愿与马方共同努力,在“平等互利、共同发展”的原则基础上开展多种形式的互利合作,不断开创两国经贸合作的新局面。预祝本次展览洽谈会取 得圆满成功!谢谢。[TONE]∥[TONE]



I see a very clear link here between British science, the development of British universit

ies and the technological revolution. A couple of weeks ago, I had a presentation at Downing Street from some of our leading scientists. It covered fields such as nanotechnology, brain transmitters and the latest in IT. The potential in all cases was immense, for industrial production, medicine and communications. The connection between top quality scientific research and business spin-offs and development was obvious. And in the end, of course, it is business managers or public service reformers that will apply the technology in new ways.

The point I am making is this. Part of winning this IT battle for the future is to create a culture in which the worlds of education, academia, science, technology and business are engaged in a perpetual conversation and exchange of views. A conversation in which we are breaking new ground in scientific and technological advance, in which our schools and universities feel comfortable with its potential; in which business and society are naturally looking for ways of applying the advances made.

There are now 600 million people online. Worldwide 140,000 more people connect to the net every day. In the last three decades the price of a transatlantic phone call has fallen to a small fraction of its original level. In the same period, just as Intel's Gordon Moore predicted, computing power has doubled every eighteen months to two years. A 3G handset, soon to be on sale in every high street in the UK, has around 20,000 times more computing power than the Apollo 11 spacecraft.

Recently, we witnessed an incredible moment when scientists at MIT in the US and UCL in London teamed up to pull off the first transatlantic virtual handshake. Using second-generation Internet technology, they recreated the sense of touch over a 3,000-mile distance — a remarkable development that could have applications for areas as diverse as medicine and design.

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